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Your Top 10Ish Weapons And Why?


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as the title suggests im looking to see what kind of weapons people like and by that i do not mean just DPS/damage wise. i mean how they feel when fired/swung, how they look, how the enemies react to getting blasted by them and anything else one would deem important. feel free to add comments next to what you list.



Boltor Prime - looks great and has that awesome "send enemies flying" effect.

Grinlok - i just love how it feels and sounds when i pull the trigger. one of the few sniper-like weapons i really enjoy.

Dera - its firing mechanism made it one of the few energy rifles i actually enjoyed using

Dread- loved the sound of this bow firing and its design is my favorite of the bows.

Gorgon/gorgon wraith - this gun made me feel like Reb Brown or Rambo firing into crowds of enemies and the major screen/aim shake amplified that effect.



Marelok - love its firing mechanism and although it looks odd it has just the right feel to it for me

kunai/despair - these felt really nice to use and i always enjoyed hearing that head splatter noise landing headshots

vasto/akvasto - this gun served me well for a long time and it had the perfect feel for my style of shooting.



Galatine - looks great and with me being a fan of ancient mythology the nod to King Arthur's knights made this one of my first melee purchases.

Magistar - looks very dangerous and was a weapon type i was looking forward to seeing (where my spears at?)

Jat Kittag - this weapons hits and feels like it should. one of the most entertaining melee weapons i leveled to date.

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When I first started playing I used Gorgon, Twin Vipers, Fragor. Full auto and armor ignore plus body launching


My default loadout now is Braton Prime, Lato Prime, Skana Prime cause of them goldz (waiting on Braton Prime buff)


The most fun to use weapon right now hands down is dat JAT KITTAG

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 - Gorgon (Wraith) - My first love. Potato'd and 3-forma'd, still tears through Corpus.

 - Braton Prime - I really like the style. And it's a prime, duh.

 - Braton Vandal - Closed Beta Bling. And fast fire rate.

 - Karak - Grineer, impact centered version of Braton. Very dependable and all-round weapon.

 - Drakgoon - MAKE IT RAAAAAAAAIIIIIN! Or you can snipe some heads.



 - Akbolto - My first love. 2-forma monster. Tears through Grineer like they are made of butter.

 - Afuris - Insane RoF, Spray&Pray, my second love.

 - Marelok - 96% Status Chance + high damage + accuracy. What else do I need?

 - Brakk - Still a nice gun. Though I prefer Marelok nowadays.

 - Akstiletto - Oooh boy, those are FUN!



 - Reaper Prime - Prime Bling and... COME ON IT'S A FRICKIN' SCYTHE!

 - Orthos Prime - The range... And Golden Bits

 - Dakra Prime - Bling! And it's one of the best (if not the best) longswords.

 - Scoliac - Great weapon, stats better even than Dakra, nice range, and matches my Dominatrix Saryn.

 - Jat Kittag - JET PROPELLED HAMMER! Need I say more?

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I am a weapon hoarder and it's VERY DIFFICULT to narrow down to ten.



#1 = Tigris

I don't use it terribly often because it's 'done' and has six Forma on it, and it's really not the best for the way I play, but man I love it. I love frontload in general in games and there's nothing that says frontload like putting both barrels in something. I really really really really really hope they make Tigris Prime an over/under instead of a side-by-side though.



Tetra / Dual Cestra / Lecta

My Corpus set.

Dakka dakka with green bolts of light. My lazy anti-Grineer setup, used on Valkyr or Frost Prime, that does not make any attempt at headshots and leads to me running out of nanospores making ammo packs. :P


Ignis / Marelok / Jat Kittag

My Grineer set.

Actually use them all stacked for pure fire damage on Ember Prime as an anti-everything set, with fast reloads and short-medium ranges.


Phage / Tysis / Mire

My Infested set.

Pure viral, pure corrosive, pure toxic (charge attack) used on Nekros.

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1. Dread- slashes, pins, and does massive crits, I also love using bows.

2. Boltor Prime of course

3. Braton Prime, looks sexy as.

4. Penta, shear destructive fun

5. Ogris, going to lares or ODD and going as high as I can to ogris snipe is so good.

6. Castanas, fun like penta but also on of the most powerful sidearms

7. Akvastos, just for that revolver speed trigger good times

8. Skana Prime, looks sexy

9. Dakra prime, same reason

10 Orthos prime, sexy and destructive.

also just found out how badass the kama are with loki, you can one shot up to lvl 30 and it slashes in half.

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1. Bo, I know it's gonna be weak/barely viable... but those sound effects. (Will be Bo Prime!)

2. Twin VWraiths/Vipers, I love seeing a mob instantly disintegrate, both do the job to similar effect. Even with no ammo conservation what-so-ever I love these two overkills.

3. Burston/Boltor Prime, efficient enough not to run out of ammo when my Vipers die. Bursty enough to remain fun... Me gusta.

