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Gender Frames


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What if we don't want gender frames and are happy with the current gender lock?


The current gender lock keeps the each frame unique and distinctive. For example, a female excal will look similar to nyx and a male nyx will look similar to excal.


I'd rather have DE focus on new content than waste time and resources to create gender frames.

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I've never understood the whole thing the op is complaining about but it is most certainly a thing. I've been subjected to posters attempting to give "logical" reasons why no videogame hero should ever be female, how they would never buy or play a game that forced them to play as a female, etc. The etc part got really horrible.

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I've never understood the whole thing the op is complaining about but it is most certainly a thing. I've been subjected to posters attempting to give "logical" reasons why no videogame hero should ever be female, how they would never buy or play a game that forced them to play as a female, etc. The etc part got really horrible.


It's an entrenched sense of entitlement and an ugly reminder of the long history of misogynistic attitudes endemic to formerly male dominated Industries/hobbies of which video games is one.  Also some weirdness going on with insecurity in sense of self that anything that might potentially challenge a very narrow definition of self becomes unreasonably threatening.  Also it's the internet and people are terrible on the internet.

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I've never understood the whole thing the op is complaining about but it is most certainly a thing. I've been subjected to posters attempting to give "logical" reasons why no videogame hero should ever be female, how they would never buy or play a game that forced them to play as a female, etc. The etc part got really horrible.


And I always play female when a RPG give me the choice because of how rare it is.

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If anything, know that unlike most games out there, the female gender in Warframe isn't as objectified; I feel somewhat uneasy playing a female in another game (TERA comes to mind) unless I go with a theme (I usually play archers as female, for example; blame a D&D background in making up character concepts).


In Warframe, no such problem; the male and female characters never felt like it you'd find yourself 'dirty' playing as them; they each exude a rather noble strength. If you are bothered by having to play a female character in warframe, just don't... though I suspect your threshold for integrity and identity is pretty low


Some people have that insecurity; I don't remember how it's called officially... I think it's "Gender Identity Insecurity" or something like that. It's usually when someone is too far on either end of the spectrum (incredibly macho/masculine or incredibly feminine/girly) and any act or representation of masculinity or feminity freaks them out if they have to undertake it.

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I've never understood the whole thing the op is complaining about but it is most certainly a thing. I've been subjected to posters attempting to give "logical" reasons why no videogame hero should ever be female, how they would never buy or play a game that forced them to play as a female, etc. The etc part got really horrible.




Well, I prefer it this way. I don't like the whole "silent protagonist" type of "character" that is meant to be filled by the player. It makes the game more boring, since every game you play you play the same character.. you. I'd much rather play character distinct from myself, since then I get to thin how they would act given their thinking and personality.. it puts you in someone else's shoes and opens your view. I don't get this whole "can't play as other gender" thing to be honest... it at the very minimum shows a lack of imagination.


What I want frames to be is characters, what you want frames to be, OP, is avatars. I don't see why your particular vision should be met.. it's not objective improvement to the game.. it's your preference and it doesn't need to be catered to.


And yes, I realize that frames have somewhat lacking characters atm and I want DE to improve on that. DE said themselves that they want to go in this direction... to make frames into more distinct, developed characters. And I'm happy that this is their goal.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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Some people have that insecurity; I don't remember how it's called officially... I think it's "Gender Identity Insecurity" or something like that. It's usually when someone is too far on either end of the spectrum (incredibly macho/masculine or incredibly feminine/girly) and any act or representation of masculinity or feminity freaks them out if they have to undertake it.


Close enough but it's not when people are so far to one end or the other, it's when they ACT like they are far to one end or the other but are actually so deeply insecure about it that anything that challenges the act they put up threatens there their very sense of self which being as fragile as it the situation implies leads to lashing out in a misplaced form of emotional coping mechanism.  Usually caused by assumed societal pressure on what it means to be X.


Functionally it happens when a person artificially builds a sense of self and self worth on an artificial and often imagined sense of what they should be but not who they actually are based on social queues.  It's sadly fairly common in various degrees of severity and leads to a lot of people leading very unhappy lives while actively trying to make other people unhappy as a way of coping.

Edited by Agent_of_Change
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Close enough but it's not when people are so far to one end or the other, it's when they ACT like they are far to one end or the other but are actually so deeply insecure about it that anything that challenges the act they put up threatens there their very sense of self which being as fragile as it the situation implies leads to lashing out in a misplaced form of emotional coping mechanism.  Usually caused by assumed societal pressure on what it means to be X.


Functionally it happens when a person artificially builds a sense of self and self worth on an artificial and often imagined sense of what they should be but not who they actually are based on social queues.  It's sadly fairly common in various degrees of severity and leads to a lot of people leading very unhappy lives while actively trying to make other people unhappy as a way of coping.


