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April 4Th: Community Hot Topics!


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IRON PHOENIX STANCE: Fast stance. Shows combos!
Have these stances been mixed up?
'Crimson Dervish' would suggest (to me) a conceptual link to the whirling dervishes, and a fast stance.
'Iron Phoenix' sounds like a stance relating to defence and health.
'Rending Core' makes me think of heavy strikes.


That's 3-for-3 miss ratio on linking description and function, unless more detail would further enlighten players.

Edited by Novocrane
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I noticed the commander switch teleport that stuns you. It's a bit annoying and is probably horrible at higher levels. Maybe you can at least block while you're stunned for that few seconds? It'd reduce damage at least a bit.

I agree that the helms should be statless, they do have some good builds around them but I'd personally much rather just be able to pick helmets for their looks over for their stats. As would quite a few people, though a little extra stats would be awesome.

As for Update 13 stuff. I'm actually really curious about some things, like if the channeling color will change with your Warframe energy color. Other than that I'm really excited!

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There should be an Option to not scale difficulty on alerts. And here's another hot topic.

Which Melee System Would You Prefer? Time Focused Or With 2 Buttons In Sequence?

Note that in the end, players wanted both systems in game, but ultimately prefer two button style, but both can be implemented. This does not change the actual system, it only gives players more options.

Not viable because of channeling and controller (master race) players.


The only thing that made me sad is that there doesn't seem to be a recovery mechaninc in Melee 2.0 :/






Commander Switch Teleport:
Recent threads expressing dislike towards the Switch Teleport from Commanders have been hot with discussion. The frustration boils down to the 1.5 seconds you’re stun-locked in a circle of Grineer without any warning or option to react; prior to the switch. Players have suggested either a lowered stun delay, or an option to hear or see the switch so you can react. 



Loki does it and I am assuming the grineer do this based on Tenno Tech... I think it is fine as is and that it does what it is supposed to do...

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Coptering in this game is what L-canceling and Wavedashing was in Smash Bros Melee. An unintended glitch initially? Maybe. Greatly beneficial for setting a faster pace of the game and introducing a more technical skill barrier between new and experiened players? Yes.


I say give coptering a better animation and help the whiners to a big steaming cup of 'learn 2 gamer' Definately keep it in the game though. It gives certain weapon classes (whips, zorens, shortswords) a much needed perk and it's especially ok when you consider that most of the effective heavy weapons cannot copter.

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stop with the zoren-copter.

it's a glitch, obviously.

it's immersion breaking as all hell (for me at least) to see a guy's legs on a too-fast bicycle flying by me at the speed of sound 40' off the ground.

if you want to "go fast" then play a fast frame or use rush.

if you're being "outrun" by a rusher, find a different group.

one mission reduced affinity isn't going to kill you.


if you don't like a specific player, just blackli.... oh wait.

leave the match and suffer the stat loss. *shrug* if you care about things like that.


and i'd love to see honest hot-topics from time to time.

there are a huge number of issues that aren't being addressed.

network performance, interception newbie-rage, graphical performance, matchmaking.


i've been looking, i haven't seen a single thread related to stat vs. non-stat helms.

(granted, i have not been on the forums as much lately and i don't go out of my way looking for them)

but to me that seems like a very tepid issue compared to the 4 i mentioned above.

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On Alerts:


It depends on warframe selection also, not just gear. I soloed the gift alert for the Reactor recently (because there was nobody to join me on a public mission).


At first try I was using the Excalibur I'm leveling up currently, with no success. Weapons were: Strun Wraith 30+, Dex Furis 20+, Scindo 16+.

Second try I brought my maxed Frost Prime and finished almost easily with the same weapons.


I don't think it's a problem, while this was a defense mission, and Frost is used to be one of the best defensive frames - I used Snow Globe all the way. With Excalibur I managed to wave 6 or 7, but note that I don't have his ult on him, it needs some more XP's to have all mod slots filled :)

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With regards to helmets, why not alter it so people can add custom stats to new helmets? Sort of like how you can add polarity on items with a forma, you could add one stat core to a helmet, which would have corrupted mod like effects (+ to some stats, - to others).

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These aren't reasons to support *one melee weapon* as the 'go faster' option. They're reasons to improve parkour or otherwise adjust the rest of the game.

There are more than the zoren available for coptering. Dakra Prime, Scoliac,Fang prime,Dual Ichor and these weapons are decent for normal attacking too but I do see your point of view, I do like coptering for baiting out attacks and ground slams and reaching a far life support in time

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I was very shocked by this choice of name, I for one would prefer a much more suitable name that fits with the overall theme of the Tenno instead of a name that sounds a little bit like a name for a Corpus unit.

Whilst I was watching Devstream 26 I was thinking of a few alternative names for Hydroid, so here they are:


Nemos (After Captain Nemo).


Nautilus (Is the name of Captain Nemo's submarine in the Jules Verne books, as well as being referred to as the sword of the ocean).