4. Fang Prime, if you haven't noticed yet I really like to make something die as soon as I see it. These do it.

5. Orthos Prime, for when the Fang doesn't do it.

6. Marelok, ammo efficent and ranged when....

7. .... My SWraith/Sobek can't do it/too far away.

8. Penta, the reason it's so low is it's not a whole barrel of fun. They all die instantly instead of dwindling their number one-by-one.

9. Twin Gremlins, delayed Vipers.

10. Dual Dark Swords.... Eventually, in the mean time Obex?

Edited by un1337ninj4
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My list is probably something like this, at the moment.


1. Orthos Prime: Spin to win.

2. Amphis (used to be 1st untill it got nerfed): Spin to win.

3. Supra: Laser river of doom that obliterates everything in its path.

4. Detron: Great damage output and great looks.

5. Dual Cestra: That powerful feel!

6. Strun Wraith: Love to use it in combination with slide melee. Very satisfying to shoot enemies as you're flying by.

7. Ignis: It's a freaking Flamethrower.

8. Glaive Prime: With the right mods, you can just spam its charge at the speed of light clearing waves of enemies.

9. Marelok: Great animations!

10. Dual Ichor: Fun weapon to use and really like its design. One of a few weapons that can greatly benefit from Berserker too.

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1. Phage - Duh

2. Synapse - again, duh

3. Ignis - I like continuous weapons

4. Dread - with thunderbolt, boom boom is very appealing



1. Brakk - High damage, me likey

2. Kunai - silent ninja weapons

3. AkBolto - smaller Boltors, with all of the pinning action



1. Galatine - Charge attacks

2 Glaive - throwing things is cool

3. Dual Either - armor ignore is also fun

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Soma - god mode.

Flux Rifle - looks cool when you shoot LASERS.

Paris Prime - charge it up, and watch corpus fly across the map. XD

Ogris - it's fun to watch stuff explode.




Kunai - these are beastly, when modded properly.

Wraith Twin Vipers - AKA the Vaporizer.

Brakk - god mode 2.0.



Orthos Prime - Crazy range. Like halfway across the map range.

Galatine - Horribly heavy, but just insane charge damage.

Dual Ichors - god of melee.

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Grinlok - 2 formas so far, I know it's not a very good weapon but it's the most fun for me


Akstilletto's - Make me feel like im in a john woo film, animation, look and sound are all top notch


Jat Kittag - My favourite melee weapon, ground slams and charge attack are so fun. I dream of a world in which this weapon is not idiotic to use on valkyr

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Braton Prime: it's so well balanced, dependable and ammo efficient.

Boar Prime: for when you need overkill in CQC.

Dread: "one does not simply live from slash proc".

Penta: strategic overkill at it's finest.




Wraith Twin Vipers: add seeker and profit.

Detron: Anti Grineer + ammo efficient.

Despair: silent death




Fang Prime: swift death.

Glaive Prime: + bullet attractor = messy.

Gallatine: OP nuff said.

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Fav weapons huh?


1. LANKA (or will be when they make it really worth the mastery rank again, srsly? buff all bows but not my Death-ray?... so UN-cool)

2. Boltor Prime (loved body launching in the original, now with more damage + accuracy!)

3. Despair (I have this thing hurling 2k+ per click... full auto + silent!)

4. Orthos Prime (Got the original way back when it first came out, then farmed the Prime as soon as IT came out)

5. Jat Kittag (I and my friends call it: "Jack-Attack!" for the fun elemental procs we can put all over it; and 1.5k+ per standard swing...)

6. Dual Ichor (mod for speed + crit... hand to Ash...)

7. Marelok (Truly this is really just stand in for a sniper weapon when paired up with my Boltor P)

8. Galatine (umm... DAMAGE, nuff said)

9. Penta (Situational, but useful. Less kamikaze then Ogris)

10. Soma (it's nice and all, but I have more fun with other guns; and I HATE the Chauchat)

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Boltor Prime - While it's damage and ease of use are absolutely insane but it is the fact it also nails enemies to walls that really makes it one of my favorites.

Penta - Mass destruction is allways fun and between the control the manual detonation offers and the fact I don't like the charge mechanic on the Ogris this weapon easily makes my top 5.

Grakata - Good damage and ludicrous status applicaion make this thing very entertaining and adaptable depending one what you want to do.

Dread - Between this and the Paris Prime this wins for the better design and dismembering enemies. I would really like to give this spot to the Vectis but it just feels hopelessly outclasses compared to the bows.

Drakgoon - Shotguns have allways been my favorite weapons i FPS games but this thing brings a style and flexibility to the table that puts it a stup above the rest IMO.




Tysis - Status + Nailing enemies to walls makes it entertaining to use.

Castanas - Great for dealing with big crowds quickly when you don't want to carry a Penta or Ogris.

Bronco Prime - A pocket shotgun, this may not be my actual favorite though as I have not got the Detron, Brakk or Akbronko Prime yet.

