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Melee 2.0 Feedback: Megathread (With Template).


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Weapon Used: Nikana

Stance: Tranquil Cleave

Feedback: Beyond Reproach feels awkward to use because of the timing of the swing compared to the rush of momentum. I get elbowed by grineer because the upper half of the swing is too early, so I'm usually ending right in a grineer's face even though I should be cutting him in two.

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Weapon(s) used: Dual Kama, Kestrel, Nikana

Faction(s) fought: All, but mostly Grineer

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Dual Kama used an elemental build with Killing Blow, Kestrel used a Channeling build with elementals, and Nikana had an elemental build.

Dual Kama had Swirling Tiger (Uncommon) stance, Kestrel had no stance, Nikana had Tranquil Cleave.

Thoughts & Experiences: Dual Kamas are absolutely wonderful. High damage, high speed, THIS is what I expected when I crafted two Kamas and made this weapon for over one hundred thousand credits. The Swirling Tiger stance is incredible for an uncommon stance, and is even better than the Crossing Snakes rare variant. The multihit flurry is great for stacking combo and even has a Blast proc to knock down surviving targets. It's lovely.

Kestrel is harder to throw, now requiring a swing before it may be "Charged" when in Melee equip. It should be much better with the stance, but right now it feels inconvenient. I would suggest an auto-throw if you click "E" while channeling, but other than that it could really be better. It also lost its ragdoll capabilities, which was the sole factor that set it apart from the cooler looking Glaive. Please restore this.

Nikana felt unbearably slow without a Fury mod. Like, so slow to the point where I had difficulty executing the Tranquil Cleave combos. I literally had to wait for the end of every animation before putting my next input or else my keys won't register. It's only decent with Fury, which made combo-commands a lot easier to pull off. I don't mind if the regular Nikana is this slow, but the Dragon Nikana needs at least a bare minimum of 1.0 swing speed, if not 1.1. The special combos were relatively uninteresting, with the exception of the EE-Pause-EEEE combo which felt mildly satisfying to pull off. The other two EEE-HoldE-E and HoldEEEEE combos felt too similar in function, and the forward lunge was too short to be usable. The lunges should be at least x1.5 further than they currently are. Also, the lunges have no effect if you are walking/running while executing the combo, which should be looked at. Overall, the Nikana felt way too static (unmobile) as a weapon, and it felt like Melee 1.0 again. I want to be moving from place to place, cutting enemy from enemy, but the sticky movements of the Nikana make it really frustrating. Stats are okay, but the mechanical movement needs to be improved a LOT. Mobility would make this the perfect weapon.

Approximate Time Spent: Several hours a day since Update 13.

Supplementary Info: Mouse + Keyboard player. Quick Melee is set to F instead of default E, but my mouse bindings are the same as default (LMB to channel, RMB to parry).

Edit: 666th post woot

Edited by Psychosist
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faction: orokin (t1 cap)

mods: pressure point, organ shatter, finishing touch, spoiled strike (not potato'ed)

. no stance

thoughts and experiences: I was running a few t1 caps' alone testing my different melee weapons while trying to get a Paris prime part. I find it hard to land a punch when auto target is on and they are just out of reach. This is annoying and fatal because the baddies are just gonna moon walk lighting you up with what ever they may be using.

on another note I find it hilarious when you slide kick with the obex makes enemies fo airborne ,and not just airborne like a he's going he's going he's gone!!! I laughed just making them all fly and then beating in their faces with a finisher.

approximate time: 3ish hours

supplementary details: keyboard, solo

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Weapon(s) used: Galatine,Jatt Kitag and orthros series.

pretty sure Melee 2.0 has been a great big nerf for hese weapons since you guys have removed their charges attack :T i was hoping for you guys to bring it back, not like the one on Glaive where u need to do a slash then charge cuz it's kinda hard for some people.

Thoughts & Experiences:

what i'd like to see is more comboes not the old ones but new ones in the stances. New attack animation for slide slash, jump attack and etc. 
One fine example would be kogake's jump attack being a meteor kick. Or better yet add in air comboes for more variety. what melee 2.0 missing is variety of attack animations. idc if it's hard to farm, i just care if it's worth the time

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Weapon(s): Dakra  Prime, Glaive, Dragon Nikana


Faction Fought: All


Mod(s) and Stances: Iron Phoenix, Crimson Dervish, Gleaming Talon, Tranquil Cleave

Mods vary on faction, however, staple mods were:

Pressure Point, Spoiled Strike and Fury

Killing Blow on Dakra Prime, Jagged Edge on Dragon Nikana, Whirlwind and Powerthrow on Glaive.


