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March 7Th: Community Hot Topics!


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I can't wait for the Account migration! I want to finaly transfer and play in my ps4. Please fight for itwith all your might!

 Sorry bud an inside source at Sony tells me its highly unlikely at this point. Too many hurdles contractually. I want it just as much as you do. I hate this, all my friends play on PS4 but I already have dumped several hundred dollars supporting this game and hundreds of hours of time to just let go of.

Edited by Atreyuxx7
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Void-only Mods wouldn't be a bad tree to bark up.


The enemy drops are really ho-hum in there, but some really quite decent Void-only mods wouldn't be terrible Wave rewards and such.


Basically, Credits and a handful of resources are really craptacular placeholders.  We go into the Void for stuff we can't get elsewhere, or very easily elsewhere.  That should be what the Void excels at.  We get Credits everywhere.  Wave 5, a pile of credits, that's not so bad.  Wave 10, that's pushing the limits for a lot of players, a pile of credits is disheartening for them.  On endless modes, Defense particularly, it really sucks to have not bailed on a Key or Blueprint piece when the next reward is a chintzy pile of credits, and then gamble on the next 5 waves.


You know what'd be more acceptable?  Things like some Orokin cells. a substantial pile of components, and not limited to the regular Corrupted drops.


Maybe experiment with things like a half-hour Affinity or Credit booster.


Maybe implement that Token system people recommend, maybe on the side, so that you don't have to totally restructure everything else and tear it down for a total token system.


Maybe experiment with a single Platinum at higher waves, 15 and over.  Sure, this game is Free-to-Play, and sure, the game's gotta get paid, but it still should have some mechanic that introduces Platinum into the system on its own.  It'd take dozens of keys and trips to the void to accrue Platinum randomly in the Void, enough to buy much out of the market, but it'd be something.

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Sheldon: We're looking for ways to still get that good shot at getting the prime parts you want. The timing rewards in Defense and Survival could use some work. Absolutely I see it and read it.


But the problem persists for months on end.  While we complain about it, DE continues to dilute the loot tables.  Credit caches were added within a week of DE making one of their "We get it.  We're working on it." routine statements.  DE even goes so far as to make basic uncommon mods into rare drops.  And some mods, don't even drop any more.  I haven't seen a shotgun spazz mod in months and it's codex entry shows no drop for it.  The more DE says that they get it and are working on it, the worse the problem gets.


So, I don't believe DE when DE says that they are going to do anything to lessen grind and unbork the drop tables.  They've had a ton of time to do so and have actively made the problem worse while telling us they're doing the opposite.

Edited by ThePresident777
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But the problem persists for months on end.  While we complain about it, DE continues to dilute the loot tables.  Credit caches were added within a week of DE making one of their "We get it.  We're working on it." routine statements.  DE even goes so far as to make basic uncommon mods into rare drops.  And some mods, don't even drop any more.  I haven't seen a shotgun spazz mod in months and it's codex entry shows no drop for it.  The more DE says that they get it and are working on it, the worse the problem gets.


So, I don't believe DE when DE says that they are going to do anything to lessen grind and unbork the drop tables.  They've had a ton of time to do so and have actively made the problem worse while telling us they're doing the opposite.


Then I guess they should just stop trying then. ThePresident777 has exposed them for the fraud they are. 

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Then I guess they should just stop trying then. ThePresident777 has exposed them for the fraud they are. 

Well he's not wrong about the problem persisting, but I'd say its too late to pull out now. Besides, I like Warframe.

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PS4 Prime Access: Next Update

With the announcement of PS4 Prime Access ending in the coming weeks and the unveiling of Rhino Prime Access on PC, the question has been raised about how it will be refreshed on PS4. The issue with the first PS4 Prime Access was the inability to upgrade packs through the Sony store. We have since then acknowledged this hurdle, and are planning to offer better options for PS4.


The plan as it stands is to offer the Roar pack and the Accessories pack so the value holds up to the unavailable Charge/Stomp pack.  



What? So to get the actual prime access and the accessories, we have to spend nearly as much as a pc player who buys the stomp pack, yet they get like 2000 more platinum? As if it isn't bad enough with the inability to get plat login discount rewards, we have this, now. Please just make it non upgradable and release the packs, or just the stomp pack and the accessory pack. People who want the exclusives can still get the exclusives, and the people who really want the prime gear and plat along with the exclusives, can go for the stomp pack.
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Agree on the shotgun issue... maybe make them the crit machines and up their crit chance and damage bonuses, or something... but there has to be a definite difference between maining a shottie versus a long gun. I am glad that some players can recognize why they fix stuff (accel blast) when it needs to be done. Can you guys take a look at falloff again? Im not sure on the specifics of it, but I would think that engaging a mob in a standard size room should count as full normal damage, anything outside of the standard room would be affected by falloff. Would just make sense based on how the weapon system works.

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I completely agree with you lol.


