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I Don't Want This Melee 2.0 Update.


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If you seriously have a problem with it then don't use it. Or make a big enough deal about this that it catches DE's attention and they respond (either positively or negatively). At the moment the melee system is mediocre at best. I want to reach the next destination fast and I have a slow Warframe even with all the speed mods, so all I have to do is just melee copter to the either side. Or charge up your melee by holding E and then mad dash towards an enemy while getting shot at so many times.


This game combines both melee and guns. Use both of them. If you really want to stick with just one style, that's fine, they have builds for that to support it. They are changing alot of things with this coming update. Try it out first before you complain about it. Otherwise, anything bad you say about this coming update is just speculation because of the "I don't like change" attitude.


There was ALOT of threads I have seen that suggested so many of the things I have seen in the devstream on the coming melee 2.0.

Some of them I recognize because I have seen them in threads. The channeling of your energy into your melee to increase damage. The combo system. I am not going to spend time looking through the forums to provide them for you. If you are so hell bent on the "proof or gtfo" then so be it. It just shows you are a narrow minded person.


At the moment this game feels more gun oriented then melee oriented (not balanced between the two). Even the gun/shooting portion of the game is a tiny bit effy. The current melee system is EVEN more so.


Try out the updates first, before launching a thread like this, otherwise your complaints and arguments have no weight to it.

It's like arguing "I don't want to grow up! I want to remain a kid forever and live in Neverland with Peter and his friends!"

........ I'll leave with just this. Good luck in settling your conflict.

Edited by VoidWraith
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He's still stubborn with his point? Wow.


I think, in the dawn of the day, I honestly confused why someone opposing a BUFF to a weapon that's overlooked for quite a long time (and clearly s/he uses a lot). And the said buff in not even coming at this moment, for potatoes sake.


That boogles my mind


From what I see, it's like transition from Damage 1.0 to Damage 2.0 all over again. This time, it's from charge-build. Look, the point is, give it a try before throw judgement. Any other complaints before that will only make your own opinion discredited and serves to hurt your own name in forum. At least do your research before complaining, geez!


.........Anyway, it's going too hot for everyone involved (or is it?). We can let this thread die, or let CM lock it.

If something stupid happens again, we can always pull out the gif that OniDarkClown used.

Edited by Lorche
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Why are PS4 players so dumb?

Not saying all though, There are tons that aren't. But the MAJORITY are.

See? Majority matters. Even if a tiny amount of people were nice, no one would know or think about them. 

It's the way the world works.


I honestly hated charge attacks. It was the most uncreative win button ever made. However, I think Jag Kittag, Glaive and Kestrel decided to be a bit more creative. I love that. I am not one for grinds. I have lived the live of a grinder and I am sick of it. This game has and will get more creative aspects to it. Please give up your love for Galatine and Orthos. You have a life right? Why waste it on grinding? Why aren't you having fun? YOU HAVE A LIFE DON'T YOU? AND WHY ARE YOU GRINDING? FOR WHAT PURPOSE?

Edited by Ealonex
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He not a troll, he is actually a good guy in the game, some of his view points are a little, misguided though.

He's misguided altogether. He has no back-up points to justify his argument. He almost denies and brings up that same point he already stated whenever someone tries to tell him that he can still, for example 'Quick attack by tapping E' or 'Killing with Melee 2.0 is faster, more efficient, and better'. He claims that Melee 2.0 is somewhat, a 'downgrade', in which everyone else's eyes, Melee 1.0 is the fault. 


Ring me when he gets his head out of the clouds.

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For some reason i think your one of those people who don't use Melee weapons other then Galatine. You know there are other people then you out there that love melee and i want to use it. Its very self centered to say that a system that you won't use is a bad system to implement into the game when you haven't even looked up on the forum search box for threads on this. About half the playerbase wants Melee 2.0 and only about 50 people don't want it.

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I know change is scary and often inconvenient.

This isn't a change being foisted on us by DE though.

It is something that we asked for.

DE does listen... Even when I wish they wouldn't from time to time. xD


The tone of your post suggests that it presents a playstyle change that you would like to see preserved.


Do please try to keep an open mind though.


Melee 2.0 offers:

The possibility of more power and flexibility, not less.

Definitely offer another defensive option to squishier classes.

Definitely opens up modding options that haven't been a consideration up to now.

Will look better animation-wise.

Creates potential synergy between weapons and crowd control.


