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This Is Why I Haven't Been Playing Lately.


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Meh, 1h+ Nuovo survival w/o a single knockdown. Literally. L2P. (hint Radial Disarm / Sure Footed / Bastille / Vortex / Chaos etc)


Teleport animation is absolutely unnecessary though, even compared to knockdowns (kinda the same player disabling for 2sec, when player can't control his character in any way)

Edited by Riccoshot
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The rocket dudes make a very distinct sound. when they fire their rockets, and they are slow enough that from max range run+slide+jump out of the way before they hit you, because their trajectory shifting is pretty slow. That or you can hide behind cover until you hear the rockets detonate against them. Also the shield grineer move SUPPPPPPPER slow, unless you are getting shield bashed from around a corner it's really avoidable (most guns can drop them quickly if you aim for the top of their heads, even with the shields up..

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This happened to me earlier


Teleported next to a bombard as nova and had no time to even #4


I thought to myself


I should be more careful and try to be ready for these situations


It didnt help that my partner was a brand new loki that i was helping out either

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The problem is, lately all the challenge in the game has been just cheap. Grineer Commander? Oops, you're supposed to be disoriented, you lose two turns! Hyena Th? Oops, hope you didn't need to use your abilities! Alad V? Oops, you're blind! It just gets so tiresome...

For the record: bosses like Lephantis and Lech Kril are good. You need to learn their tactics and adapt. Enemies like the Scorpion, Shield Lancers, Scorches are fine, you can avoid their strikes if you're careful. Grineer heavies are okay for the most part since you can run back and pick them out, but their damage absorption in high levels is ridiculously bulletspongey. But unavoidable stuns and penalties are just bad.

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The rocket dudes make a very distinct sound. when they fire their rockets, and they are slow enough that from max range run+slide+jump out of the way before they hit you, because their trajectory shifting is pretty slow. That or you can hide behind cover until you hear the rockets detonate against them. Also the shield grineer move SUPPPPPPPER slow, unless you are getting shield bashed from around a corner it's really avoidable (most guns can drop them quickly if you aim for the top of their heads, even with the shields up..


Well, as stated, this was asteroid defense and it is kinda hard to hear bombards when there's 200 gunfire sounds per second because the room is filled with grakata fire at all times, just about.


I remember a time where you could SEE the bombards and actually know the difference between them and other units. Now everybody looks the same for some stupid reason and you can't even visually pick them out.

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I've been playing a lot of Excalibur and can say I don't have this problem... I don't even have constitution or other such mods on...


You mean....like......Radial Blind the whole f'ing map and mow them down while they stand still soloing in level 35~40 alert missions?




I was told by "experts" that Excalibur "is the worst frame ever!"....

Edited by (PS4)RocketPunch1221
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those who don't have any of the 4 mods that add resist knockdown ( of which constitution is actually needed for power range builds anyway), or don't want to equip them(i have em all and hardly use any) just need to keep moving to avoid attacks and watch their surroundings a bit.


if you're not in a rhino you shouldn't be standing in the open anyway, bombard missiles are slow and easy to avoid, and i have yet to see more than 5 commanders in a single mission(i doubt i have ever seen 2 together at all).


but you're right they should remove missile knockdown, they could also remove heavy grineer melee radial attack (have you ever been surrounded by 4 of those), heck if we keep that way they could remove all their guns so they cannot kill you whatsoever and rename the game to Tenno & its Grineey Friends or something like that.

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I never had this problem before, I have all the warframes and played with all of them. but of course if I go to a higher level with a rank 10-20 warframe I wont be able to do anything  20pts for mods not enough.. and you have to keep in mind that warframe is still in Beta.. I don't think this is a bug . I do like the game being hard some times.. because too easy is just boring. all I can say is just try harder or low levels.. even maybe have some one carry you through the alerts :)

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I just want to reinforce the points here a bit.  IT IS not about how good / bad the player is, but what DE considers as challenging.  The keyword here is "Knockdown".  Everything hard is either knockdown, or other sort of hard disable.  Yes with the right mods and player, not everyone would experience this problem. But you have to understand not everyone's on the same skill level as you, don't have the same access to mods and resources as you, don't have the same Warframes and weapons.  Why even bother mentioning how your Warframe don't have this problem?  Trinity don't have ANY problems because of her ultimate, therefore nothing matters?  The problem is not whether it affects everyone, or even a large amount of people, but the fact that it exists. If Warframe is an action game, then high level shouldn't be gear checks or build checks.  Composition of a team should be important on the most hardcore content, but it should never be mandatory.  Having a bad build shouldn't be punished, it would be harder of course, but actual skills should be the most important here.  But you can only award and promote skill with the right kind of challenge.  Hard disables don't promote that, ever.


