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March 14Th: Community Hot Topics!


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Rhino Prime being faster goes super against what you guys said you wanted to do before. That and the vanguard helmet making him a Tank that moves at the speed (or faster) then Loki is kind of absurd. If you want to do that, whatever, but why not do it to the others? Why leave the others like that? Hell why even do it that way at all? Why not make Rhino prime have more move speed but less shields or something to compensate?

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Event Difficulty

As we’ve stated before, balancing difficulty and solo-playability is an on-going process in regards to Events. Tethra’s Doom was the first to have an added ‘hard-mode’ for players that craved that little extra difficulty, but to some it wasn’t hard enough! Introducing a hard-mode with a small reward that wouldn’t cause an uproar(like the Quantum badge) could be a potential recurring plan. 
Boosters as Consumables
Players have pointed out Boosters shouldn’t activate right when you obtain them, but rather when you’re online. So why not change this you ask? Ultimately, as a self-published free-to-play game, our lifeblood is our players, and boosters are an incentive to stick around. The idea of Boosters as consumables that you can activate at your discretion or Boosters that only take effect when you’re online have potential, but active players play a huge role in Warframe’s success. 
Rhino vs Rhino Prime
It’s true, Rhino Prime is slightly faster than Rhino. The topic of ‘Primes needing something better than their counterparts’ sparked the decision to implement this idea. The Prime vs. original frames and potential obsolescence is a discussion that always occurs with Primes, new and old, but the Prime version of gear is rarely the starting gear of players - they are goals to work toward. 
Weapon Balance
Weapons appear in many different forms - from event weapons, to Prime weapons, they all serve a role and must fit within the balance. Initial reactions on the Gorgon Wraith is that it ‘wasn’t worth it’, but it’s important for us to introduce all weapons within balance.  The idea of Prime/Dual variants being more challenging to use is interesting in concept, but not an overnight change that can be done. We want all weapons to be viable whether they have a Prime/Dual variant or not, and further discussion needs to be had. 

In order:


Events: Players, including myself, have suggested all sorts of events/lore/story/quest ideas. The players are talking, I would hope you all are doing more than giving them a cursory glance. There have been MANY good ideas for events/lore/story/quests MANY.


Boosters: Unless those same players are paying money every time they log in, I'm not seeing how it makes a difference for EVENT rewards to be used/consumed only when they are in game. We already have daily log in rewards, and, some players do have real lives outside of Warframe. There "penalty" is already missing the daily rewards, why not let them use the event rewards only when they are actually in game?


Primes: I've yet to see a Prime Warframe I won't bad enough to go through the ridiculous system you have set up to acquire them. The only Prime weapon I have is the Paris Prime, I've given up on wanting the Boltor Prime because I lack the resources to farm for the parts in the various Void areas. And sitting and waiting in the recruitment queue is tedious beyond belief.


Weapon Balance; I am VERY happy with my Gorgon Wraith, thank you very much! Not sure why players are complaining. No one is forcing anyone to use it. It was very worth the minimal time and effort to achieve it. Getting weapons or other things via events is something I'd be very happy to see happen more often, as I, and others, have already suggested.

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Event Difficulty
As we’ve stated before, balancing difficulty and solo-playability is an on-going process in regards to Events. Tethra’s Doom was the first to have an added ‘hard-mode’ for players that craved that little extra difficulty, but to some it wasn’t hard enough! Introducing a hard-mode with a small reward that wouldn’t cause an uproar(like the Quantum badge) could be a potential recurring plan. 


Arid Fear had three stages that got more difficult as it went along.

Anyway, forget solo players, these are events, something big, something major, everyone should be coming together at this points. Dont mess up a whole event trying to cover all. If you want to appease solo folks then have solo parts to the events that have their own scoring and prizes.


