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I Don't Want This Melee 2.0 Update.


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You are off-topic now. Warframe abilities are not the topic nor are guns. But I understand where you are coming from. You want to use Skana passed Pluto. That just not viable bro. Who ever heard of starter weapon doing end game damage, and starting skills for that matter, Slash Dash is a poor example.


There are plenty of great end game weapons right now other than Orthos Prime, and Galatine. I will mention a few


Kindly learn to read.

They do not want to use the Skana past Pluto.

They wish to be capable of it, which was said on the DEVstream, is more than entirely possible to Solo- With just the melee.


That is what this Update does. It makes melee more viable, and gets rid of the mind numbingly boring charge attack builds that nearly everyone and their mothers have been stuck using for the past year+.


Your complaint about gore? Regular slashing does this already, so that argument is invalid.

Edited by HiddenKharma
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It sounds like OP is the type of player who prefers efficency over 'fun'. This kinda struck me when he mentioned that his Orthos Prime / Galatine would become useless, and implying that he uses the Soma.


Now- I'm not judging you over using the best possible tactics and weapons in the game. Hell, I use Galatine on Loki. But... Don't you think you should relax a little? To me, you sound like you play the game in a robotic-like trance, with the ultimate goal being not to have fun, but just to grind as quickly and painfully as possible.


Here's a tip; play the game for a bit more fun, rather than taking it balls to the wall serious. I may be dropping the Galatine tomorrow, but you know what? I'm glad! I picked up the Galatine because while it was fun to see like.... Pfft- 80k InvisaCrits, it wasn't a weapon I would call fun. I'm more of a dagger guy.


But I picked it up because I felt inclined to. Not anymore~.


Think about this for a second: what exactly is the purpose of your grinds in Warframe? Because it usually just results in more grinding. You grind to slightly improve the next grind. This eventually repeats until you get bored of the game and quit.


This happens with every game. New Tenno are going to come, while Veteran Tenno will retire, possibly laying their blade and syandanas to rest forever. Do you really want to spend that time that you SHOULD be enjoying yourself, worrying about the effeciency you're having? It's not even a competitive game at the moment. It won't be even with Badlands until PvP is polished.


So what I'm saying is, lean back for a second and question why you started playing Warframe.




Not worrying about losing a bit of precious damage in a coming update or trying to figure out how to get the highest damage numbers possible and as quickly as possible.

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Cool character designs and free closed beta invite were my reasons.

Now we get to enjoy some sweet melee gameplay

But it was also to be a kickass, badass som *@##$ space ninja leaping off walls and kicking those annoying grineer shield units in the face too, right?

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Omg OP is horrible... They improve the melee system, make more fun to use and he wants to keep hold melee, hold melee, hold melee, hold melee, hold melee. There is no point to keep melee 1.0!

The last days i was talking to people in the region chat, and they were like dude stfu they wont remove charge attacks, you have no clue of this game, melee weapons would suck without it so there is no way they gonna remove it.

I mean is the ps4 community that stupid?

When there is a devstream in which they say and show a change, it will come! And if you can clearly see melee weapons gonna be more fun and stronger than ever, why do you want to keep the old system??

Beside all that a combo system matches way better to ps4 controllings so there should be no disadvantage(if you see some ps4 players how they stick to the soma but cant aim for the weakspots, but still use it cause the pc community say so you can just facepalm)

Edited by (PS4)fingernageldreck
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Er, first up: You get 4 lives PER FRAME. Unless you only own 1 frame, you have more than 4.


Secondly, I've written quite a few essays on what should happen with melee 2.0. Between the timing of my essays and the timing of announcements, I'm fairly certain I'm strongly responsible for the massive rewrites(sorry for causing delays! SO SORRY!).


I've seen other people claiming they recognize parts of essays they wrote as well.


We've kept the parts people love(can still spam regular attacks for those of us who are masters of melee 1.0). We rearranged stuff to make it far more awesome, they upped the level of awesome even further... It's been a "very organic" process. We talk, they listen.


It's beautiful.


So far as I can tell, your only REAL concern is the loss of charge attacks, which, frankly, melee users appear to fall into 2 groups: Those who claim melee is worthless compared to guns while using only charge attacks, and those who mastered and abused the artform of being a ginsu chef without any charge attacks at all.


I suppose asking them to leave in charge attacks is a totally valid request. I would not be so angry or vehement in my attempts, if I were you, but if you REALLY like them, I guess that can be an option--they've already stated they're keeping the ones for the kestrel and glaives. I'd hope they'd keep the jat kittag's one as well.


I don't know WHY you want to keep charge attacks, as the general consensus is that they're totally worthless, but if it really really really makes you happy, by all means. Yes, let's ask for them to stick around. There might actually be other people who like charge attacks for... whatever reason.


Just tone the anger back.


Also, as I noted has already been said: Don't knock it 'til ya' try it. You may discover you don't even miss charge attacks. We'll see.


But definitely, dial it back a bit. Furor helps no one.

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I understand many people are excited about Melee 2.0, but hear me out.

Players should have some say on this game changing idea.


