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Nekros With Max Shields Is Disgusting


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I knew I would be in the minority here but wow.  I find it interesting in what bothers me offends others.  So I apologize for offending so many people.  I am well aware of the in-game mechanics and the work around is already in place. I am a little surprised by the frenzy created by this post but I guess I shouldn't be.  I cannot answer everyone here but I'll address a few.  I bring religion into a game because the Holy Spirit is in me and I bring it wherever I go.  I am far from perfect but I strive to be a light in a dark world. 


My faith is not shaken because of the mark of the beast in a space ninja video game, it is just disappointing that a video game developer would think that is cool.  If it was a coincidence, which are rare, then I was pointing it out. 


The only response here I should actually contemplate was why do I play a game about death.  There is a difference between murder and killing while fighting evil but without to much rationalization, I believe I have this interest in games because I may be able reach a few that no one else can.  So instead of arguing, I'll just jump straight to the point.  I invite anyone with a sincere interest in knowing Christ but doesn't know where to begin to PM me.  I do not have all the answers but I'll take time from my schedule to try.  Even if it makes me unpopular, I do not want any of you to fall.


If you do not have any interest, then ignore me.  That is as simple as switching to a Redirection 9.


But if you insist on laughing at my beliefs, first ask yourself why what I brought up offends you.  Then have a blessed day!

You are clearly more than bothered. You are asking a company that clearly doesn't share your religious views to cater to them. You have absolutely *zero* business doing that.


I'm not offended that you are offended; I'm offended that you think your being offended gives your preferences any sort of default precedence when your religious beliefs have no empirical evidence to support that they represent some form of verifiable reality.This game is not making light of something terrible, tragic and above all, real.

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I may be alone here on this topic but I want to bring it up anyway.  I like to play the Nekros for the Desecrate ability.  I really do not touch any of the other skills and I only use this warframe to speed up the farming process.  In other words, to reduce the grinding required to max out mods. 

If the association with the number of Nekros max shields bothers you, use a different Warframe. I didn't use him for farming and I was able to get every mod I needed.


It goes with the territory that a necromancy themed Warframe would give a reference to the occult. They are purely rooted in the dark-side, and I can't think of any time they have ever been in a cultural reference that wasn't evil.


Everything about that theme of the Warframe is anti-holy, as the entire act of necromancy is forbidden in the bible.


The definition of desecrate:

 insult something holy: to damage something sacred, or do something that is offensive to the religious nature of something 

Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 .

Edited by LazyKnight
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If your faith is so shaky as to be toppled by a value in a virtual space, why are you even playing a game about mass slaughter?

This man is right.

OP, go play another game. It's easy for anyone to say "I'm offended by X". Challenge yourself to man up about it or just quit.

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Bud, understand not everyone is a die hard Christian, as evidenced by the countless people here so adamantly disagreeing with you.


I do agree with them, Nekros's shields are fine and clearly many posters before me have gotten past the implied (if not mainstream) symbolism a mere number (666) carries and I can't see DE changing it so your religious feathers aren't ruffled. 


It's perfectly okay to have your views and be set in them but what you need to realize is that everyone else is going to see things differently, even if the difference is barely a fraction of different understanding. 


That being said, because others view things differently, you should expect to see things all throughout society and its blended culture that will either vary from or openly oppose your beliefs and moral standpoints. 


At this point though? You're gonna have to man up and deal with it. Not everyone fears the wrath of 'God' or temptation from the Christian 'Devil'. Some of us here may even have a collection of other Gods they call upon and there's plenty of Monotheistic faiths and social ideas that openly belittle them for such, but plenty of friends I know who are on this boat simply shrug and deal with it. 




People are going to look at things differently than you and you need to accept that rather than expecting everyone to conform and cater to your one belief, because they aren't about to conform or cater to your Christian standpoint.


Accept it.

Live with it.


Not that this matters or has anything to do with what I just said but:


This is coming from a Theistic Satanist.


For those who are curious about such a faith I'll summarize it briefly:


I view Satan as an old dark deity who existed in cultures prior to Christianity much like many 'demons' we have named today.


I do not view him as a fallen angel set to ruin the world or humanity nor is this a faith directly opposed to any variation of the Bible.


