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I Don't Want This Melee 2.0 Update.


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No, they are actually removing charge attacks.. except for glaives..


So with a gun equipped, holding the melee key will.... do what exactly?


My understanding of that glorious devstream, was that channeling is the new charge.

Basically, it's still the same function- But now you'll glow, which looks badass by the way, and do a powerful attack that disintegrates people. It just costs a little energy.

Edited by Cepmosod
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The MEGA! melee buff we've all been waiting for is a handful of days away and I see THIS?


And as for being Dependent on a Charge build with a Galatine/Orthos P? I know that feeling.


But I say let it go. What's fun about doing 'Charge......Slash..Charge.......Slash.....Charge.....Slash....'?


No? How about -slash slash uppercut downslash Radial slam finish. :D?



In my personal opinion though I'd GLADLY trade a boring charge spam build for Channeling glorious Energy into my weapon and beat the living hell outta them lol

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That's weird.. are you a PS4 player?


nope, pc master race


It was ment at the OP and OP has Ps4 written in front of the name and in user group XD


I logged back out and back in and it showed him as a ps4 player lol not sure what that was about

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So with a gun equipped, holding the melee key will.... do what exactly?


Which to my understanding of that glorious devstream, is basically the new charge.

Not sure.. prob will do nothing now.. they didn't explain anything on that part..

Channeling only works when you equip the melee..


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I dont consider this an upgrade to melee, more like downgrade or a sidegrade. What if I don't want to wait 10 seconds to kill an enemy? Did the developers think of that. My weapons are so strong right now, I can 1 shot pretty much anything to wave 50.


Why should I waste my time with this melee 2.0? There is no good reason. If I want to do combos, Ill play Killer Instinct. Yes having four lives is a problem, even for experienced players. Once you spend 10 seconds killing one enemy another one will spawn, having to do the same exact thing again. How do you consider it an upgrade when it will take longer to kill enemies.


And yes Charge attacks will be removed, DE has said it will be removed.


When you try to melee  at high levels, it will become a problem with game balancing. You will either die a lot or it will become extremely easy. And 10-20 hit combos means that decapitations are removed.

its OPTIONAL.... you get to keep your current melee, and nothing changes for you... Meanwhile the rest of us will have a blast.

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nope, pc master race



I logged back out and back in and it showed him as a ps4 player lol not sure what that was about

just life and it's bugs ^^, since the open beta (maybe even earlier) started registering for the game registers you here as well, the date shown as join on the forum is the time where you first logged into the forums by what i know :)

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So with a gun equipped, holding the melee key will.... do what exactly?


My understanding of that glorious devstream, was that channeling is the new charge.

Basically, it's still the same function- But now you'll glow, which looks badass by the way, and do a powerful attack that disintegrates people. It just costs a little energy.

it also counter attacks if you block, and someone hits you.


edit: also we keep charge attacks

Edited by Arlayn
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Not sure.. prob will do nothing now.. they didn't explain anything on that part..

Channeling only works when you equip the melee..


Where did DE state that they were removing charge completely?

I expected a slight nerf, if anything.


it also counter attacks if you block, and someone hits you.

Indeed- Another plus.

Although, I'm more interested in what will happen to "quick" melee attacks (I.E. how melee is currently with guns equipped).

Will holding 'E' become a basic channel attack? Or will it stay as it is? A charged attack.

Edited by Cepmosod
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Where did DE state that they were removing charge completely?

I expected a slight nerf, if anything.

they are not. We are keeping charge attacks still. AS LONG AS YOU HAVE your primary, or secondary equipped.

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Where did DE state that they were removing charge completely?

I expected a slight nerf, if anything.

Devstream 26.. right before they were talking about glaive..





they are not. We are keeping charge attacks still. AS LONG AS YOU HAVE your primary, or secondary equipped.


Wait, really? I thought they said something about only keeping charge for glaive-type weapons only?

Edited by Veridantus
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You know when the OP doesn't even have a single upvote after 9 pages, something is wrong and it ain't the community for once.
As everyone has said, Melee 2.0 should be a lot better than 1.0 by any standard. Also don't hate it til he comes out. Did I mention you can still use your guns to clear 5 enemies in 5 seconds?

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the only wep keeping them is glaive.... I will be highly irritated if they dont do something else with them... I did not farm these mods, spend a bunch of credits to level all of them just to see them be used on only one weapons. oops, 2 weapons, glaive and kestrel.

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Devstream 26.. right before they were talking about glaive..



Wait, really? I thought they said something about only keeping charge for glaive-type weapons only?

yeah if your holding it.


If you hold primary, or secondary you can melee as normal. this includes charge attacks.

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I think OP just doesn't understand the concept based on not having actually played a legitimate hack-and-slash action game and is throwing out this uneducated conjecture based on things being removed.


Or he could be legitimately baiting because he's using the tired "I'd rather just use my soma" argument.

In the former case I would suggest watching some quality gameplay videos of games like Metal Gear Rising and Devil May Cry 3 and 4 to get an understanding of the concept and why it's only broadening Warframe's horizons. You don't have to like it, but at least understand that it's the first step towards a new level of combat depth for the game.

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If charge attacks with guns equipped is indeed staying, then I'm glad. It doesn't make much sense to add this awesome looking ability (channeling) for equipping your melee, but then slap it on to basic/default melee.

So with guns equipped, melee is basically the same.

Everything else about melee, which will all be new, is pretty much... well... new!

Edited by Cepmosod
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If charge attacks with guns equipped is indeed staying, then I'm glad. It doesn't make much sense to add this awesome looking ability (channeling) for equipping your melee, but then slap it on to basic/default melee.

It is staying. They only said you can't charge attack if your HOLDING the melee weapon.

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It is staying. They only said you can't charge attack if your HOLDING the melee weapon.

I understand that.

And I think that makes perfect sense.

I also think that this fact refutes the OP pretty much.

Besides for some stat changes, you can still play Warframe the same... basically. 

-EDIT- I would also like to apologize for my redundancy with some questions a few posts ago. I've been up for 24+ hours and I seem to have had some trouble forming my thoughts into text.

Mah bad

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Man... I really wanted to read through the whole thread but that quote is as far as I can make it before I litteraly flip the table:


yes but that was an easy mission. What is going to happen on level 50+ Defense. When you spend 10 seconds at the back of the room dancing with 1 enemy, the other one kills the cryopod. This update will lead to a lot of frustrations, and a lot failed missions.


There's like currently no melee weapon viable against enemy levels above level 35-40 (most of them even not beyond level 20-25) because it already takes forever to kill stuff and you are talking about defense with level 50+ where gameplay just boils down on how fast you can spam your ultimate abilities because not even your guns will be able to deal with the masses?



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