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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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I didnt say that taking time to perfect things isnt good. I meant hyping up your customers for no reason a week before an update.

Man, come on... They obviously thought that it would be this week. Something has come up in the last leg of production that has made them conclude that they cannot justify releasing the content in its current state. Done. They don't have to release it, then. They will give it in a more refined form in a weeks time. They misjudged their ability to get it refined by tonight, but do they deserve this interwebular crucifixion for it? Have you ever had a school assignment or project at work for which you had to request more time from a teacher/manager/customer? This is part of making anything. It takes time, so let us, the customer in this case, trust that they will use the time that they have asked for wisely. Edited by TheSeannachaidh
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There are degrees to everything. I'm pretty sure everyone knows that making a patch isn't easy. This update was not announced a week ago, or a fortnight or even a month ago. This isn't the first time it was pushed back. I don't think DE should produce results within 2-3 weeks of announcement. I do think that it is worth it to use more time to spruce up content. The degree here is the problem. I am disappointed not because I am dogmatic about DE's absolute responsibility to deliver in impossible timings. I am disappointed because this is not a singular case. This just happened to be the one whose hype train crashed in the worst way possible. That is why I am disappointed. I don't think U13 was made in a day. I AM appreciative of what DE does for Warframe. But this doesn't change anything about how I feel inside when I am disappointed. Please stop equating people getting furious or disappointed as immature or self-deserving. It shows that there is genuine concern towards the game. We have hope and you know what they say, the higher you are, the harder the fall. It's not that I hate DE for doing this, but there is no shunning away the obvious fact that today's happening impacted me in a very adverse manner. I still love DE, I still love Warframe. But at the same time, I am also deeply disappointed.

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We defend what we think is worth defending, regardless of whether they would like to defend themselves or not. This won't hurt them. They know full well what would happen if they delayed it, and rubbing salt into the wound is not the best use of our energy. We should be patient. 

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As a new player, I'm not very mad about this (even though I've started to get on the trail of updates), the new water frame looks very cool and Badlands (don't know exactly what that is) look good.

But some people are right, DE did wrong, they shouldn't have hyped and let me tell you, this will sound bad for you, but Rebecca's response was very rude, it's like "Oh you waited for this for so long and we've been hyping all week? F*** you, here, take some in-game stuff and see us playing what you have one more week of waiting this Friday".

Some people just have to stop being so much protective.

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We're talking about people in the age of laziness, technology, and impatience, right? People would rather see heads on pikes if the next Call of Duty isn't released.

It's best to get used to the fact that people are going to, for the lack of a better word, be pissed (and rightfully so given the extreme hype), if things aren't delivered as promised on time.

Whilst I don't mind the delay, given I've been playing Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, DE gave us hype to expect that U13 was coming sooner than post-12.9. It's kind of aggravating that they'd give us said hype and kill the mood all together. 


i showed my appreciation by spending a large sum of money, close to a grand actually, on this game. MY problem, is the complete lack of communication between testers, and developers.

This is essentially the issue right here, in complete agreement.

It seems like DE doesn't exactly understand what their 'fans', if you want to call them that, want to see within time. Though, still, in their defense, they push updates every week.

I'm annoyed that there's yet another delay, but I'm grateful that they still give us updates. That's something that's not really seen in MOST games.

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Stay Zen....we've waited a long time for this., 1 week isn't going to kill us. I am frustrated as well My jat kittag needs to bash heads but I think w're overreacting. Maybe the way to tell us wasn't the good way but they'll give us a preview on friday.. It was probably postponed because of an emergency 

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I feel this is going to be a breaking point in the way DE show us new content. I think with all the rage that is coming out they will be more cautious about showing new content to prevent the hype going crazy, and as a result we have lost much as players, all because of people who can't wait for another week.

you say that like this is a direct result of them SHOWING the content. Its not. Its them saying it will be ready, it will be ready, its almost here. just wait a little longer. Show some patience. We are still working out some bugs. more bugs bugs bugs bugs. It WILL be ready. Here have some hype inducing imagery. Have this hype inducing imagery for a week! last day of hype!



Oh, were sorry, you thought it WOULD be ready?



it will be ready, it will be ready.

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+1. DE, please don't allow hype to fester like this again though. And remove the counter in case it takes you more than a week. In fact, just shut down the Grineersystems website. It no longer serves any purpose.

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So today i woke up on my day off Ready to post this pic into the megathread






But my heart broke after reading the lastest news....




