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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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A [fricking] men. Hope this isn't closed. I understand they need time, but I find it hard to believe that they only realized today that it wouldn't be ready. After over a month of them not being ready, and constantly having to delay, I just can't believe it. They don't manage expectations. They don't really manage this forum. With numerous threads popping up on the same topic, on the same reveal, it's not managed. DE needs to manage expectations, shut down these hype threads that create large expectations. Because, I guarantee you that this rage isn't just hot air. I'm sure it actually hurts the dev team to read it. Repeatedly being pumped up only to be let down doesn't just go away. You're going to have a great many players who don't have any trust in DE because of constant letdowns.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Btw OP, you are indeed mad. You're a very angry person.





Did DE originally intend a last minute second timer? No.
Do we want to trust Dev that they need just 1 week more time? Yes.
For those of you we've let down, see you next Wednesday and please play the apology alerts if they appeal to you - otherwise, see you Friday for a playthrough on the stream.

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We're not the ones who made the countdown to today.

They're the ones who put up the Grineer Systems page with the "new info till wednesday" countdown that ends today, complete with hyping the new warframe/weapon, tileset, boss and more.


So...why the countdown? That's not our fault.

Thats direct logic. You obviously need to elaborate your thinking systematic. But lets simply say overhype is not helpful.

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Something went bad and it had to be pushed back? huh didn't know about that.


Honestly I was kind of thinking U 13 was not this week. Why you might ask. The screen shot contest. It doesn't end until tomorrow. It just wouldn't make sense to release melee 2.0 when the contest for melee 1.0 is still going on.

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I think the teaser site may have been released preemptively, and that the extra time is needed to really polish the update as much as possible.


i still dont believe they made a misstake like that..


seriously like a lot of ppl ,  we were like OK we gonna wait till it's done..


When i saw the teaser site, i was like mhmm


Ok it's done they trying to revive the hype for wednsday..



They definitively must have some trump card

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Dude, I exactly expect more reasonable players to tell them to take their time and it is ok. You dont need to go so harsh, we can talk these later.

Reasonable? I was reasonable seven weeks ago when melee 2.0 was originally supposed to be ready. They TOOK their time. Whatcha got for me?

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It is your guys fault for getting hyped DE never stated update 13 was going to be today.



Also locking that mega thread seems fine to me they are just cleaning the thread and it will reopen when the mods are finished you try moderating a single thread were hundreds of people are currently posting there.

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Wow. Man, I am sorry, but you sound like a spoiled brat. This is a game. This is the part of your life that you do when you aren't doing actually important things. It is entertainment, and DE works f*cking ridiculous hours trying to get stuff out on time so that we can be entertained during our down-time. You are &!$$ed off that they will work upwards of 16 hour days for the next 5-7 days so that you can sate your need to sit in front of your computer screen and mash buttons and provide no value to anyone else? You do not own them. They owe you nothing. I am not overjoyed that we have to wait another week, but you have absolutely no right to reprimand them for choosing not to release unfinished content. I criticised how vague and unclear the announcement of the delay was, but apart from that they are well within their right to hold the update for as long as necessary. Would you sooner they released it in a rush and broke the game so you can't play at all? Grow up and get a life so that things like this don't set you off into a rage.

Edited by TheSeannachaidh
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