While you are certainly entitled to your opinion... But wouldn't it be better to try the changes out first before asserting that they aren't any good for you?

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Letter if you come back to this thread can you do us all a favor and lock it. Just lock all the upcoming threads about the worries of Melee 2.0 and the uselessness of Melee 2.0. It feels like there just trolls, and they all should be locked until Melee 2.0 actually comes out and they have something to whine about, or in the best case where there is nothing to whine about.

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Wow so much feedback. I think you guys are just wanting a change for the sake of change, since you will have something new to play with. But to me it seems like this change is simply not needed. If I take a tomato, in order to slice it in half, I simple cut down the middle. I don't take needles and puncture it from each side. I just want to cut the tomato in half.


And this was meant to be in the feedback forum. Not sure why it was moved to general discussion. I think my concerns are valid.


Read the Megathreads that have been archived the Dogeer has linked you, you might get a proper education out of it. I don't know about you, but ever since Warframe was around, everyone wanted, and wished for a better melee combat system.


You, are but a tiny speck of dust. You are a PS4 player who has only been playing for about 2 months. I recall PS4 only arriving last, what November? October? You wouldn't understand the meaning of OP, if it hit you clean in the face. We didn't want a change for the sake of change. We wanted this so we had a more enjoyable experience. 


Melee 2.0 provides a better experience for all players. But you don't seem to be a player who enjoys anything. Just arguing of petty matters that you can't handle. 


Message me when Melee 2.0 hits PlayStation 4, then we'll see if you are still open for argument.

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As someone who has played since Update 5. I want Melee 2.0 more than anything.

Holy cow, did you even see the Dev Stream and how great the guy could go up against heavy Grineer?

Melee 1.0 is lackluster and the reason why you don't think to get out your melee weapon.


Your argument for "but my sentinel pet will just kill everything" is only true if you're on planets far lower than your level. If you're a new player with say an Unranked Skana then it makes more of an option that it used to and more fun at that.


I think the only one here with issues is you. You're scared of change and I get that.

Edited by Sutherland
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This is the one thin I have been waiting for a long time. It literally is the one thing, that will turn this game into a ninja game, or at least give it ninja factor.

See its a TPS right now... no 'need' to use melee. I'm glad its changing. I'm glad to see the synergy of warframes melee and gun play in the future.

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So does anyone know what time it comes out? 12 AM or 12 PM? Because its 11:27PM for me but forum time is 8:57A.M

Tomorrow sometime.


DE said on stream to expect a Wednesday release but we can still dream that they'll drop it early.



edit: If you want a rough idea make note of when the final number on the countdown clock stops and assume it will be 24 hours from that point. (numbers are 7 through to 2 right now, 1 is still spinning)  https://www.warframe.com/grineersystems/

Edited by Cybernetix
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Tomorrow sometime.


DE said on stream to expect a Wednesday release but we can still dream that they'll drop it early.



edit: If you want a rough idea make note of when the final number on the countdown clock stops and assume it will be 24 hours from that point. (numbers are 7 through to 2 right now, 1 is still spinning)  https://www.warframe.com/grineersystems/

Really? I thought it was done when the spinning was done...

Another crappy day to wait...

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Wait count me in too, "The Little Conqueror" Sun Ce.


Crap just realized we don't have tonfas yet or a spear for that matter, quick someone do spear concept drawing.

Tonfas are coming mate :D , or at least such slicy things that are wielded like those o.o ...

anyway, lets get all three kingdoms to warframe so we can melee grinner right on ^o^

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It's time for you to learn to kill with normal attacks.


When you are in a room, and you are running low on health, and you have 5 enemies shooting you, will you pull out your sword and begin to melee one of the enemies. Or will you simply pull out your Soma and mow them down in 5 seconds.


Actually, Slide+E = everyone is dead. Works perfect on orthos, but i use Galatine (works too, but about 1200dmg per second).

Time for you to learn new stuff. Personally i'm bored of how repetative the melee is right now. I think, after U13 it will still be repetative, but not so much.

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Yeah gonna lock this. Kinda beat this topic to death with a rubber fish.


P.S. From what I understand, charge attacks are being replaced with Channeling, and that holding E will (equip?) your melee weapon. That there are no more charge attacks. But there is channeling. Keep in mind this is what I'm seeing from the explanations given by DE, I may be incorrect, Charge may in fact remain, I am not 100% certain what the mechanics are, but we'll soon find out this Wednesday!

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