Don't simply ask for change, for the sake of change. You may be unhappy with the resulting changes. I personally don't want this melee update.


We only have four lives per day, so I like to spend my lives wisely, and my time playing Warframe doing as many missions as I can quickly before I have to go to bed so I can get ready for real life. I do not want to spend my time in Warframe doing combos and/or trying to see how long I can make my combo. I want to cut my enemy in half and move on to the next one.


The game is hard as is without having to waste extra time in a mission trying to melee each enemy with hundreds of enemies in a mission. That would take twice as long to complete missions.


I want to keep my Orthos Prime and my Galatine for charge attacks. DE plans to remove charge attacks from the game.


When you are in a room, and you are running low on health, and you have 5 enemies shooting you, will you pull out your sword and begin to melee one of the enemies. Or will you simply pull out your Soma and mow them down in 5 seconds.


I can understand using this in defense, but for Survival mission it would waste too much time. We only have 4 Lives. Four Lives DE. Let us use them wisely, and let us use our time wisely. We don't want 20-30 hit combos. That is time wasting. I can headshot an enemy right now, why would I want to do a combo on it, when I have other enemies shooting me?


Please tell us why you are changing melee?

Good for you.  People have been asking for melee to be made actually viable since before you probably even knew about warframe :|

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haha me either. But do you like currently being able to cut an enemy in half with charge attack or you wanna waste 5 seconds per each enemy trying to kill them? I prefer option A.


Charge builds are not fun. Neither is current normal melee. Either option is worse than what melee 2.0 will bring. No matter how you view it.

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You know OP, I understand your concerns but just give it a chance before you start judging it. And you know, Melee 2.0 is not forcing you to use melee. It is only changing ONE aspect of the combat, melee. That means you can still use your guns, just like how they are now. If you're saying the whole comboing system is going to be useless on wave 50 defense missions, may I ask you is the current Melee 1.0 really good for wave 50 defense missions? It's not really effective oh those really high level defense missions and if you are relying on melee for those at this point, i don't know what you are doing. 


Seriously though, if you don't want to combo, think its a waste of time, use your guns. And you don't even know if the channeling does more or less damage than charge attacks. I would say it is on par or better than charge attack, keep in mind Scott used UNMODDED and UNRANKED weapons in the devstream. They are doing the least amount of damage, and he is still one shotting most enemies with basic strikes, don't think you can do that right now. Ergo it's looking more and more like a buff, a major buff.


Tl:dr Just give melee 2.0 a whirl before you say its bad, you might even enjoy it.

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You know OP, I understand your concerns but just give it a chance before you start judging it. And you know, Melee 2.0 is not forcing you to use melee. It is only changing ONE aspect of the combat, melee. That means you can still use your guns, just like how they are now. If you're saying the whole comboing system is going to be useless on wave 50 defense missions, may I ask you is the current Melee 1.0 really good for wave 50 defense missions? It's not really effective oh those really high level defense missions and if you are relying on melee for those at this point, i don't know what you are doing. 


Seriously though, if you don't want to combo, think its a waste of time, use your guns. And you don't even know if the channeling does more or less damage than charge attacks. I would say it is on par or better than charge attack, keep in mind Scott used UNMODDED and UNRANKED weapons in the devstream. They are doing the least amount of damage, and he is still one shotting most enemies with basic strikes, don't think you can do that right now. Ergo it's looking more and more like a buff, a major buff.


Tl:dr Just give melee 2.0 a whirl before you say its bad, you might even enjoy it.

^This.  Idk why OP is freaking out when we'll probably kill way more quickly and efficiently with the new system than with the underpowered melee 1.0.

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oh no more galatine 22k dmg per swipe every 4 sec...


don't nock it till you try it. plus don't go off of the devs builds for excal.... it wasn't good and he was purposefully screwing around with multiple low level UNMODED swords...

Edited by Rokusho66
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Wow so much feedback. I think you guys are just wanting a change for the sake of change, since you will have something new to play with. But to me it seems like this change is simply not needed. If I take a tomato, in order to slice it in half, I simple cut down the middle. I don't take needles and puncture it from each side. I just want to cut the tomato in half.


And this was meant to be in the feedback forum. Not sure why it was moved to general discussion. I think my concerns are valid.

Edited by (PS4)PD_33
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Wow so much feedback. I think you guys are just wanting a change for the sake of change, since you will have something new to play with. But to me it seems like this change is simply not needed. If I take a tomato, in order to slice it in half, I simple cut down the middle. I don't take needles and puncture it from each side. I just want to cut the tomato in half.


And this was meant to be in the feedback forum. Not sure why it was moved to general discussion. I think my concerns are valid.



Any change is better than no change.

Because the point still stands, guns do waaay more DPS.

Melee 2.0 is meant to close up that gap.... or rather a RAVINE of firepower difference. 


But it won't address the core weakness of melee (short range, risk vs reward factor etc) but at least make it fun.

Let people have their fun.


I for one going to go crazy with my Dakra Prime for a few days then sheathe him up and carry on with my guns.




P.S.... And charged attacks are not going away.

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