Thoughts and Experience:

Upon switching between Iron Phoenix and Crimson Dervish, results showed that the Crimson Dervish does about 3 times more damage per swing then the Iron Phoenix.In addition to this, the Dragon Nikana did about half the damage then what my Dakra Prime with Crimson Dervish on, leading me to think that the stance used affects the damage per swing on each weapon. I did not test the damage difference of the long sword stances on other long swords to determine whether the damage increase with the Crimson Dervish was exclusive to the Dakra Prime. However, the 2 weapons are fun to use and the Dragon Nikana gets the style points for being a katana.


As for the Glaive, the explosion effect after throwing is fun but can, however, be hazardous when it ricochets back to you and kill you, but nonetheless it is fun to explode a group ahead of you. After this, the weapon does not seem worth it to be using over other melee weapons in terms of damage. First off, throwing it when equipped feels uncomfortable with "tap e hold e" and can diminish the amount of times you can throw the Glaive, and the flight speed is unbearable without the whirlwind mod on, which also reduces the amount of throws per minute. Also, while in flight, you cannot melee in close quarter combat, which will leave you exposed and unable to guard your self and will have to switch to your primary/secondary, so unless you have the mods to reduce flight time, I would not throw the Glaive. Secondly, the damage it does when thrown begins to quickly falter against higher leveled enemies, and with less mod spots when using Glaive specific mods, this does not help, especially in close quarter combat. Even with a fully modded Glaive, using 1 of the melee combos available I still struggle to kill around 15+ leveled light armored units, let alone heavies, and the range when in close quarter combat is quite small. Which leads to the final problem on my mind regarding the Glaive, it is out classed at range, which is what it specializes in, by primary and secondaries while also dealing low damage in close range when compared to other melee weapons. 


Verdict for the Glaive is that you would only use this for fun, and not for damage. The explosion is a nice touch but nothing an Ogris or weapons with the puncture mods can compete with and outclass. It will do better then some of the lower tier melee weapons, but higher tier it begins to struggle to compete.


This is my opinion of the weapons, so this does not have to be taken seriously and I understand that other people's opinions differ and may disagree, so feel free to disregard this.


Approx Time Spent: Unknown, played since the day of release, however.


Supplementary Info: A mix of co-op and solo


General: Melee 2.0 is a lot of fun, but sometimes keeping a combo up is difficult when not surrounded.

Edited by Triple_8
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Weapon(s) used: Reaper Prime

Thoughts & Experiences:

I have enjoyed the new melee system and have only one problem

Holding quick srike no longer uses a stamina charged hit. I had Max attack speed with the reaper prime and charge speed so the weapon could charge quickly and i could kill almost anything around me. Now this is not the case and has lost some of the zest i had with my Reaper. Overall melee feels better but i still want to be able to charge attack with quick strike and do a non-channeling Endurance only Strike

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Weapon(s) used: Dual Ether, Dual Ichor, Gram

Faction(s) fought: All

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Swirling Tiger

Thoughts & Experiences: I mentioned maneuverability being a major part that needs changes and additions, but continuing on that, the melee "steps" and stagger effects need a look at as well. Playing with weapons like dual swords + swirling tiger stance, which has fast attacks that makes you STOP on your track to do them, while many enemies are around shooting at you, is an easy way to make you see the weakness in the system.


- Melee steps: Right now most of the weapons have only a few strikes that actually make the Tenno move forward, some lacking that altogether (especially fast weapons like dual swords, which I've been using, and heavy weapons like the Gram). That's a big problem because the enemies are constantly moving and running away from you at a faster speed than the steps Tenno takes with each strike. Additionally, they're mostly ranged enemies, meaning that there's an even bigger need to have moves which close in distance.


- Stagger effects + melee steps: This brings to the point of the stun effect. Currently when enemies get staggered by your melee strikes, they mostly stay in the same spot and only take a slight step back or to the direction the hit's bringing them.