Let's not turn yet another of these topics into psudo psychological/philosophical discussion please. It didn't work last (multiple) time(s)... and it won't work now.


Though I do find it rather distasteful when people paint this particular issue of theirs as some kind of disability that should be catered to. It's not an affliction.. it's preference and what you want is a design change... it's not like implementing color blind mode.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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Let's not turn yet another of these topics into psudo psychological/philosophical discussion please. It didn't work last (multiple) time... and it won't work now.


We aren't trying, it' just kind of happened.  More to your point, my post that you responded to isn't pseudo anythign, it's an actual Psychological issue based on research and observation relevant to the discussion at hand.


But I thank you for joining in and adding something worthwhile to the conversation... wait you didn't do that at all did you?  My bad.

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We aren't trying, it' just kind of happened.  More to your point, my post that you responded to isn't pseudo anythign, it's an actual Psychological issue based on research and observation relevant to the discussion at hand.


But I thank you for joining in and adding something worthwhile to the conversation... wait you didn't do that at all did you?  My bad.


And it's gonna end up in flame war.. like it did last time. Also, it's not so easy to read people.. especially over the internet. Even qualified psychologists are very careful about making early assumptions and I really doubt this thread will turn into scientific study.


It will boil down to each side unable to understand the point of view of the other and then to insults.. either way no conclusion will be made otehr than that this is touchy topic for some reason. So you'd be better off sticking with facts rather than trying to analize the other party.


And this discussion is pseudo something. While this phenomenon might be real this discussion is not between qualified people educated on the subject... hence pseudo.

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And it's gonna end up in flame war.. like it did last time. Also, it's not so easy to read people.. especially over the internet. Even qualified psychologists are very careful about making early assumptions and I really doubt this thread will turn into scientific study.


It will boil down to each side unable to understand the point of view of the other and then to insults.. either way no conclusion will be made otehr than that this is touchy topic for some reason. So you'd be better off sticking with facts rather than trying to analize the other party.


There was no analysis happening just the explanation of a disorder brought up by the poster I responded to.  No one was called out, no one was cited, it was posited as something that happens and then expounded on.

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I don't understand why people care about warframe genders. This is a combat game gender has nothing to do with it it's about the abilities they each have. If you really care that much it leads one to think you may be insecure with your sexuality or something. I am a 22 year old straight male, I have all frames and have no problem playing the female ones why? Because each frame has different abilities and have pros and cons in there own way, for a example Nova I do not care if the frame is female what I do care is I get to blow everything up see my point?

Edited by ultra_KING
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There was no analysis happening just the explanation of a disorder brought up by the poster I responded to.  No one was called out, no one was cited, it was posited as something that happens and then expounded on.


You know that OP is gonna take that as an insult though? It's not exactly gonna change his mind... not that I'm defending him mind you. I actually disagree. I think OP's kind of mindset is not an disability hence it should not be catered to... it's design preference and as such.. "DE said so" is actually a valid argument. I don't see why DE should switch from character model to avatar model just because someone "can't" play as a female.


Overal I think OP is acting kinda entitled... but you have to be careful with that word... all hell breaks loose when you use that word.


As someone who grew up on the "burly white man" protagonists I am absolutely sick of this trope and choose female character every chance I get. It's apparently possible to get sick of certain cultural trope... that's interesting too. God I hate macho behavior in general... it's like a parody of masculinity.

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Though I do find it rather distasteful when people paint this particular issue of theirs as some kind of disability that should be catered to. It's not an affliction.. it's preference and what you want is a design change... it's not like implementing color blind mode.


It's not a disability; it's just a kind of personality trait that was noted and given a name and a proper description. For example, I don't have much of a problem playing a female character in a game if the game itself isn't too objectifying of the gender. I can play TERA, like I mentionned, fine with a female character since I usually have a 'character concept' mentality from having played PnP RPGs.


The only game I actually felt dirty playing that was blatant in its over-sexualisation was Scarlet Blade simply because it was obvious the gameplay wasn't the focus but rather the game trying to justify you playing a half-naked (and possibly fully naked) woman. That would be my threshold of discomfort since the purpose was full on fanservice and not an actually a game that's mechanically fun to play.


As for OP, it's quite possible his personnal threshold is very low; it's not a bad thing, it just happens to be rare to come across people with such a low threshold these days, especially since Warframe is very tame on the sexualisation of its characters (as I'm sure some would be completely comfortable playing that said Scarlet Blade because their threshold is higher than mine).

Edited by Wiegraf
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I just use both and roll with Crysis' excuse: Nanites in the suit change the wearer's proportions to fit in the frame. The warframes are all stylized and ornamental, after all.


Did you proceed to immediately die of dysentery afterwards?

I always ended up with, "You have read that which should not be read. The curtain falls on this world. All hail the King in Yellow."
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