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Happy Happy Feels Thread Of Gratitude For Happy Feels!


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 You are right. Making threads in reaction to valid criticisms is silly.  Other than an offhand shot (the picture reading "I'll wait"), my interpretation of this thread was not one of apologizing for DE's failure to inform the players that they weren't going to hit the deadline they set for themselves, but more a reaction to all the negativity that has been festering for some time.  


  Some of us enjoy this game, and would like to see it go places, to go farther than it has already.  Some of us give feedback to that end.  I've been around since early open beta, so almost a year, and generally speaking, the forums are full of half-hearted topic posts of something thats been discussed thoroughly months prior, badly written complaints, half-assed attempts to get DE to throw a lot of easy plat at the playerbase, and then some articulate guilt trips (hey, occasionally some of the complainants have decent writing skills, they just spin it badly).  Sounds to me a lot like Denial, Anger, Bargaining and Depression..... It's a serious turn-off as most of it is dreadfully non-constructive.


Every so often someone needs to throw out a light into the dimly lit sewer of the forums so those with some motivation can follow the path someone else clearly thought was viable.  Maybe just maybe they'll find some like-minded individuals to share a moment, before returning to the inevitable slaughter of armor plated, cloned space marines.  Complaints about what's wrong is good; DE asked for feedback.  Not telling them what they've done right is a failure on our part, and may lead to something awesome being changed.  This thread is here to remedy that.  It was decently refreshing until a couple of trolls showed up.


To ensure that I stay on topic: 

I am grateful for Loki. Great looks, great skillset.  I'd love to see more control-esque frames.

I am grateful for the bow rework.  <3 dread.

I am grateful for the immortal skins. Nyx never looked so scary O.o

I am grateful for the Alad V trailer. It's been a long time since any cinematic in a game evoked any more than a slight twitch of emotion. Seeing that Cali get cut up creeped me out a lot more than I thought possible from a 4 minute video.  As soon as that hit, I was all in rooting for the rescue squad to show up in time.

I am also grateful for DE's undercover methods of weeding some of the "instant gratification" brats out of the community.



Keep cracking skulls DE, we will still be here when you think it's ready for us. HOORAY!


My word. You have no idea how much this pretty much sums a lot of what I'm feeling and you've put it in a way better than what I could have done.

I salute you.

Edited by Sutherland
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I just want to say that I spent the last half hour fawning over DE_Megan, I want to share a case of heady topper with her while watching you can't do that on television as we gaze into one an others eyes through black rimmed glasses. .. <3

Lol hipster IPA to go with your hipster glasses :|

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To the Moderators:


I applaud you and admire you more today than any other day.


Picking through all of this has got to be very tiresome, in these days past there has been so much for you to do. 


It must be very hard on you.....


Yet you STILL manage to take in those submissions for support and successfully manage to keep the content flow working under the rules.


All the respect goes to you.


If anyone needs a white knight or a brown noser right now it is you.


I appreciate those who wear the badge, it is heaviest if worn with integrity, and that you do.




I am Grateful for having Moderators that display good judgement and professionalism in their handling of our threads.

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I'm "Grate"ful (See what I did there?) for the work DE has put into the game.


having worked in programming, something is always bound to break on large scales due to the tiniest edits sometimes the last minute.


In my opinion you guys are well connected with your community and you're human. Rebecca and Megan do their job phenomenally. They're the first people who I've seen haven't really gone full out robots and actually interact with their community.



I'd love to be able to work with people like them one day.. Speaking of that Just another Year and I'll have my degree.. \(^.^)/

Edited by Phobose
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 You are right. Making threads in reaction to valid criticisms is silly.  Other than an offhand shot (the picture reading "I'll wait"), my interpretation of this thread was not one of apologizing for DE's failure to inform the players that they weren't going to hit the deadline they set for themselves, but more a reaction to all the negativity that has been festering for some time.  


  Some of us enjoy this game, and would like to see it go places, to go farther than it has already.  Some of us give feedback to that end.  I've been around since early open beta, so almost a year, and generally speaking, the forums are full of half-hearted topic posts of something thats been discussed thoroughly months prior, badly written complaints, half-assed attempts to get DE to throw a lot of easy plat at the playerbase, and then some articulate guilt trips (hey, occasionally some of the complainants have decent writing skills, they just spin it badly).  Sounds to me a lot like Denial, Anger, Bargaining and Depression..... It's a serious turn-off as most of it is dreadfully non-constructive.