Rhino vs Rhino Prime
It’s true, Rhino Prime is slightly faster than Rhino. The topic of ‘Primes needing something better than their counterparts’ sparked the decision to implement this idea. The Prime vs. original frames and potential obsolescence is a discussion that always occurs with Primes, new and old, but the Prime version of gear is rarely the starting gear of players - they are goals to work toward. 
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Rhino vs Rhino Prime

It’s true, Rhino Prime is slightly faster than Rhino. The topic of ‘Primes needing something better than their counterparts’ sparked the decision to implement this idea. The Prime vs. original frames and potential obsolescence is a discussion that always occurs with Primes, new and old, but the Prime version of gear is rarely the starting gear of players - they are goals to work toward. 
Weapon Balance
Weapons appear in many different forms - from event weapons, to Prime weapons, they all serve a role and must fit within the balance. Initial reactions on the Gorgon Wraith is that it ‘wasn’t worth it’, but it’s important for us to introduce all weapons within balance.  The idea of Prime/Dual variants being more challenging to use is interesting in concept, but not an overnight change that can be done. We want all weapons to be viable whether they have a Prime/Dual variant or not, and further discussion needs to be had. 
Melee 2.0 Mods
With the addition of new Mods being introduced with Melee 2.0, it raises the question ‘Where will these new Mods go?’ . When Melee 2.0 is introduced these new Mods will be placed on enemies similar to current Mods, with the help of The Codex to determine their drops for the time being. When new mechanics are introduced like Badlands and Proxy War it will open up opportunities for these Mods to be placed.


Rhino vs Rhino Prime

So, you want Primes to have a tiny advantage over the original? Ok, sounds fine I guess. Such as having the energy from trap boxes in the Void and having an additional polarity (except on Ember Prime, because you guys just can't go one day without doing something inconsistent), that was good enough of a difference for me.

Oh wait, now you give Rhino Prime a bit more substantial passive (the speed boost), while leaving the old Primes not within the new ruleset of "Primes are better than originals"? Alright, time to update the inconsistency thread with a bunch of new stuff I've been saving to add... *sigh*


Weapon Balance

* Yet you decided to nerf all the Lato pistols to uselessness...

* Yet you have insanely strong numerical values on weapons such as Soma and Boltor Prime...

* Yet you keep powerful aoe-weapons such as the Penta and Ogris using Rifle ammo, while Miter (the arguably weakest of the Launchers) uses Sniper ammo...

* Yet you add the Corrupted mods, mods that have positives and negatives for the sake of balance, but forget to tweak Warframes abilities to be affected by all power adjusters (strength/range/duration) somehow, thus overpowering certain frames more than others...

* Yet you kept the new (and inconsistent) formula for Power Efficiency calculations, even when you added the Fleeting Expertise mod, making it the #1 most powerful mod to equip on ANY Warframe (yes, even on Duration-based Warframes)...

* And the list goes on for a LOOOOOOOOONG while...


You speak of trying to maintain a form of balance (and I see you trying better in some areas, like with events), yet balance in regards to stuff like Warframe abilities and weapons is the stuff you do by far the worst of all things in this game. Seriously, it's not really that hard to balance some of these things either.


Melee 2.0 Mods

1) You said "We wanna reduce the grind!" (Pfft, yeah right >_>)

2) To keep us not so worried about Melee 2.0, you said you were gonna give us all the Melee 2.0 related mods when that update comes out.

3) NOW you say you are gonna have them on enemies and spread them out in ENDGAME stuff, which maybe not all players will get their hands on?? So, not only are you hiding it behind grind, you ALSO make it very inaccessible to most players.


I called it long time ago: Melee 2.0 is NOT gonna be something I look forward to (animationswise, maybe, but balance and grindwise, definitely not!)...


The problem is not only the new mods though. It's also that WE DON'T HAVE ROOM FOR THEM!

Take a look at this guy's thread about modding . Do that. Like, half a year ago...


I just don't understand why you insist on these things being mods? Why not let us use the different attacks depending on user inputs (such as combos)? Ingame diversity is far more fun and a far superior game design over modding "diversity" (more like modding HASSLE)


What should you guys do then?

I thought you guys were smarter than this. Why aren't you learning from your mistakes?

1) BE CONSISTENT! For crying out loud, this point of yours is SO annoying. If you are gonna be stubborn, at least be stubborn IN A SINGLE DIRECTION!

2) Balance things for REAL! Not these half-@ss attempts and excuses. Look at some people's suggestions on the forums. It's. Not. Hard!

3) Fix up modding already so we don't compete for utility or damage in the same slot!

4) Stop abusing the modding system, ESPECIALLY for melee weaponry! Modding diversity is overrated, ingame diversity is what counts!

Edited by Azamagon
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If you're stating all these obvious things, why wasn't it done yet?


Community Managers like Rebecca and Megan are our first and primary connection to the developers actually working on the game itself.


They are our champions when we need/want something done. The list you see is the things they have distilled from the community that they are both sending to the devs, and echoing back to us.


