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Melee 2.0: Shiny, But Useless Toy.


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Here's my two cents:


I'll begin by saying that, in my opinion, melee was never meant to be a full replacement for gunplay, but rather, a supplement.  In this respect, DE is definitely making several steps in the right direction.  I enjoy games that allow for variety in play styles.  In this respect, Melee 2.0 is exactly what the doctor ordered.  


I, for one, am going to thoroughly enjoy slide jumping into a group of several unsuspecting victims, down attacking one, and immediately deviating my attention to another with a flurry of stun-locking quick hits while everyone's still getting their bearings,  Not to mention, ending with a finisher that, depending on weapon choice, will do an expanse of damage to surrounding enemies and inflict some additional knockdown/reeling effects as well.  (Phew!)    


Sure, I might have Penta'd the lot of them, but with the proper scaling, melee might provide a "viable" and entertaining alternative to just the plain and boring repetition of popping off successive grenades.  And I use quotes because "viable" is just the buzzword generally used to describe Melee 2.0 in the first place.  


Plus, with all the approach attacks, combo potential, specialized mod attacks, counter kills, and mobility Warframes, it would be harder for your enemies to land a hit as your attacks (possibly) could be more erratic,  I, for one, am looking forward to experimenting with Zephyr's turbulence and mobility powers, or Loki's under-appreciated Radial Disarm as I chain combo hits for increasingly lethal damage with a speedy weapon I would have otherwise ignored.  With proper scaling, some of these mechanics could even work end-game.  So, can we at least try to experiment a little with various builds before we pass judgment on a system that hasn't yet been released?


Yes, this game needs quite a few changes for true balance.  Ammo cap reductions for explosive weapons, accuracy tweaks for rapid fire weapons, the possibilities are endless.  Heck, the Penta could introduce a charging mechanic to change your shot's arc, but I won't get into gunplay mechanics here.  


Point is, DE will always be working on tweaking the system to attempt balance but with the expanse of weapons at our disposal, that's a long term job with an undefined completion date.  Plus, with each buff and tweak come nasty drawbacks, which also must be fixed at some point.  I can appreciate that DE has been trying to split their focus between the endless balancing act and introducing new, exciting mechanics.  What's wrong with that?


I'm going to say this in as kind of a manner as possible, given the circumstances.  You might very well be deranged in the head if you think QTEs will add anything REMOTELY beneficial to a game like this.  No.  Just no.  Absolutely not.  I feel I don't even need to explain myself, here.


Here's my TLDR summary:


Melee 2.0, above all things, sounds like a lot of fun.  By introducing impact animations, chain combo attack boosts, and impressive finishers/approach attacks, it sounds like DE is well on their way to implementing their proposed "viable" approach to melee.  Yes, Warframe as a whole needs plenty of balancing tweaks, but can we just back off our obsession with tier ranking "master race" weapons for a moment to let DE work on something legitimately cool?  That is all I have to say.  


Party on, Tenno.

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i like to think that the problems with melee 2.0 are so obvious that DE is taking all this time to fix everything we can foresee to be an issue.


my guess is you can "own" an enemy when doing the combos, because i can already sense a nova behind my blowing everything before my Valkyr can land a hit.


also i hope frames in melee mode can "teleport" or move really fast beetwen objectives, to make melee a real option before guns.



lets see what happens, all of us can sense the poblems that melee 2.0 will create, lets hope DE saw them too, and the new system arrives only with a few bugs and not being a complete disaster.

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DMC don't have any viable ranged weapon, but have stricted battle arenas and mostly melee enemies. It's pure s-s-stylish shalsher.


yeah because warframe isn't about killing thousands of degenerated human clones with style. It's a realistic, ARMA like shooter game.



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Remember the first trailer when Excalibur blocked Vor's Orokin Key Death Ray with his Skana, and then did his cool slide attack where Vor was cut in half?


I wanna be able to do that.


the last time i fighted Vor (a long time ago), the guy was splitted in two by the end of the fight, did that change?


also you can do that against regular enemies with based slash melee weapon, now (please correct me if i am wrong)

Edited by omega_phoenix
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I'm fine with making melee more viable since most light melee weapon become worthless after a while in def and survival, but lets not do QTE. QTE simply takes too long in a survival and defense game, you risk wasting precious time just to kill a single foe while his friend rushes to kill your friends or objective. The reduction of ammo capacity is also too radical, make melee fun, but don't trade ranged play for it. Beside, we haven't tried melee 2.0 yet so let us wait as see how it works out.

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IMO melee as a Tenno is only viable when the game become more realistic.

What I mean is, instead of ppl running around with 500+ rockets or bullets on them DE move it back down to a reasonable 1-3 clip per gun then ppl will consider using blade to save bullets.

I know a lot of us like their guns (me included) but like some poster before me said: why melee when you can orgis/penta/soma everything to death.

Seriously, I NEVER run out of rockets for my orgis EVER!

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IMO melee as a Tenno is only viable when the game become more realistic.

What I mean is, instead of ppl running around with 500+ rockets or bullets on them DE move it back down to a reasonable 1-3 clip per gun then ppl will consider using blade to save bullets.

I know a lot of us like their guns (me included) but like some poster before me said: why melee when you can orgis/penta/soma everything to death.

Seriously, I NEVER run out of rockets for my orgis EVER!

Who cares. Use the blade. Deal with it. All the devs can do is make blades more viable, but until then people who want use their blade shall use it without being forced to and the devs should continue to make blades more viable for people like you.

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Lovely.  Another "This thing is stupid" thread before the "thing" is even released


My 2 cents:


Give the damn thing a chance before you assume it won't work.  The idea of it is to make melee as useful as gunplay.  You're acting like its just a visual upgrade to melee.  At this point it is a lot more.


Warframe is a game based around "choice of evolution/progression" as it stands.  Players are able to choose their playstyle.  The idea of melee 2.0 is the make a new choice of playstyle as viable as another.  Nerfing the other should not be the answer to leveling the playing field.

Edited by Rennagade
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Fine Keep complaining and don't use melee 2.0 when it come out . i'll be kicking grineer in the face with a scythe like a boss

Or bashing some head with rhino


You engaging Napalm 40 lvl. He's knocked you down with unavoidable AOE and finish fight with one-two shots.

I say shame on you for charging one of the toughest enemies in the game with melee.

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Melee right now is viable, you just need either Gallatine, Jat, Orthos .P, Fang .P, or ... that other .P sword....


If you put on all damage ups for your attacks, (charge or light) then use them on Ash or Loki, then you can do some good damage. Its not a good system at all, but its possible to make Melee as good as guns.



Melee 2.0: Is going to make all melee as good as guns, or most of them, and make Melee fun to use, and not gimmicky and hard to control.

Edited by Feallike
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melee 2.0 is going to suck for alot of people for one simple reason:


some people on these forums are overhyping it like crazy, making other people think that this is going to be one hell of a change to the game while in reality it's going to be a gimmick, because, no matter what they come up with, guns will still have the advantage of range.

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Yah, every one will use guns.

You would have to nerf mods on guns, and making the only way to gain energy through using melee weapons would give reason to using them as well I suppose...

Either way its a fancy gimmick to make new players feel cool.

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