Every so often someone needs to throw out a light into the dimly lit sewer of the forums so those with some motivation can follow the path someone else clearly thought was viable.  Maybe just maybe they'll find some like-minded individuals to share a moment, before returning to the inevitable slaughter of armor plated, cloned space marines.  Complaints about what's wrong is good; DE asked for feedback.  Not telling them what they've done right is a failure on our part, and may lead to something awesome being changed.  This thread is here to remedy that.  It was decently refreshing until a couple of trolls showed up.


To ensure that I stay on topic: 

I am grateful for Loki. Great looks, great skillset.  I'd love to see more control-esque frames.

I am grateful for the bow rework.  <3 dread.

I am grateful for the immortal skins. Nyx never looked so scary O.o

I am grateful for the Alad V trailer. It's been a long time since any cinematic in a game evoked any more than a slight twitch of emotion. Seeing that Cali get cut up creeped me out a lot more than I thought possible from a 4 minute video.  As soon as that hit, I was all in rooting for the rescue squad to show up in time.

I am also grateful for DE's undercover methods of weeding some of the "instant gratification" brats out of the community.



Keep cracking skulls DE, we will still be here when you think it's ready for us. HOORAY!


I instantly deleted my posts, as this one is vastly more superior and right on-spot.

You have my salute.

Edited by Lorche
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^^ The Original Hydroid




I am Grateful that DE wants to bring the ninja back to Warframe...and puddles.

You- you can stop now. You might need to see a doctor because none of these posts are funny nor interesting. Its you mindlessly Googling photos on the internet and applying some photo shop.


I'm grateful for the day that you will learn your pictures aren't interesting.


Edit: And one look at the water fountain and I don't think "Wow that looks like Hydroid"

Edited by Z3ROWOLFHD
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You- you can stop now. You might need to see a doctor because none of these posts are funny nor interesting. Its you mindlessly Googling photos on the internet and applying some photo shop.


I'm grateful for the day that you will learn your pictures aren't interesting.


Edit: And one look at the water fountain and I don't think "Wow that looks like Hydroid"





None of what you said was happy....



And...its a robotic water fountain....hands free....so yes it is a Droid....just not the droid you were looking for...


p.s. Did you notice all your previous hate posts have been deleted by the mods?


Please Try to contribute with Happy Happy Feels of Gratitude for Happy Feels that DE has caused you!



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You- you can stop now. You might need to see a doctor because none of these posts are funny nor interesting. Its you mindlessly Googling photos on the internet and applying some photo shop.


I'm grateful for the day that you will learn your pictures aren't interesting.


Edit: And one look at the water fountain and I don't think "Wow that looks like Hydroid"

I'm grateful for people like you constantly reminding me just how boring others can be.  While at the same time feeling the need to go out of their way to bring others down.  Hope you see what I just did there.

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I got something for you!





Best I could do in such short notice...





YESSSSS. Made my day :D



I'm grateful to DE for "Catframe" Valkyr (bastet hat) and all the orokin kitties hidden around the levels.

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im gratefull to the devs for being so connected to the players and having the balls to pull a huge update for not being good enough. How many devs have done that? I surely wont be going back to any AAA title any time soon


And I'm gratefull that in warframe you don't die from falling off.

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You- you can stop now. You might need to see a doctor because none of these posts are funny nor interesting. Its you mindlessly Googling photos on the internet and applying some photo shop.


I'm grateful for the day that you will learn your pictures aren't interesting.


Edit: And one look at the water fountain and I don't think "Wow that looks like Hydroid"


Two steps back. It's a hands free Water fountain and a joke.


Sit down, chill out and have a beer or something.

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None of what you said was happy....



And...its a robotic water fountain....hands free....so yes it is a Droid....just not the droid you were looking for...


p.s. Did you notice all your previous hate posts have been deleted by the mods?


Please Try to contribute with Happy Happy Feels of Gratitude for Happy Feels that DE has caused you!



Whatever, going to un-follow this thread now. Just a bunch of pictures you keep pulling off of Google to show how happy you are, and that's great, you can be happy.


B just too much stupidity here for me.

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Whatever, going to un-follow this thread now. Just a bunch of pictures you keep pulling off of Google to show how happy you are, and that's great, you can be happy.


B just too much stupidity here for me.





I'm Grateful for Google and pictures, and DE for allowing us to use both as often as we want!


Thanks DE!

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