Just because the community and the community managers have said something doesn't mean the actual developers have agreed to it, or even had time to work on it.

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Melee 2.0 Mods

With the addition of new Mods being introduced with Melee 2.0, it raises the question ‘Where will these new Mods go?’ . When Melee 2.0 is introduced these new Mods will be placed on enemies similar to current Mods, with the help of The Codex to determine their drops for the time being. When new mechanics are introduced like Badlands and Proxy War it will open up opportunities for these Mods to be placed.


I only comment on this, because else the post would be way too long.

The bolded part; I'm sorry, what? You want to make previously announced optional endgame suddenly mandatory for players who simply want to kit out their melee goodness? This is just another reason why I am wary about the "alternate attack pattern" idea to be put into mods only. To be selfish; how should I test this properly and give feedback when they are in areas I might not be able to enjoy playing?


On top of that, this also furthers the thought of changing how mods should be hunted to begin with, which is the Codex. We do not need to know which enemy drops which mod. We need to know which mods are dropped by which enemies. What is the difference you ask? Hear me out;


I should not need to scan enemies in order to see which mods they drop when I am searching for a specific one. Chances are, I already have found that mod by accident anyway. Instead, I should mouseover the mod in the collection list and get the information where it is obtainable from, in increments, BEFORE I even attempt a scan. For example, Fever Strike. This is dropped by Grineer, Arid Butcher and Frontier Butcher. With zero scans on each, Frontier and Arid, one should at least get the information on which planets it is obtainable and which faction. That gives us a pointer. Successful scans will then reveal additional details, in this case who (or what) actually drops it.

Things that cannot be scanned down should simply be stated regardless. Thus, any nightmare mod should read: "Nightmare Mission end reward"


Furthermore, the effect of a mod should not be obscured until I own it. Else it defeats the purpose of specifically wanting to hunt for it. Show what each mod is doing, so players can actually see what can be obtained in the game.


oh well, sorry for writing all this, but I was a bit grumbling when I read about the acquisition of mods which are mandatory for gameplay variety to be pushed into late endgame, as it seems. And then the backwards information on how to get things.


At the end of this, I still want to say: why do we need mods for that, when a "fire mode switch" would do that a lot better?


Edited by Khunvyel
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I'm sadly beginning to think that DE is straight up dishonest with its community. First hint was when they encrypted the loot table, and all the decisions made so far are on the verge on nonsensical.


I'm clearly losing hope.


Great post, sums it up.

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I place 136% of the blame on Archistopheles if I get in trouble for this. 

Are you guys for real?


You can pay 50$ to get to your goal faster but for the other 90% still have to either grind for it or trade it.


Which leads me to the next point, prime parts trading : A stupid idea from every perspective, business, keeping players playing the game, market values, the list goes on...


But prime access? Come on you want them to remove it, there are people who pay for this in order for you to be able to play it, prime acess should never come into discussion.

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DE has their own agenda and has little to no understanding of what players want. They read the forums, to be sure, but its not enough. They're complacent. They dont want to really change core gameplay mechanics. This game is a cash in, through and through, and im tired of it. I dont exactly have an answer but i do know that DE is cherry-picking what they feel like fixing, and not what's going to make the game fun.

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I can deal with Primes being slightly better than vanilla versions, even the 'Frames , simply because I have no real choice but I don't agree with it. But gosh you chose probably the worst thing to buff on Rhino Prime, unless you are planning on actually balancing out his Vanguard helm, but by the looks of it you are not. Rhino now has zero drawbacks, if you really want to balance some stuff then start there.

On melee 2.0 I really hope you don't lock the new mods behind the "endgame" content.

Edited by Silraed
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Clan scoring, in other words; scoring needs to be redone a bit so warbros don't get 1st every time

Is that good or bad? I mean, yeah, they come from the axis of chaos but, if they are as troublesome for all the community and the game... why are they still around? honest question, I don't even know them.

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Are you guys for real?


You can pay 50$ to get to your goal faster but for the other 90% still have to either grind for it or trade it.


Which leads me to the next point, prime parts trading : A stupid idea from every perspective, business, keeping players playing the game, market values, the list goes on...


But prime access? Come on you want them to remove it, there are people who pay for this in order for you to be able to play it, prime acess should never come into discussion.

you know there's moneycreep besides powercreep right? let me tell you a story.