BUT DE, DONT WORRY, i understand and  i know most founders/players think the same ( too bad next week i will be busy as jesus.....i don't even feel like playing any game now)



but i will bottle up my rage/sadness. 



DE, do what you need to do =)







but should've told us sooner.....i know you guys read the megathread hype and knew that people were expecting the update this week.....but why not tell us that it wasn't planned for this week? could've avoided all this hate and rage.





-AngelGuard, Very Old founder

Edited by AngelGuardcc
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All we can assume is that they are working on it as hard as they can. It doesn't seem like the majority understand how big of an undertaking melee 2.0 is. We can only guess DE assumed it would be finished by the end of the Grineer Systems today. They are compensating for it by giving catylists  and reactors. Even though we should understand that these things take time and they took on a big undertaking transforming melee twice. 


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Group hug!!!!


Heck yeah. We should bring DE in here, but I think they're worrying about other stuff.


But, yeah. The wave will pass. The new players won't even know there was a wave. Catalyst, woo! Reserved for the katana I await.

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simply put: DE intended for U13 to come today and even made a site to anticipate it. They ran into an issue (would have to be a large one for them to postpone it) and are delaying it until next week. A lot of people are having hype backlash and are focusing rage at DE.


Yeah that pretty much sums it up. it's ok though The Hype Conductor has awakened and is revving the engine of his Hype train.



Choooo Choooooo-sip- Scott and I share a love for the sip. I sip coffee tho,

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A 1 week delay doesn't come out of nowhere. They saw this happening at least a day ago, possibly more, and figured the best solution was to suprise everyone on release day.


I'm not quitting the game but you really are hurting DE by being so quick to their defense when they do something stupid. Don't you want them to improve? You're hurting them so hard.


I don't want DE to look stupid, I want them to succeed, and this doesn't help :(

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Nothing wrong with that. I'm not angry at them nor do I want to hurt them. It's just that many players (like me) feel a bit let down that U13 wasn't up for today. You know, it just felt like it would be today. With the whole "grineersystems" site it really looked like it. And for many players it's just a disappointment.


Tough, they shouldn't hate on DE, but just wait, because it will be better by next week (I hope)

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No, I think it's quite justified to be angry considering they started the hype machine and failed to deliver on time, and their attempt at pacifying us (the Gift of the Lotus alerts) was buggy as hell.

Edited by IgnusDei
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As a grandmaster and a veteran of the game you have seen how much this game has grown since closed beta assuming you were in it like me then would also know DE tries there hardest to get stuff in on time but if there is something horribly wrong at the last minute then there is nothing they can do it just popped up today so they would not have known days in advanced.

they have before split an update up because it wasnt ready. nothing wrong with that. Whats most frustrating is they are over complicating something that didnt need an overhaul. The only thing people wanted was long swords and similar single target weapons to become more viable. Thats a simple change in values. Now we get melee 2.0 a system no one asked for because the current system is fine (minus swords) which will be broken for at least 2 months after release anyways. We have evidence to support that it wont be ready when its released anyways (dmg.2.0). With dmg 2.0 there are still HUGE problems with how it works. For example several weapons went from being fun and unique to this weapon is so trash i may as well sell it for 5k creds. at least the creds will get me somewhere in the game.


We can expect the same level of incompleteness with melee 2.0


Whats most annoying as a veteran player is having to relevel all those weapons just so you can find one that works well since all your favorites are now at the bottom of the trash barrel.


If you ask me, melee will be less viable after melee 2.0 then it was before. Just like it was more viable before dmg 2.0.


This is the end of an era of melee. tenno have evolved into murikans. rifles... rifles err'where

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Nothing wrong with that. I'm not angry at them nor do I want to hurt them. It's just that many players (like me) feel a bit let down that U13 wasn't up for today. You know, it just felt like it would be today. With the whole "grineersystems" site it really looked like it. And for many players it's just a disappointment.


Tough, they shouldn't hate on DE, but just wait, because it will be better by next week (I hope)



Agreed, people need to stop being impaietent.


There can be much worse devs. Be happy with what you have.



What. I'm saying DE should be held accountable a, and that blind zealotry gets us nowhere and holds DE back. You guys got the wrong message.

Edited by GoonBoon
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So you're defending what they just did?

Hyping something up and then spitting on it a the last moment?


People like you are the reason why devs everywhere stop putting in any effort. Because they know that even when they do stupid crap shills will still love them.

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