This makes closing distance between enemies and switching target even more of a pain since you can't move yourself and the one you're attacking closer to others as you combo. Using the twin swords, I find myself hitting air more than often, even against infested, because I either stay on the same spot flailing at nothing, or dash pass my enemies with the last strike of Swirling Tiger. There's no reason that the Tenno isn't stepping forward himself when an enemy's literally 3 feet away and I'm STILL missing him.


This flaw is especially visible when you turn on auto-targeting with melee. What that option does is make you STICK to the enemy that you've hit, which can actually slow you down in closing distance because of how it's programmed; the Tenno's going at the enemy's pace, instead of bringing them to THEIR pace. That's just wrong.


When you melee, you should bring your strength and force them to your pace by constantly making them back up, which is why we need that each strikes steps forward in the first place, and then make your steps actually push the enemy back the same distance of your travels, constantly.


That's something that ALL GOOD action games out there do. A great example is, surprise, Ninja Gaiden:


And then look at the Kogake's Brutal Tide stance and how most of the time's spent lagging in place instead of pushing things forward:


Notice how, even with such a short range weapon as the Falcon's Talon, Hayabusa's able to push enemies back with each strike and close in distance with other enemies, so he can then dash towards them and switch target after eliminating the first. You can also see that there's a form of auto targetting as soon as you're close, yet he brings the enemies at HIS pace. That's how it should be done properly.


Warframe is in need of such a smooth system even more because we're dealing with ranged targets most of the time. It's cool to have fancy combos, but if you can't even combo properly (combo isn't only on a single target!), or hell, HIT properly, then the fancy combos are of no use.


You've got the assets to work it out, and "masters" to look at and learn from (DMC, Ninja Gaiden, etc). Since Warframe's gameplay is much more built around the shooting mechanics, and the bosses illustrates that well, melee can't conform to it; we need a melee that challenges that system instead,


You still need a good and solid base before trying to be unique, and I know you can do it. Good luck and keep it up DE!

Approximate Time Spent: +3h

Supplementary Info: Coop + Solo plays -- Playing missions where multiple spawns happen often (Defense, Survival, Mobile Defense)

Edited by Casardis
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Weapons used : kestrel,glaive prime


Factions fought : All


Mods used : Kestrel with Gleaming Talon as the stance,killing blow,reflex coil,corrupt charge,focus energy, pressure point,quick return,power throw and the last slot for either molten impact,north wind,or fever strike depend on what faction i face.


Thoughts and experience : it's nice that now throwing melee buffed for CQC,now it's able to do explosive dmg too, and the charge speed is good too,but looking on other stances with more than 1 additional combos i think gleaming talon could use another combos :o

maybe DMC's weapon "Aquila" will give u some idea :) (Aquila :http://devilmaycry.wikia.com/wiki/Aquila, and the aquila demonstration video 


and i think it wud be better if during attack animation if block is pressed the attack animation is cancelled and instantly player is blocking,to prevent high dmg when needed when we got stuck on long combo animation,especially since we can't move much during combo execution


Approximate Time spent : 2h on void 8x15m T1 capture


Supplementary Info : Mouse and laptop played solo

Edited by Godhands
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Weapons used : orthos prime


Factions fought : All


Mods used : max damage, life strike, fury


Thoughts and experience :


this weapon is really good in nearly situation. bleeding willow is definitly a good stance, the combo is a bit hard to take out, the timing after the double vertical spin hold is reall REALLY tight


oh and the stam consumption is horrible. it lower the whole interest of the weapon as an assault one this is more a grandad spam in defense so .. i ll stick to dhs :) but definitly great ! :)



Approximate Time spent : 2h more or less


Supplementary Info : i tried to mousewheel the combo, this is pure luck. i pushed the weapon@1.5speed this is not even playable :p

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Weapons used : machete wraith

Factions fought : grin, corpus


Mods used : max damage, life strike, fury


Thoughts and experience :


i dont know why, but it seems a bit more efficient that prova, the justice delivering is still here, the brutal aspect is even more present, the damage are quite good, the final is efficient, not bad at all :)


nothing to add really, that is pretty much it, a reliable source of damage, in a simple, brutal aspect. it does the job. the breathing room as the end let you choose another target quietly, you usually loose your combo between 2 targets.