On another note, I think its unfair to Excalibur(myself included) lovers that they cant even be able to play as the prime version of their frame. I believe DE will be making prime versions of all the frames. Mag Lovers have Mag prime, Frost and Ember Lovers have Frost and Ember Prime, Now Rhino lovers(and alot at that) have Rhino prime and Loki will probably follow soon after that. All players will be getting prime versions of their favorite frame. But all the Excalibur lovers out there will be the only ones left out because Excalibur prime is founder exclusive. 

He looks different. Has no great advantages over basic excal in the amount of time people spend whining about him they could have already formaed thier basic excal to be better then excal prime.

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pls DE when you fight for a migration from pc to ps4 then fight for a migration from ps4 to pc too ! because the frame rate is soooo bad on ps4 ..... and playing with keyboard and mouse is much easyer .... the game is not fair anymore when we can do crossplay .... pls migration from both sides is soooo nice pls !!!!!!

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He looks different. Has no great advantages over basic excal in the amount of time people spend whining about him they could have already formaed thier basic excal to be better then excal prime.

it about how, all excal lovers are being left out, and by your logic that means that all of the other prime frames can be made to be better then there prime counter parts. He looks different just like all the other prime frame. The players who still love excalibur are still being unfairly left out by not being able to have the frame they love playing. That why I agree with the person i quoted from. If they wanted the founder stuff to be exclusive they shouldnt have made the frame they got an exclusive prime frame and make all the other prime frames accessable to the normal players. They should have made a completely different frame that wasnt a prime of a starter frame, not even a prime at all, and they should have only given its codex entry to the people who have it.

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I am very excited about Rhino Prime. Great job DE listening to the players. Also I hope the Migration from PC never happens. PS4 servers already have seen many connection issues. Introducing a bunch of players, before upgrading the servers would be detrimental to the game and will cause more problems than it is worth.


If you add Migration from PC to PS4, then add an option to migrate back to PC. It is only fair.

Other than that I am very happy with update 12 and I have noticed a big improvement in server stability since last week.

Edited by (PS4)PD_33
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What? So to get the actual prime access and the accessories, we have to spend nearly as much as a pc player who buys the stomp pack, yet they get like 2000 more platinum? As if it isn't bad enough with the inability to get plat login discount rewards, we have this, now. Please just make it non upgradable and release the packs, or just the stomp pack and the accessory pack. People who want the exclusives can still get the exclusives, and the people who really want the prime gear and plat along with the exclusives, can go for the stomp pack.

This...  100%   We would save $10 and loose 1675 plat...   this is not exceptable to me.

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You guys need to understand when Excalibur prime was release there was no such thing as "Primes" as we know them. It was just a "founders skin" to show off that we supported the game. They had no idea the idea was going to be so popular and people wanted more of these "prime's" and then they wanted LORE for the primes. It all snowballed into something it wasn't originally supposed to be. It was only intended to be a skin to show off our founder status...that's it. So when you complain that "DE left you out"...well no they didn't this wasn't supposed to end up like this. There are 100's of games that do special skins or items for founders of the games. I never once see people complaining on the other sites...DE can't predict the future and I'm sure they are also trying to work something out in some fashion to keep everybody happy. So relax and chop up some Grineer to pass the time.

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Put Excalibur prime in a other founders or something new in the future all Warframes should be in the game to get i have to go to my codex to see Excalibur prime its sad and makes me upset every time i play the game i only play with Excalibur thats all i like sucks playing with Excalibur when you could be playing with Excalibur prime.

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Put Excalibur prime in a other founders or something new in the future all Warframes should be in the game to get i have to go to my codex to see Excalibur prime its sad and makes me upset every time i play the game i only play with Excalibur thats all i like sucks playing with Excalibur when you could be playing with Excalibur prime.

I know what you mean, I have all the frames(save for Rhino prime and excal Prime) all lvl 30 and it make me soo sad that whenever I look at my frame Codex, Excalibur Prime is just sitting there no gold star just sitting there at the very bottom of my list. and what makes it even more sad is that I play Excalibur 95% of the time I play the game.

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I'm missing out on why the Excal Prime is such a big deal. It was for a special thing/event.


Limited time offer or special event items means just that, if you weren't there to get it, you can't get it.


How is that unfair or some sort of grave injustice?

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Also I also like to say Update 12, was a good update. I just hope that DE keeps their word amd gives PS4 players what they want. I know we been through a lot of crashes. Not something one is used to when buying a brand new console, so hopefully you guys can redeem yourselves somehow by offering people who created their Warframe PS4 accounts in 2013, some type of badge or warframe skin. Something nice to make look the other way and not to complain a ton like we have in these past few weeks.

Edited by (PS4)PD_33
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This...  100%   We would save $10 and loose 1675 plat...   this is not exceptable to me.

This. They could do like every other game on Playstation does - offer 2 pieces of DLC together, or apart. So stomp pack with option to buy exclusives only and non-exclusives only. It doesn't have to be exact same as PC offer.

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