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The New Water Frame (Hydroid) Hype And Anticipation Megathread


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Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn





Nothing but a knock-off.


Cthulhu is the original.




Being a huge Lovecraft nerd (my IGN and avatar are giveaways), this new frame pleases me. HHHNNNNGGGGG


I personally feel Poseidon or Triton is a great name for the new water warframe coming up on U13. But maybe even Neptune, but seeing how there's a planet named after that though... I doubt it. I feel like poseidon will fit the naming better, since you got loki in there already...(God names). Sigh... What do you guys think? Hell, I've been hearing a lot of Cthulhu.



I'm pulling for Dagon myself.  Not so obtuse as it go over a wary observer's head, but not so blatant as to establish unrealistic expectations of the frame.


Dagon would be one of my choices, yes.


My wishlist for the name:








Oh, and... all water frame hype and anticipation threads merged into this master megathread. :)

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Oh, and... all water frame hype and anticipation threads merged into this master megathread. :)


Makes my job of seeking one out that much easier.


So, whaddoya guys think it'll DO? Personally, I expect it'll be a melee frame to fit the patch - Pirate seems likely with the ominous "on the water" comment from Scott in the last stream, though that's fairly vague without a cutlass. Samurai has potential with using water pressure to increase reach and cutting power through armor.

Definitely expecting it'll have some form of soft CC, like the other elementals. Hoping it won't be another lame water-based healer, since any new direct-healing abilities would be better off divided between our existing three healers first...

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Dont know if this has been said before but...I want his fourth ability to be called KRAKEN and he will shout "Release the Kraken!" every time he casts it.
Also, some sea mythos based name would be splendid! Leviathan sounds OP tho...maybe Sushiban? Squidcalibur?

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Dont know if this has been said before but...I want his fourth ability to be called KRAKEN and he will shout "Release the Kraken!" every time he casts it.

Also, some sea mythos based name would be splendid! Leviathan sounds OP tho...maybe Sushiban? Squidcalibur?

You play too much smite >__>

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Well, I hope he's not gonna be Zephyr hard to farm.


He'll probably drop off whatever boss is in the Grineer Shipyards, wherever those end up.

Maybe they'll change all of Sedna to be Shipyards, then move Saryn off to some placeholder Corpus/Infested boss on Eris?

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If his ultimate really is, "Release the Kraken", wouldn't that mean it would be raining pistols (the kraken pistol)?  I mean what is that supposed to do, give someone a concussion? 


I wouldn't be surprised if one of his powers is a water wave that is similar to Banshee's One ability.  His other abilities, I have no clue at all, maybe a Toxic puddle? 

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