Nautima (Variation of Nautilus).


Oceanic (Due to the nature of this Warframe's oceanic theme and themed abilities, it seems only fitting to have a name that fits that environment).


Thank you for reading, I would like to know what other people's opinions are on this.

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I was very shocked by this choice of name, I for one would prefer a much more suitable name that fits with the overall theme of the Tenno instead of a name that sounds a little bit like a name for a Corpus unit.

Whilst I was watching Devstream 26 I was thinking of a few alternative names for Hydroid, so here they are:


Nemos (After Captain Nemo).


Nautilus (Is the name of Captain Nemo's submarine in the Jules Verne books, as well as being referred to as the sword of the ocean).


Nautima (Variation of Nautilus).


Oceanic (Due to the nature of this Warframe's oceanic theme and themed abilities, it seems only fitting to have a name that fits that environment).


Thank you for reading, I would like to know what other people's opinions are on this.


nemos and riptide are FAR better than hydroid.

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Helmet stat is an issue that DE can fix quite easily. TBH, the core function of cosmetic is to make you look gorgeous without compromising efficiency. Look at Loki players and ask them that do they really like the look of submarine helmet? They use it solely because it offers desirable trait but they will jump at Swindle without a second thought if they can place power efficiency trait into it.


It's time to give us a choice to equip trait separate from helmet. Good looking without compromising efficiency. 

Not that I'm a majority, but Loki is my favorite frame and I actually enjoy the sub helmet.

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Hydroid: Bit of shock over the name. Might wanna see about something less... Pokemon-y, while you still have time before the update and all of the names are in flux.


I'll grant that naming him "Hydros" would be a little too similar to "Nekros", and all of the mythological names (including Davy Jones and the works of Lovecraft) would break the trend for elemental frames. But Hydroid is just... unfitting, especially since he has nothing to do with jellyfish (and most players will otherwise just think it's made up - and unlike Mag, there are a lot of recognizable alternatives, considering his element makes up 70% of the planet).


Heard some good ones like Abyss, Riptide, Aquarius, Nautilus and Vapor, though.


Helmets: To reiterate what I said in the last CHT, it's not that players want to purchase a stat or statless version. It's that we want stats to be completely independent of the aesthetic.

We like the stats! We like the helmets! But like peanut butter and pepperoni, we don't like them as a package. Don't just make a resale version with or without (since that will just annoy the players who already have their helmets, and only dances around the problem), and don't force the players who already have them to make a permanent choice about the stats either. Take the stats off the helmets completely and create some other fluid means of applying them, so that you can freely wear one helmet with another's old stats or without any at all, by your own choosing.

Abyss for the winna!

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Helmets vs Stats - 

Separate the two completely or be rid of stats completely don't take some half measure. I wear the ugly hat because it improves my warframe. I scowl at the sick looking skin that comes with detrimental or inconsequential stats. 


Teleport Stun- 

This skill is in tough competition with hordes of enemies that spam knockdown as soon as you get within 5m. At least I have some chance of avoiding getting smashed in the face with a shield or rifle butt though... But the ST? NOPE. There is no warning. There is no avoiding it. There is nothing you can do but beg for the Commander to be CHANGED as you've just been teleported halfway across the map, seperated from your squad and planted firmly amid a swarm of hostile units, at least one of which has a high probability of being able to knock you on your rear end. Why is a stun even remotely considered okay on top of all that?


Zoran Coptoring -

I can't beleive you're actually going to call this a FEATURE now!?

Parkour? Nope, just copter.

Play a frame with mobility? Nope, here have a copter.

Equip Rush? Copter.

Work as team? F that! Copter race to Evac!

Help the new player? "L2Copter'


Okay so melee 2.0 just went from amazing to a waste of time because the only melee weapons that matter are the ones that can copter. Mobility focused warframes are now a joke, as are any speed/mobility based mods and you've just crowned Rhino the undisputed king of Warframe since his only REAL weakness was his sacrifice of speed for raw power and survivability. Please update the Tutorial to reflect this -

Teach the player how to press 2 to activate Iron Skin.

Teach them how to press 4 to destroy entire rooms with stomp.

Make sure they know that Stomp turns Bosses into little more than a floating training dummy.

Then teach them how to Copter.

Of course this also requires making Rhino the default starting Warframe.


Okay Rhino hate aside, seriously. Whoever is in favor of keeping this needs to load up a "newb" frame and see just how much the experience sucks to have older players who know this exploit (not bug EXPLOIT) blast through missions leaving you with nothing but a tedious run through empty rooms and the frustration that comes with being completely left behind and rendered irrelevant. Run 20 missions as a non-copter with a Zoren user blazing ahead and ask yourself how long you think any new player is honestly going to stick around for that type of gameplay.



TLDR - Remove stats from helmets. Remove Stun from Switch Teleport or remove Switch Teleport from Commanders. Fire whatever moron thinks that leaving Coptering in the game somehow enhances gameplay.

Edited by Cobrikhan
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