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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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It doesn't need to be a large response, we don't need to know the details of what's gone wrong and what you're doing to fix it, but at least next time please just say to us "Oops, we screwed up, it'll be later than planned, sorry about that."


It's somewhat already the case.



...Where's Megan's Post please ?


EDIT : There it is !



The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.

Edited by Einde
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Are people really so anxious to get U13 asap, huh? Guys, it's a game! It's not like you won the lottery and waiting to get the reward so much. 


You will get your reward for patience next week.... don't ya worry!


This hype thread was good, I've never expected it to get over 200 pages <(^^<) Congratz Tenno! You are master hyp-ers! (>^^)>


Personally, I hope that if U13 really is going to be released next week, then it has to be polished good. I hope you guys at DE know what'ya doing...


If all of you here, still insist on moaning about the delay the thou I shall use my shield of sexineess to stop ya all.....!



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[DE]Megan, on 02 Apr 2014 - 09:30 AM, said:snapback.png


Yeah, I looked it up myself. Much better, but still not out in the open. You'd have to troll through the megathread or have someone link it to you to know it got delayed. There should have been a news post explaining what happened, not just two community mods taking the flak apologizing to us.

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Now all of my trust to DE is gone.. They just dont keep their word.. Delayed in last hour.. Delay it 1-2 day before and i would be ok,not in the last hours.. Now everytime you say that we will get that then i will. except a 2 month delay

sry for english

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Are people really so anxious to get U13 asap, huh? Guys, it's a game! It's not like you won the lottery and waiting to get the reward so much. 


You will get your reward for patience next week.... don't ya worry!


This hype thread was good, I've never expected it to get over 200 pages <(^^<) Congratz Tenno! You are master hyp-ers! (>^^)>


Personally, I hope that if U13 really is going to be released next week, then it has to be polished good. I hope you guys at DE know what'ya doing...


If all of you here, still insist on moaning about the delay the thou I shall use my shield of sexineess to stop ya all.....!



They clearly dont know what are they doing if they delay the update in last HOURS

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Unfortunately there will be no Tenno Reinforcements today, sorry!


It's full steam ahead for Update 13 and all it's fixes, changes, and content.


Don't forget to grab your Dex Furis and stay tuned for the coming Lotus Alerts.

Because the lotus alerts will make us feel better after 1 week of @@@@@@@ with us? No they wont,its a cheap way to make others think that you care..
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I really don't know what difference does it make if we get the update now or in a week.


My personal opinion is that they should take their time with releasing a good patch rather than making it in a hurry and leave us with a bad taste.


Patience is a virtue.

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Could have been handled better. DE knows that.


I'm perfectly fine with it being delayed. Last-minute delay wasn't the best way I'll admit. At least it beats releasing nonfunctional junk (*hint* *hint* EA). That would have been devastating. I still haven't fully recovered from what EA did.


We've all seen what unfinished products that get pushed out the door to meet release dates look like. I never want to see Warframe that way.


Still hyped, the scope of the update under construction is expanding and is well worth the hype. You should be too.

Proud of Warframe and how it's evolving before my eyes. DE earned the trust.

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I just hope that nothing bad happened at the DE HQ (someone from the team getting seriously ill or something as bad as this), which then lead to U13 delay. They are just a small company, after all, not a huge corporation. No one is out there to transfer some help from a sister company when an emergency happens, no other company will pump in cash from their humongous bank account when the servers burn through or some work equipment gets damaged or whatnot.

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It's somewhat already the case.



...Where's Megan's Post please ?


EDIT : There it is !


Yeah, I saw that post, but my point was more along the lines of "notify the community immediately if something breaks". That way you don't get as much rage flowing from us. There will still be some (because people will be people), but it would certainly have lessened it.


Still, when it's all said and done, we've been waiting a good while for Melee 2.0 (amongst other things), another week won't kill anyone.

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Well if I can add anything from the PS4 Spectrum. I would much rather perfer DE releases new content that is working properly. Considering how much Melee 2.0 has been spoken of and anticipated, it would be devastating for DE if it fell on its face.


Despite the many shortcomings Warframe may have, I have thoroughly enjoyed the game. I personally believe DE has something special here and want to see Warframe do well. Heres to hoping U13 knocks it out of the park.

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To those people who are like complaining about U13 delay,

                                                                                                     I know some of u guys are  founders or  a old tennobut they never give a date and besides what could  better than putting a timer for this amazing update they are gonna do and those alerts the blue potato is suppose  to charge the new weapon that's gonna be coming , gold is for the new warframe and forma for either. I am sorry if I offended anyone  cuz I joined the game at 12.2.So rather than complaining, we can make this thread into a U13 timer countdown and a hype train( boarding the hype train alr :D )

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Another counter? Really!?
I'm totally tired of waiting now. I'm gonna claim my Catalyst and after that i will play TES Online. Not Warframe. Sorry DE(


Welcome to the forums!

I'm probably heading over to try ESO anyways. Then when U13 deploys, I can jump back into Warframe.

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Well, if this debacle has shown us anything it's that warframe has a lot of entitled whiny brats for players.

Really? Name calling? 


They delay a delayed and hyped update with no prior knowledge. Maybe if they came out and told us the full story it would soften the blow. 

Instead they hide behind Countdownception and Soon TM. The delay itself is fine, they can delay it all they want. However they should at least be honest and communicate the problems. They don't have to do that. However if they don't they are just like all the developers out there. I thought they at least cared about community communication. 


We will have to wait till Friday, 2 days after the event, before getting a proper official response. So fart only Rebecca and Megan have posted somewhere in this mega-thread and that's it. 

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