Everything in Warframe tries to kill you not with tricky skills, pressure, or straight up power, but with stuns.  A lot of them are not impossible to avoid, yes.  That doesn't change the fact that they are everywhere.  Attacks like hitscans guns or Corpus laser can't really be evaded normally, but they don't do as much damage.  That is fine, it keeps the player pressured.  But any attack other than those does either knockdown, stun, disorienting + stagger, or stagger.  All of them takes control away from the player in this supposedly fast pace game.  How is this fun or challenging?  It is purely frustrating.  There are better ways of  providing challenge.  The simplest would be the "avoid the fire on the ground".  In fact I think it works well in Warframe.  Ninjas should be always on the move to avoid damage, mainly with their agility and mobility.  Having to avoid fire on the ground makes sense, and it is obvious enough to not  be frustrating.  Once that is in, you can add stuff like visible  grenades(not just the animation of someone throwing it, but seeing the projectile lobbed towards you), rocket barrages that explodes 1 sec after impact ,etc.  Attacks such as these don't ever take control away from the player, they are all obviously avoidable, but you must avoid them or have enough defense to tank through a bit of them.  CC becomes skills that helps you avoid getting overwhelmed (that's what CC is for to begin with, not just simply to survive).  Roll will actually have a better use than just having a bit of reduce damage taken for a few frames.  It would be a plus if DE implement proper invincibility frames on evades too. 


Edited by Casval_Rouge
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Mod for it, or play more carefully to avoid getting knocked down in the first place. It isn't that hard.

I barely ever even get knocked down in the first place.

I think its that initial switch teleport stun that started the trouble


Really hard to avoid

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Mod for it, or play more carefully to avoid getting knocked down in the first place. It isn't that hard.

I barely ever even get knocked down in the first place.


I'm not supporting the annoying aspects of certain factions/enemies, just saying it isn't such a problem as depicted in this topic.


Of course there's always room for improvement.

Edited by ArchPhaeton
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You mean....like......Radial Blind the whole f'ing map and mow them down while they stand still soloing in level 35~40 alert missions?




I was told by "experts" that Excalibur "is the worst frame ever!"....

Ya point is that any frame can be good if you know how to play.

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Apart from knockdown resist mods can also dodge these rockets if you time it correctly. I rarely get knocked down except for when I make a stupid mistake and dodge towards the enemy. In such a case, you don't even need knockdown resist just dodge the damn things.

Of course, it's easier said than done (Especially if it's laggy) but it sharpens you up. Get some practice and stop complaining about basic mechanics.


Edit: This is what happens when people get far too spoiled by Rhino and knockdown resists.

Edited by Bro_Z
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Uh , The Knock down is annoying , also we can call this "Fake difficulty" since all you need to do is either : Kill it before it reach you , or Golden skin (Yup in rhino prime why we call it iron while its damn gold?) 

Just annoying nothing much..... I guess you should play again and learn to avoid those "Annoying effect" , after a while you know how to dodge/ avoid

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If you expect to face tank a rocket and still be standing on your feet then you should start taking physics.  What I do is run and dodge the rockets.  Their rockets are slower than our ogris rocketss and it is not hard to do.  In fact, I can always hear the rockets coming and just hearing the rockets approaching should be enough.  I was in a defense mission and saw a bombard shoot a rocket at me.  I sprinted straight for the rocket and just before it was about to hit, I slide!  I shot the bombard in the face while the rocket flew past me and felt badass.  Seriously!  Use parkour dammit!

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Personally, I didn't have any trouble soloing that Grineer central core defense alert mission, didn't die once.


I used a potatoed Saryn, no forma, Fleeting Expertise build, only Molt and Miasma equipped, max health, Sure Footed. For weapons, rank 14 Dex Furis for the most part, only switching to a Boltor Prime when I ran out of ammo at an iffy time - I would time ammo pads before the end of a wave and leave one enemy so I'd have enough time to refill.


Just a simple tactic of running around the core works, always keep moving, using Molt (gotta love the recent buff to this) at the right time takes heat off the core and also kills quite a lot of the melee Grineer. 


I'm of the opinion that the difficulty of this mission is fine - provided you know what you're supposed to be doing. Lots of other frames can solo this mission and make it easymode, e.g. Loki exploiting Grineer targeting priority by placing a Decoy in a naughty place, also Radial Disarm.


I do agree somewhat that the "stun" animation that the Commander switch teleport does is a bit much.


Moved to the proper section.

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I think OP has a point though. This might also be the answer to "Why do so many people love playing Rhino?"

At the same time, there are a multitude of ways to avoid knockdown. The Switch Teleport by the Commander, however, does not have an obvious counter. Chainstuns and staggering don't really give depth to the game in a good way imo.

+1, I agree with some points OP made.

Edited by kaboomonme
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I've said it before, slapping the controls out of the player's hands is the kind of tactic I'd expect of a five-year old.


As noted, it's not as bad in the case of shockwave Moas and the like since it's entirely avoidable via player action. Commanders? Not so much. I've still yet to hear a good reason why they even have Switch Tele in the first place... maybe the guys I knew were doing it wrong, but I seem to recall my commanders actually you know, leading the guys under their command (atleast for the most part).


Bombards and the like are something of a crapshoot, depending on the map and such. Dodging the rocket itself isn't much of an issue, it's the AoE and the blast proc. As long as you're anywhere within the AoE, you can run into the issues the OP described. It doesn't even matter if you're behind cover.


The primary issue is that at the end of the day, it can make playing against the Grineer annoying, not particularly fun.

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I think the only real annoyance here is the commander whose teleport shows no visual/audio cue whatsoever. Rocket can be avoid and it's something that I try to do since it's a waste of mod slot for anti-knockdown mods.

Aim+dodge save my &#! all the time.

While I agree with the OP that DE has a history of thinking that taking away control from player means difficulty, I don't think that mission was particularly hard to warrant this topic.

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