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Ghost Clans! Shadow Clans! Unite!


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rules of conduct informally should be common sense, don't be an &#! hat, don't $&*^ over your clan/alliance mates, don't cause drama for the alliance by causing a S#&$-fit on the forums, and try to be a mature adult/player. i am sure someone can write up those more officially.

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I will release some information later today. Keep spreading the word of this alliance!


P.S.: I just noticed how useless it is to post your ingame alias since your forum name IS your ingame alias. XD

some may have multiple accounts, so it is not so useless

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Strength in unity!


Forgot to say - I'm the Overlord of The Guardians at the Gates of Infinity.


We're a shadow clan with ~20 members who are pretty much all active, though a few of us are playing a bit less recently as we need direction, a goal, something to do. And this intrigues me.

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Iridium is signing up for duty.


Ghost clan with 10 active members,


I am the warlord!

Teamspeak is activated aswell, since that is what we use to communicate.

People who doesent have a clan and need one is welcome

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The first batch of clans is in and accounted for. I have created a list with at the moment 39 Ghost and Shadow clans enlisted. With new clans came alot of good questions that have to be answerd.


In general we can't really prepare anything for good until Update 13 is deployed, for there will be alot of UI changes with it. They might solve some of the problems we are facing or they might make them even worse or bring new ones. We do not know! However we can prepare some of the base guidelines to make this alliance as satisfactory for everybody as possible.


General Information


Nothing of what we discuss right now will be final since we do not no how exactly Update 13 will change things. We only got a pretty good idea. Therefor we can only set up a foundation for things to come. Please remember this before raging hard. :)


For clans with only one or two members I suggest you recruit some new players during the next weeks. You can do so via the recruitment forums here, the recruitment chat ingame or even the totally underused Warframe recruitment programm that connects to social media.


Blackdragon0083 said that it might be good to set some baseline rules of alliance management and communication to ensure peaceful coexistance. These are based on good old common sense and can be expanded at any time.


  • Be polite and reasonable!

  • If you have to say something, SAY IT! It is not helpful to silently complain about things!

  • Don't complain about your clan or clanmembers in public! (settle things within your clan)

  • Don't drag the alliance into your conflicts! (dont pull I-will-get-my-big-brother-style things)

  • Don't make the alliance look bad in public ( e.g.:This alliance says you are all $&*^heads!)

  • Don't try to educate others in public! (Wingardium Leviosa-A) Helpful commentary is appreciated!




Here is a little wrap-up of the major questions:




How about a Subforums for alliances?


That would be handy indeed! I have the hope that they thought of such things allready and going to deploy it with the update. As always, if players scream loud enough for it DE will usually do it.




How will so many warlords work together efficently? How are we going to make decisions?


The easiest way would be to vote for major decisions. We dont know jet what this will include but we can assume that it is going to be mostly about where to attack next.




We need to communicate! The Forum will not suffice!


I am a little clueless on that one. The forum is not that grate for disscusion and open communication in this scale right now. We do not know if the Update is going to bring us new means of communication ingame but we need to come up with a alternative if it doesn't. Other forums? Teamspeak? Facebook? I don't know ... I really don't. Input is appreciated and needed!




Which name will our alliance have? I don't want to be part of "the poopdeckscruber" alliance!


Again a vote would be the best way. Everybody can make suggestions (I allready collected a bunch). A jury should filter out the best ideas and then everybody is able to vote again. This way nobody is left out and we can be sure that no unfitting or inappropriate stuff is chosen.




Who makes decisions anyways? Do we have a leader?


I don't think a single person could even handle that many players. Therefor the voting system still makes the most sense to me. But we should think of appointing moderators that guide the disscusion and collect the input. The actuall decisions should be made by all warlords. How you handle these things in your clan is your thing alone. Still for all this we will need a central hub. And currently we do not know if the game will provide one or we have to create one of our own.




What if a Moderator leaves the game for good?


That should not matter to much since we will have multiple people in this positions. Moreover i think we should cycle through the moderator every now and then anyways. I dont think somebody would not like to make this job permanetly!




Are Strom and Mountain clans allowed to join ? What if I want to Upgrade?


