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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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It's their game. Claim proven.

Want to go by that logic? Okay

Let's say a a hospital decided to not save this person's life because they didn't like him, with their excuse being "our hospital, we do what ever we want here."

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JUST 7 days guys 

Seriously, it isn't being delayed a month, it isn't being delayed a year, it's being delayed a week.

A week is really not that long of a wait, so while you're waiting, play some more Warframe, or do something else, whatever floats your boat.


And people also seem to fail to realize that the reason for this delay could very well be a problem with getting the update to work and actually work well.

All of you who have been fussing over when the update is coming and how you "need the update now" have only been putting loads of pressure on DE. We know they don't want to disappoint their player-base, so they've been rushing to get us this update, and if that's not dedication I don't know what is.

But you know what, while they've been racing against time to get this update done, they still want it to be a good update. They don't want problems or game-breaking bugs or anything like that, they want it to be as clean and smooth as possible, which in some cases is only possible with a bit more time.


So please, stop getting mad at DE for the delay, they're trying to make this update better for us and trying to get it out as fast as they can.

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Want to go by that logic? Okay

Let's say a a hospital decided to not save this person's life because they didn't like him, with their excuse being "our hospital, we do what ever we want here."

Except that example doesn't work because there's numerous laws in place to prevent that. I can't recall any laws that prevent a game developer from withholding an update.


Nice try, though?

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So im sure many people are waiting for this special day called wednesday and we all know, yes everyone is excited, yes we want new melee system and new frame blah blah blah....


But a recent post by the devs indicate that there might not actually be an update today that it might come next week.


For those who don't know what im talking about here is a link: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/205023-coming-soon-devstream-26/


It says: "we will be having a very special live-playthrough and commentary preview of Update 13"


Also on the grineer systems website, the last pic was posted and there seems to be some sort of timer


As you can see there are 7 dials, there are 7 days in a week so do the math...


Now this is not a rage post, don't get me wrong I would have been so happy to get the update today but I more work has to be done then so be it. I am never against prolonging an update!


The issue that DE is going to have now is the hype train riders that wanted it today... And after our beloved Wednesday turns to Thursday prepare for rage posts and to a certain extent, loss in credibility (for people who were way to exited xD)... And the worst part about this is that this hype was brought to such a high scale because of DE, the livestreams showing the animations and the grineer systems webpage that showed previews of the update each day (leading to Wednesday). Most people assumed that the update would be today because of those screens, and hell I was convinced myself.


So after all this what are your thoughts? Do you believe in the slightly hinted decision that u13 will be moved next week? Do you think that the hype went to far? Or do you believe that this entire thing is being blown out of proportion? Do you feel that the community should be more informed and told straight up what is going on instead of these small hints and assumptions?


This post is not to poke at DE or anyone else in any way. It's just so people can express themselves and share their thoughts about the current update. I think it would be great to share opinions ans thoughts and speculation because that what makes these content updates so much more interesting!


And DE please if it is necessary do what you must! I completely respect any decision you make.


I would love to know ^_^


EDIT: Yes I know im slow but DE addressed to the entire community and compensated them for the delay. And I just wanted to say thank you for that!

Edited by TraparDensity
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Can't we just say it was probably a good decision but badly handled ?

We came to that conclusion a while ago, but everyone is too busy blathering about "being betrayed" and all this other rubbish.


Give it two weeks and a Tenno reinforcement and they'll forget about it. It happened with Zephyr, it'll happen with this.

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And i must admit De %#@?% big time when it comes to release things in time.. Melle 2.0 should have arrived in u12 if i remmember correctly.. Then 12.5 now today,and its been delayed today.. If the knew that tjey cant make it for today,then why wait and @#%_ with us till now? And btw why dont release even if it has sone bugs,we are beta testera,we have to live with them,and give feadback..

You can be angry ,but this ia the truth..

And sry for english

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Stop blindly defending DE.


Yeah, U13 and Melee 2.0 got delayed, that sucks a lot, but so what? Something wasn't quite right and they had to add another week. Not that big of a deal.


But whats really bad, is how it was handled. Take a step back and look at this entire week up to today. Pretty much EVERYONE was hyped up because of that site. Everything pointed to U13 coming out today(and they even intended for it to happen today!). Then all of a sudden, we just get a new timer???


Unless this delay was literally decided at the last moment(highly doubtful). they could have gave us the news way earlier, in a much better way and avoided most, if not all of this backlash.


I appreciate all the work that they are putting into this whole thing, and the game itself hugely, but DE has to learn from mistakes like this and not let them happen again. Defending them like they are kids every time they screw up won't help anybody.

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...she's community management. She has absolutely nothing to do with any of that, lol.

Well, I"m saying it was a massive disappointment, even more so than what sheldon apologized for, so I was expecting an apology from someone else, and a more well-thought out and apologetic.  Not a self-righteous, five-line annoying "shut up already" post.


I'm not so much angry with the delay as things like this happen I'm more upset over the timer with-in a timer.

Yeah.  Join the club bro, if they said they needed another week three days ago, then it'd be fine.  But they waited until the last second, and then stuck the double timer up.  And then an annoying 5-line self-righteous half-apology.  grr.

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- Snip -

While I won't agree with the way some of our forumers approach this topic, I have to correct that this is actually nearing 2 months of delays and that is why I understand them, even if I would suggest more constructive ways of approaching the criticism.

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Seriously, it isn't being delayed a month, it isn't being delayed a year, it's being delayed a week.

A week is really not that long of a wait, so while you're waiting, play some more Warframe, or do something else, whatever floats your boat.


-clip snap clip-


So please, stop getting mad at DE for the delay, they're trying to make this update better for us and trying to get it out as fast as they can.

Yes it's been delayed by a week.. again, unfortunately.


I think many players are mad about it because it has been delayed a few times before. also Warframe was posting some teasers on facebook and building hype like its actually gonna come out today then *BLAM!!*, delayed again.

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They didnt intend to make countdown to a countdown, but they went coded a second countdown anyway? 


why not just tell people upfront. Seriously was there a meeting about the delay and the devs asked themselves  should we tell them. and the dev that made broken lights said "hey you know what would make everyone happy, a second countdown"


Most developers and can set a date years before and release on that day, and you guys couldn't even get it right with one weeks notice :(

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