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What Are Some Things You Never Want To See Implemented In Warframe?


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Too late they already put them in the game here's the list:


1. Gender locked frames - should not be forced to play female frames

2. Cost of plat packs

3. Broken voice chat that doesn't even work, why even put it in if voice does not work, makes no sense

4. Last but not least Loki, most worthless frame ever


I smell a troll.





Are you really that insecure about your manliness? Warframe is the only game in which I'm comfortable playing as female characters, purely because they aren't sexualised any more than the males (Excalibur has a fine rear). Go on, embrace the female frames!

I don't tend to like playing "female" characters if you can even really call them that in this game, but damn they look cool and well dressed for fighting... because what kind of warrior goes and fights in nothing but a bikini? 
It also makes me terribly awkward staring at a females buttocks in any traditional third person game. When I used to play Firefall I played a female engineer I think it was... then I saw it and my word was I happy to see there was option to change gender.


I have to agree Excalibur has a fantastic &#!.

Edited by Sutherland
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Forced PvP.


That. Or any kind of PvP more than already exists. I have seen more games destroyed by focusing on PvP than by any other thing.


Plus, I have zero interest in level/gear grinding in a PvP game. This is why I despise newer FPS like CoD and Battlefield, and would rather play UT2K4.

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Actual paywallls ( I don't consider prime access or any stuff in the game as a true paywall ) , I mean Pay X money to unlock X planet.


Cover system ( unless it's stealth focused like in Deus ex)


Anything that would be modern military shooter - ish 



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Here's another thing I never want to see in Warframe: more players like this one.


Incidentally, this is also precisely why I don't want PvP. Because with PvP, you get this. If I wanted this kind of crap, I would be playing CoD or LoL, or any of the other hundreds of PvP games out there.



You got smoked in a pvp game didn't ya...

Pvpers aren't the problem. It is the crying carebears. If you don't want to pvp. Then don't. End of list.

So in order to properly be the pvper you so detest:

Cry more, Carebear, qq

It is not enough for carebears to not participate in pvp. They have to make sure that no one does.

That scares carebears whose sole goal in a game is to have the most twinkles while beating endless waves of ai mooks.

You talk about success in this game as beating 100 waves of endless mooks, that are all the same over and over and think pvpers are short-sighted.

Yes please, stop whining. Do not worry, I don't know you and if you quit or not will make no impact on anyone or the game company no matter how much of a community you carebears want to pretend you create. Community...

It is space ninja sword shooting game, not some Marxist social experiment.

Edited by DocHolliday13
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Here's another thing I never want to see in Warframe: more players like this one.


Incidentally, this is also precisely why I don't want PvP. Because with PvP, you get this. If I wanted this kind of crap, I would be playing CoD or LoL, or any of the other hundreds of PvP games out there.

How bad is it if I actually think the PS4 troll has a point?

But, you gotta think, if better PvP support was added, he'd be shooting other competitive trolls instead of trolling on the forums, right? That's what I would be doing.

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How bad is it if I actually think the PS4 troll has a point?

But, you gotta think, if better PvP support was added, he'd be shooting other competitive trolls instead of trolling on the forums, right? That's what I would be doing.


I'll just repost what I posted in the other thread: if you don't see a problem with his attitude, it's most likely because you're part of the problem yourself.

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Actually I've come to the point of thinking that it might not be too bad if we had a more ambitious PvP part...


Now don't get me wrong... I still have my doubts about PvP, especial if there's content involved where you are forced to do PvP, even you might not want to, just because that's the only way to aquire some of the items like mods or resources. It should never be required to do PvP in order to gain all the items. It should be optional for the ones who are into that stuff...


Now with that out of the way I think it could be beneficial if DE looks into the PvP stuff in more detail because of how it would require and force them to actually look at the fundamental balancing of Warframes, Weapons and Mods to make it a fair gamemode. That balancing could also be taken as a base for tweaking the PvE parts. Something that they are not forced to do as long as we are only up against AI and therefore has only low priority.

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I couldn't honestly say, because most of what I never wanted to see in Warframe has already happened or been announced to happen. I don't really care anymore.


Also, these kinds of topics usually incite a lot of spite between people and serve no real purpose, as customers can't dictate what the devs should do with their game.

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