-i once played a game, it was absolutely free, but you could buy clothes (that did nothing but looked miles better) for real money, it was a good game

-then one day, a gachapon got added to the game, you could only use it if you spent actual money (1 dollar), the stuff was tradeable, ok, fine.

-then an item that enhanced your item or blew it up appeared... but yo could pay money to prevent it from blowing up.

-then an item that boosted your power massively appeared... but you can ONLY buy it for actual money, and it's randomized what you get (buy more!)

- then another item that GUARANTEED exploded your items if it failed, but you could prevent it for 10 bucks, and the chance of it blowing up went up by 10% with each new try (up to 95% blow up chance)

-did i mention that the only profitable bosses -REQUIRE- you to be upgraded with the last three bulletpoints?


the game still calls itself F2P, but you can't do jack without spending money, and the droprate of things that help (even if a little bit) is god-awful to the point it's not even considered (some haven't even been seen since they were supposedly added over a year ago)


the current cost of having a single piece of endgame gear made (out of... 13 or 17 you can have) is 500 dollars.


PD: prime items being tradeable and not in the market is GOOD, the main market currency is platinum, this rewards f2players for their hard work, and those who don't want to work for it ingame, can give plat to players by buying it from them (and buying plat is money in the DE's pocket, so that's a win-win-win scenario)

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you know there's moneycreep besides powercreep right? let me tell you a story.


-i once played a game, it was absolutely free, but you could buy clothes (that did nothing but looked miles better) for real money, it was a good game

-then one day, a gachapon got added to the game, you could only use it if you spent actual money (1 dollar), the stuff was tradeable, ok, fine.

-then an item that enhanced your item or blew it up appeared... but yo could pay money to prevent it from blowing up.

-then an item that boosted your power massively appeared... but you can ONLY buy it for actual money, and it's randomized what you get (buy more!)

- then another item that GUARANTEED exploded your items if it failed, but you could prevent it for 10 bucks, and the chance of it blowing up went up by 10% with each new try (up to 95% blow up chance)

-did i mention that the only profitable bosses -REQUIRE- you to be upgraded with the last three bulletpoints?


the game still calls itself F2P, but you can't do jack without spending money, and the droprate of things that help (even if a little bit) is god-awful to the point it's not even considered (some haven't even been seen since they were supposedly added over a year ago)


the current cost of having a single piece of endgame gear made (out of... 13 or 17 you can have) is 500 dollars.


PD: prime items being tradeable and not in the market is GOOD, the main market currency is platinum, this rewards f2players for their hard work, and those who don't want to work for it ingame, can give plat to players by buying it from them (and buying plat is money in the DE's pocket, so that's a win-win-win scenario)

So there you go lol, I am not a fan of it but sounds like you are served, so why the complaints towards this?Primes will always be a goal (despite the fact that their normal counter parts seem harder to obtain lol)


Outta curiosity, which game is that ?

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Are you guys for real?


You can pay 50$ to get to your goal faster but for the other 90% still have to either grind for it or trade it.


Which leads me to the next point, prime parts trading : A stupid idea from every perspective, business, keeping players playing the game, market values, the list goes on...


But prime access? Come on you want them to remove it, there are people who pay for this in order for you to be able to play it, prime acess should never come into discussion.


No, I'm not for real. 'Twas a joke, and nothing more.


I agree with you in regards to Prime part trading by the way. Should have never been implemented. 

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So there you go lol, I am not a fan of it but sounds like you are served, so why the complaints towards this?Primes will always be a goal (despite the fact that their normal counter parts seem harder to obtain lol)


Outta curiosity, which game is that ?

that's the thing, DE needs to remember, to make a good f2p, the game has to be f2p, when the benefits to paying greatly outweight playing (or you're REQUIRED to pay to get good) even if you call the game f2p, it becomes pay2win.


the game's maplestory, i recommend you give it a spin just to see how horrible it can get (seriously, it can't get much worse)

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Melee 2.0 Mods

With the addition of new Mods being introduced with Melee 2.0, it raises the question ‘Where will these new Mods go?’ . When Melee 2.0 is introduced these new Mods will be placed on enemies similar to current Mods, with the help of The Codex to determine their drops for the time being. When new mechanics are introduced like Badlands and Proxy War it will open up opportunities for these Mods to be placed.



My question is where they will go on our weapons. Are they going to be making me decide between fire damage and a combo system, or do we put them in like aura mods?

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