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I Heard De Said You Could Unequip Primaries And Secondaries


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Now im even MORE exited for Melee 2.0! does that mean i can equip more than one melee at a time? Because that would be EPIC!


Seriously Ninjas always come prepared whit more tan one weapon for any problema they may encounter.


Think about this: You go into an Invation as an Ash and you deside to equip yourself whit a Glaive, Machete Wraith and a Jat Kittag. First you throw the Glaive, while it bounces around you jump on the group of enemies dazed by your awesomeness whit your Jat Kittag and Slam the ground nocking them down, THEN you pull out your Machete Wraith to rip the enemies to shreds! think about that.


ALso if you could equip whit diferent Melee weapons you could add a weapon changing combo like the new Devil May Cry swiching from your Machete to the Kittag without stoping the combo, sure you would need to keep in mind the range of each weapon and know their fighting style so you dont end up changing from a Bo at long range to a fang and start hitting the Air.


I dont know im just goshing right now cause Melee 2.0 is so close and it looks FABULOUS! dam i should stop using Saryn....

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They mentioned it, but I not sure if it will make into this update, or whether you will be able to equip multiple melee weps. From the sounds of it, it was just that you could go into a mission with 1 melee weapon and nothing else. Maybe it would grant you more exp or it becomes a prerequisite for some missions (nightmare?), who knows. 

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Wouldn't get too hyped. They said it was possible to unequip primaries, not that it was a definite part of U13.

Also, as far as I saw, it was just about unequipping primaries. I don't think they ever said a thing about equipping multiple melee weapons.

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My ideal loadout (for my ASH) is Despair, Nikana (U13) + Gram. 


I have trouble picturing a scenario in which I would ever need 2-3 melee weapons, not to mention one in which I would willingly use a Machete Wraith.

So just to be sure...what's wrong with the machete wraith?

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Dude I think most people misheard DE because they said you can unequip your weapon an equip melee, which means you can switch to it ingame, they didnt mean that you can equip melee to primary and secondary slots etc.

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