It is a faith and viewpoint set on seeking worldly/spiritual wisdom and spiritual power.


Knowledge, an open mind, and critical thinking means everything to me as a Satanist.


Some ways of thinking and mannerisms pertaining to this spiritual path will seem a bit dark and/or evil,


but as with anyone who follows such a left handed path I simply do not make the distinction for all actions are done


for my personal spiritual benefit and any social taboos standing in my way of greater knowledge and/or power are disregarded 


but not in a wreckless fashion. Look before ya leap after all.


I also don't kill stray animals and eat babies.


Edited by Hastur609
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This is worse than those buildings that skip the 13th floor, and label their floors 1-12,14,15,16, etc. The number 666 is just a number with superstition attached to it, like the number 13. Doesn't change the fact that floor 14 is actually the 13th. I also own black cats and they run in front of my path all the time. Are you going to call me a witch for not having bad luck? The number 4, the way it's pronounced, means "death" in Chinese. Should I stop using the number 4? In fact, I knew someone who was interested in Satanism. He was really nice actually. I didn't judge him. At the end of the day, 666 only means whatever meaning you yourself gives to it. 

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Out of all the aspects of my daily life, I never expected to find myself contending with proselytizing on the Warframe forums. Did you seriously come here just to try to convert people? Please, stop it. Alternatively, make a clan for people who are interested, and advertise in the appropriate section of the forums.

You mentioned there being a difference between murder and killing while fighting evil. No. There really isn't. Murder is murder. You want to kill someone? Fine, I won't judge you. But don't @(*()$ try to justify your actions to yourself as righteous or proper. Either life is sacred to you or it isn't. If I kill someone who is trying to kill me, that may be "self-defense," but it's still murder. You won't see me trying to run away from that. If you're not ready to accept full responsibility for your actions, don't act on them. This kind of evasive bullS#&$ behavior in people is one of my berserk buttons, in case you hadn't noticed by now.


Lastly, I wasn't offended by you being oversensitive about Nekros' shield strength. I was offended at you disseminating false information in your implication that Satanists are all murdering cultists. I can't discount the possibility of some of them behaving that way, but Satanists likely look at them the way Muslims look at extremists, and the way most Christians look at the Westboro Baptist Church. Just thinking about it objectively, those scumbags in your cited article were more likely some denomination of Christian than Satanist; you live in an area fairly saturated with fervent Christians. It would also take a Christian to jump on the notion that Satan is the most readily believable influence of evil deeds. Any other criminal would fall back on my aforementioned temporary insanity plea. Being possessed by the devil is not something that occurs to people who aren't routinely taught that he possesses power.

A short session of casual research reveals that Satanic doctrine actually forbids unwanted sexual advances, and criticizes illegal activity. This means that if what you're doing is illegal, it actually goes against being a Satanist. Rape and murder are definitely illegal in the United States, and therefore antithetical to Satanism.

This means that the criminals you mentioned were most likely jumping straight onto the most immediately acceptable local scapegoats.

Which means they are also guilty of yet another Satanic sin, pretentiousness.

Point being, believe what you want. I'm not trying to debunk your faith. But please, please, please stop spreading hate just because you've been culturally conditioned to think that a specific group of people are evil, and that it's okay to persecute them.

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I may be alone here on this topic but I want to bring it up anyway.  I like to play the Nekros for the Desecrate ability.  I really do not touch any of the other skills and I only use this warframe to speed up the farming process.  In other words, to reduce the grinding required to max out mods. 


I recently maxed out redirection.  The result is that Nekros now has a total maximum health of 666. 


Some of you may think this is cute, funny, cool, harmless, etc.  To me, it is the mark of the beast.  I want nothing to do with it.  I want to believe it is an unintentional result of DE trying to keep them with mediocre shields even when maxed.  But it seems odd that it is on the same warframe that also has the ability to manipulate the dead. 