Marelok - I can't think of a weapon I have more fun killing enemies with than this, something about parkouring though invasion missions one shoting everything in sight with it is awesome.



Orthos Prime - Just the right mix of style and power for my liking. I actually prefer the design of the Bo but it is nowhere near as powerful.

Edited by Lordraviel
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Magistar - Maces are badass in general. With the magistar, you get to swing around a flanged beast in all its glory. Smashing skulls and smashing crates - it's not just bout the statistics, it feels great using it

Jat Kittag - A ferocious JET-POWERED hammer. Aside from sheer badassery, this maul has unique animations and sweet sound effects that make you feel like you're doing some real damage.

Burston - In a game full of weapons with weird mechanics, sometimes the old generic standard-issue gear makes you feel most at home. The overall dependability and generic appearance of the Burston makes it a scorer in my book.

Hek - As a shotgun fan in games, the choked, long-barreled Hek caught my eye from day one. Hard-hitting, sounding and functioning like a cannon, this thing is a beast.

Penta - Can't go wrong with explosions. The Penta feels like a toy, albeit a highly destructive and viable one. A fine piece of Corpus hardware.

Embolist - I have always wanted a gas gun. The cute Embolist is perfect for me, spraying destructive vapours of love. The downside is of course, the ammo consumption and lack of range, but there's a strange joy in watching people expire from happiness upon exposure to your joy gas.

Marelok - Easily the successor to my beloved Lex. Badass animations and sheer firepower makes this weapon a joy to use, and increases your coolness rating by 50%. Am eagerly awaiting the dual-wielded version.

Boar Prime - Riot shotguns with high fire rate and magazine. Feels good to sweep a corridor with a buckshot-spewing machine. Comes with cool bling and THREE barrels, the only problem is its sound effect which sounds unworthy of the gun's ferocious nature.

Ignis - Bring out your inner pyromaniac. Cannot help but laugh as I unleash rays of rainbow happiness onto others with this thing.

Lex - My beloved companion. Always had a thing for the heavy-caliber sidearms. Accurate and hitting like a truck, the Lex as a MR0 weapon may have retired from my arsenal, but it will always have a special place in my heart. I will carry my Lex Prime and Twin Marelok in honour and memory of the Lex.

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1.gorgon(wraith)- Im a huge Lmg fan and this baby is just right up my alley (and soma feels too "Op" to me and grineer weapons are simply my fav.
2.tetra- only corpus weapon I ever formad to death (7 forma) with full speed trigger and shred its yet another Lmg and is my number 1 go-to-weapon wehn it comes to killing grineer
3.karak- good ol´fashioned AK 47

4.drakgoon- its a goddamn flakcannon! you can snipe with it you can clear crowds with it. its just aweome.
5.grinlok- fav long range weapon in the game cus winchester.

6.phage- only infested weapon that I actually like. love the desingn and feel of it



1.MARELOK.- fav gun in the game. I looooooove revolvers and I love the grineer.

2.ak bronco prime- yes I like em. y? dunno :P
3.brakk- used to love it when there was no damage falloff....felt like a grineer revolver to me now its just "ok"
4.seer- first weapon that I formad 5 times. used it to death (its yet another grineer revolver. see a trand here huh?)

Edited by PootisMaine
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1.  Seer - Dirty Harry.  Everything about it gives a good solid feel, from how hard it hits to the sound of its firing.  A sniper that's worth using.

2.  Orthos Prime - melee weapon that has some reach, fast animations that I like the look of, deals pretty good damage, and doesn't move me much.

3.  Soma - Accurate in small bursts, can mow down bigger crowds.

4.  Boltor Prime - kills stuff.

5.  Ignis - Kill it with fire.

6.  Orthos - See Orthos Prime.  Less damage, but looks better.

7.  Twin Gremlins - fun little machine pistols.

8.  Penta - fun, plus it helps your teammates get the achievement for reviving people.

9.  Sweeper - Lets my sentinel kill stuff dead.

10.  Scythes in general - Giant candy-cane beatdown!


And weapon I really want to like:

- Miter.  It is so close to being awesome, but falls short.  Needs either more damage/lower charge time or a switch to rifle ammo.

- Glaive - Krull.  Not very practical overall though.  Really wish using it in regular melee was faster.  But the concept is cool.

Edited by Axterix13
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Soma - The ultimate does-it-all gun. Can snipe heads from the other side of the map or clear rooms.

Penta - Fun and air-det stream. Rips waves of enemies apart.

Drakgoon - Dial a death shotgun

Dread - Innate punch through and fast travel arrows. Super spammable with split+thunderbolt.

Castanas - Baby penta in more rapid streams. Shoot six in two throws and watch things permastunned to death.

Akstiletto - The epitome of badass dual wielding. Accurate. Should be buffed though.

Kunais - Staggers and does quite a bit of damage per throw.

Obex - Coolest looking weapon/animation

Hate - Actual scythe, good damage.

Heat Dagger - Little combat knife.

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