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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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so how did everyone find that katana image?

I would explain but its complicated basically to put it short the first screen was called screenOne and it used the image screenOne/1 that was the same for every screen except two screen. Screen two used screenZero/1 so he figured if you change the zero out with the word Two youd get something and he got that.

Edited by PinkStarSR11
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It's supposed to be cool. That automatically rules out rhino.


Also, sudden fear: What if this means u13 is 6 weeks away? =o


Or 6 days, seeing as this was discovered today. DE doesn't have to abide by the weekly hotfix on a website.

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Or 6 days, seeing as this was discovered today. DE doesn't have to abide by the weekly hotfix on a website.


It could be either. I'd expect the current contest to end before this update is released. Then again, why the contest now and not a couple weeks from now if it's six weeks. Not sure how 'in the know' the community manager and coordinator are... And it wasn't discovered today. It was revealed today.

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I would explain but its complicated basically to put it short the first screen was called screenOne and it used the image screenOne/1 that was the same for every screen except two screen. Screen two used screenZero/1 so he figured if you change the zero out with the word Two youd get something and he got that.

or you could just look at the page info

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view page info with chrome just gives me a permissions menu

Are there other tabs on what pop ups? On firefox, view page info gives me a box with General, Media, Permissions, and Security tabs. The katana/wakazashi picture is under media.

Edited by JerZeyCJ
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Are there other tabs on what pop ups? On firefox, view page info gives me a box with General, Media, Permissions, and Security tabs. The katana/wakazashi picture is under media.


No such thing, under media. Have everything like you said, but not that one ;p


Anyway - That's just beatifull ... Love when DE is doing something like that : ]

Edited by Anzark
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