I'm asking for a simple change to the base stats of either +1 or -1 to shields so whenever I look into my upper right hand corner of my screen, I do have to rationalize with myself it is just a game.  I refuse to associate with these types of people: 


Clear Lake teen's alleged satanic ritual killing


I live in Houston.  That happened down the street from me.  It is disgusting and an all around waste of life.  Not just for the poor girl, but the murderers that allowed themselves to be deceived.  It is a slow fade that starts with rationalization and acceptance.  To think that DE is endorsing this would be enough for me to stop all future purchases and just drop my account all together.  I like to play games, but I won't cross this line.


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Man ..ypu know what OP

here 's a suggestion


Don't play  GTA 

Don't Play just cause 

Don't play Any game with magic or necromancers


Don't play Diablo, 

Don't play Mobas

Don't play SMite since there are other deities



And play single player games without any of those things....Like the Sims  pr angry birds.


You are the first person i've actually seen who wants to inject religious Dogma into  a game .

I've played with a lot of people in waframe :  muslims , hindus other christians , they would tell me their faith but not try to  convert me or anything because this is a game where you want to escape from reality, and if you consider your religion as reality you have no right to force it onto a whole community just to make yourself feel better.



If people share the same faith as you : do it anywhere but in a videogame forum.


Minority? i'm pretty sure there are a majority of Christians  playing this game it's just that they aren't  trying to convert everyone and aren' t claiming they're persecuted or anything.


This is disgraceful.

Edited by Deidaku
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  WoO0oOO00 scary number!!!




Careful or the numbers going to get yah!






sorry, but I couldn't resist. I really hope your trolling op. Hypocritical to play a violent game with no problems and than flip out over a number...

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  WoO0oOO00 scary number!!!




Careful or the numbers going to get yah!






sorry, but I couldn't resist. I really hope your trolling op. Hypocritical to play a violent game with no problems and than flip out over a number...

Weirdo's gonna weird

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Hey OP, do you feel uncomfortable about Pokemon too? Giratina's land form has 6 legs, 6 wing spikes, and 6 neck rings. Also, do you dislike Naruto too? The Sharingan eye marks look a lot like 666. It's called stylistic symbolism (Not really, but you get the idea.).

Edited by ArdentSky
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Hey OP, do you feel uncomfortable about Pokemon too? Giratina's land form has 6 legs, 6 wing spikes, and 6 neck rings. Also, do you dislike Naruto too? The Sharingan eye marks look a lot like 666. It's called stylistic symbolism (Not really, but you get the idea.).

Imagine how he'd react in Final fantasy games.........

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But if you insist on laughing at my beliefs, first ask yourself why what I brought up offends you.  Then have a blessed day!

Allow me to respond to you in earnest this time. What offends me is that you are pushing your belief system on other people. That if we do not believe what you do that we must be wrong. I'm not going to attack your religion, no... That's wrong. People have a right to believe whatever they want... I will instead attack the people who preach your religion, because they're crooks, swindlers, and murderers.


Crooks/Swindlers; the church has often changed what they preached. Often times as a means of being politically correct and to pull in the largest groups of people possible. Now, if what they say today directly contradicts what they said the day before, then they must be lying about something. And if they're taking your money while telling you lies... Well...


Murderers; in Africa, missionaries bringing the word of the church to those suffering from an HIV pandemic purposely gave false information on the prevention of HIV in order to further their own agenda. They said the best way to prevent HIV was to be loyal to your spouse (Fair enough) or to practice abstinence. (Also true.) However, they went on to say that failing to do the first two, at the very least never wear a condom. They knowingly gave false information that would cause those who practiced out of marriage intercourse to contract HIV and likely die as a result. That's not just murder, it's biological warfare which is considered to be one of the most immoral things possible.


You are judged by the company you keep.

Edited by Riasiru
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Can this stupid thread be locked yet?


Some random quotes by Daniele Luttazzi:


"If you're never exposed to something that offends you, it means you're not living in a free society"

"I never had sex with children, I'm not religious enough"
"If you're about to leave your wife you should take advice from the man who's molesting your son"


"I'm neither in favor nor against the death penalty. I just find it embarassing to be killed by a chair."

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Sorry man but : LoL !


it's a game and we are in 2014, it's only a number... And you play a fracking Nekros !! Are you kidding us or simply trolling around ???


Nekros are evil they desecrate the rest of the dead in order to loot more and it's the number on your shield that bother you ?

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