Approximate Time spent : 40mn


Supplementary Info : the combo is totally mousewheel-able, the 2 of them actually, its all good fun :)

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Weapon used: Nami Skyla


Stance: Crossing Snakes


Thoughts and experience:


The Northern Coil combo tends to activate whether you want it or not since it incorporates the forward button which is often left pressed when using melee. The combo itself is better suited against single targets and has a small pause at its end so when it activates when you don't need it to it can do more harm than good.

Edited by NDroid
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Verticality in the game is terrible DE.

It' impossible to hit an enemy that's not exactly standing at your level ( stairs) 


I made a poll related to this




Weapons used : Dakra  , Bo, Galatine, Jat Kittag, Dual heat swords , Hate , Kama 


Time spent : probably around 10+ hours


Stance: iron phoenix for Darkra , Clashing forest for BO;twirling snales dor dual swords , crushing ruin for the Jat , the uncommon stances for all the others 

Edited by Deidaku
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Weapons: Dual ichor. Nami Skyla. Nikana. Dragon Nikana. Dakra prime. Gram

Stances: Swirling Tiger. Crossing Snake. Iron Phoenix. Tranquil Cleave. Rending Crane

Mods: during the tests, I only had fury mod on. but during actually play I was using Pressure point. Spoiled strikes. Fury. life strike and mixture of elemental mods depending on the faction I was fighting (ichor did not get life strike but instead got crit mods)

stance notes: I liked all the stances I used. I would say that maybe the last attack in the Crossing Snakes combo "northern coil" (EE holdEEE) should do a bit more damage or increase the radius of the AoE knock down, on fully modded Ichors I was only seeing hits that ranged from 20 to 60.

I feel that Tranquil Cleave should be looked at. The attacks other than EE pause EEE did not feel very fluid, with that said. In my opinion, there is not much of an incentive to do the tranquil cleave combos other than EE pause EEE to build up the hit counter which doesn't last long enough IMO!
Hook and eye doesn't seem to have any difference in terms of damage and the only thing about beyond reproach is that the last attack seems to be a guaranteed slash status.

weapon notes. I feel as though the nikana's animation should be tightened up on the last attack in EEE. it doesn't feel very fluid. Dragon Nikana seems to suffer from misinformation in the stats. I found that I attacked much, MUCH faster using the dakra prime despite both weapons having the same attack rate.

conclusion: I love melee 2.0 however. I would suggest turning down the rarity of stance mods I.E uncommon to common and rare to uncommon.

MORE notes: I've heard rumors that the crimson dervish increase damage so much so that a dakra prime with it will do much more damage then a dragon nikana... if this is true I would suggest doing something about it.

update: I got a crimson dervish stance. the rumors are true. on a level 32 crewman I hit  for about 160 with a D katana with no hit counters and only fury / steel charge on
with the same mod set up using dakra prime and crimsom dervish I hit a level 34!!! crewman for 338!!.. hit counter was below 5 at all times. was this intended?

update 2: seems like crimson dervish adds roughly 200% more damage to attacks and effect elemental damage

TL:DR tranquil cleave needs tweaking. nikana / Dnikana need tweaking. crimson dervish is OP.

Edited by RIOTx
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Thoughts & Experiences

I'd like it if we could remap the keys used during Melee Mode. I find it more ackward using the normal Melee button when in Melee mode. Personally I'd rather have Mouse 1 as Melee and Mouse 2 be Channel at that point and the normal melee button could be parry.


Having a seperate keybind section for Melee Mode would be helpful.


Other than that.. It's a nice change! good stuff.

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Weapon(s) used: Any melee weapons

Faction(s) fought: Any non-boss land units

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Any

Thoughts & Experiences: Since the charge mechanic is gone how about putting something new to replace it like grab.

Ex. Holding [E] will grab an enemy dealing base damage(+mods damage)+finisher damage.

(Every weapons has different grab animations depending on what type of melee weapon it is.)


Approximate Time Spent: ~

Supplementary Info: Mouse and Keyboard, played any game modes, solo-online.

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Weapons Used: Nami Skyla, Dual Zorens, Dual Ichors

Stance used: Crossing Snakes, Stanceless.