I thought this alliance to be especialy for the smaller clans. Mountain clans would quickly stretch the alliance to the 3000 player level. So they are not supposed to join. I also thought this alliance to be for clans that want to keep a certain size. If you are Ghost or Shadow and you feel the need to upgrade your clan please tell us before you do so. If some of us are going to be Storm clans I have no worries but if a Storm clan that is about to upgrade wants join i would consider rejecting them.




What will we do with inactive clans/players?


We had to define inactive. A 30 player clan with 2 acitve players is pretty inactive. But if they say 15 of them are going to be back online in a few weeks then this would change all of a sudden. We can not generally say this clan is inactive lets throw them out. Not without checking and giving some time. If there are no lifesigns whatsoerver for an extended period of time the possibility to expel them is always there.

But I would start at a smaller level. I for example have a player who has not been active for 200 days. I will now expel him from the clan and look for a new one. I still have him in my friendslist and can reinvite him should he come online again. If he doesn't, no harm is done. I think inactive player clean-up should be warlord duty since they know their member better anyways. This way we will have less inactive member problems and less Why-did-you-expel-me-I-was-just-on-vacation-T.T drama.


I would like to hear some feedback on this ideas and some new ideas how to fix the problems we have! I currently looking for a good place to set up a virtual base of operations (maybe the game itself will provide!) and would like to hear some suggestions on that aswell.


That's it for now!




Edit 1: It did F*** up the table and i dont know how to fix this, so ... deal with it.


Edit 2: I think some of you got the statement that I advise very small clan to recruit wrong. Its not like i want people to grab all the players they can get but in the end its always nicer to have a group of people that you are a little closer with then just "we are working towards the same goal". I don't want to push anybody to grow but I didnt want to leave the subject out completely. What I wanted to say was: Grow connections, make friends :)

Edited by thebrainbrain
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Nkomo-Sama Warlord of the Silentshadow Clan (Shadow 29 members) also will lend our efforts to a fair and just alliance.. We will not endorse price gouging nor a monopoly of one clan over the entire solar system...we seek to form a powerful alliance with like minded clans that will enforce a fair price for all and that will strike down any others displaying unfair and unjust tactics...

Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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Now this is the dedication I want to see.


You can mark my shadow clan down. Midnight Frenzy.

I'm the warlord. We've got about 6 members. I'm basically going through the pursuit of finding clanmates at the moment, which is a little hard when you're trying to find dedicated and moderately competitive players. It's a process.


Might I recommend making a Steam group for the alliance? This is probably the best method of communication, especially since most of us may be using Steam to play the game. Forums can be set up there as well as designating moderators, and I believe admins. Events and announcements can be set up as well. It would definitely be the best way to go..

BUT it would be looking down a name for the group, unless you want to make a temporary one just for the moment.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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Just sad that it forces smaller clans - who prefer to have better community/know each other - into large faceless alliances.


The whole building etc fun will be left for the alliance leader or the clan leaders and everyone else is just the worthless grunt force to grind same mission over and over again.


On  top of that it will spark again the "clan cleanups" where people start kicking anyone who isn't active xx hours every day.

Edited by Ketec
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Just sad that it forces smaller clans - who prefer to have better community/know each other - into large faceless alliances.


The whole building etc fun will be left for the alliance leader or the clan leaders and everyone else is just the worthless grunt force to grind same mission over and over again.


On  top of that it will spark again the "clan cleanups" where people start kicking anyone who isn't active xx hours every day.

Are you sure about that? It is most likely that the warlord makes the ultimate decision on who to align with but if he/she is worth anything it would make sense to listen to the clan...Especially if it is not a large clan it will be easy to vote. I am sure there is a way to do it effectively. BrotherIcarus has a good idea I would like to know more about that smaller forum idea...

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"Who makes decisions anyway? Do we have a leader?"


Well, the 39 warlords will make the final decision and be the leaders of course, a sort of alliance council. In the case of my clan, we'll collectively make an internal decision about anything and that'll be our decision, since my brother and I started a clan of all Imperators (warlords for my clan, currently have 28).

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