Experience for Crossing Snakes: Basic E combo feels...Too basic? The combo timings also seem to be awkward. You can stay in the EEEE combo, but if you don't hold the third E close enough to the second you'll still perform the third hit, but won't do the follow up combo. And if you hold forward, but delay the hits a little, you won't follow in to the combo with W+E.
It also seems like you can't walk with them when striking, unlike swords or other lighter weapons. But they don't seem to have the range or power like heavy weapons to justify that.

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Weapon(s) used: Numerous, some on top of my head: Galatine, Glaives, Furax, Dual Ichor and many more

Faction(s) fought: All 3 factions (void included)

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Parry and reflection as must have mods, no stance on 90% of my weapons

Thoughts & Experiences: Simply put: effective attack and defence that really helps in the fight. HOWEVER combos doesn't feel important enough to use in middle of 50 (figuratively speaking) angry infested mobs swarming over you, in short combos are not worth doing in middle of heated battles. Stances drop rate is another negative; getting burnt out on farming stances that won't appear at all (yes i'm sure i have extremely crap luck). After a while you get into the mind-set that stances are not important enough to grind and will start using weapons without stances at all (which defeat the purpose of having them at all).


Personal recommendation would be making stances easier to obtain (for us bad luck people that seem to be looting all the tail winds off mobs); AND making stances have slightly more significent impact over using weapon without stances as well as making combos a little bit more appealing to use even when facing off 100 infested mobs swarming rather than holding down channeling and spam melee attack (which is much more effective than trying to get combos out).

Approximate Time Spent: Approx a full week of playing

Supplementary Info: Mouse/Keyboard, both Coop and solo.

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Weapon(s) used:
Faction(s) fought:
Solar rail guardians
Mod(s) equipped/Stance used:
Burning wasp
Thoughts & Experiences:
Timing-reliant combos are terribly clumsy, imo. To get a hit I want, I have to make at least two hits into the air, and by that time ranged swipe isn't needed already.
Approximate Time Spent:
About one day.
Supplementary Info

Mouse+keyboard, solo.

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Weapon(s) used: Ether Sword, Akyros, Ether Reaper


Faction(s) fought: Grineer, Corpus, Infested, Tenno (dark sector conflict), Tower mobs


Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Experimentation with Fury on/off, Reach, Pressure Point, Voltaic Strike, Parry, Reflection (warframe mod), Marathon, Quick Rest, Focus Energy, Reflex Coil, Killing Blow;  Stances: Fracturing Wind, Iron Phoenix, Reaping Spiral


Thoughts & Experiences:  It can be a little hard to chain combos correctly with Fury installed.  Recommend leaving it off until you get the feel for your weapon.  Also, feels a bit one dimensional.  Can we have some context-sensitive attacks, like Dark Souls parrying, and also, since it isn't used for melee, can we have a different type of melee attack bound to the reload button?  Only E seems just too button mashy, like a really old beat'em up arcade cabinet.  I would like more options.  Also, Reflection + Marathon + Quick Rest = nearly invincible as long as you maintain situational awareness.  You can just reflect attacks back at enemies all day long (this is not a complaint, they're all maxed).  Heavy Gunners will burn through your stamina before reflected attacks kill them.  Activating Charged Attack (LMB) while parrying causes reflected attacks to deal double damage, more if you are using Killing Blow.  Burns through energy fast, unless using Reflex Coil / Focus Energy.  


Approximate Time Spent:  I didn't keep track, but it's a lot, at least an hour a night since it came out.  


Supplementary Info: Optional (Mouse/Keyboard? Controller? Coop/solo?)  PC Gaming Master race, Keyboard / mouse.  Controller doesn't feel right, I keep wanting it to handle like God of War in melee mode.   Tested Solo and in Team,  Went to 25 minutes on Apollodorus with level 15 Loki (potatoed) level 10 - 20 unpotatoed Ether Sword, level 30 Ether Reaper solo, went to 35+ minutes Apollodorus with rank 22 Ankyros in a squad.  Ether Reaper and Ankyros both tested in E-Gate and Mimas, prefer maxed/potatoed weapons past Mars.  Damage is better than expected, parry mechanic is actually viable and helps make melee viable.  But I REALLY want more attack animations and melee buttons.  Also, knock-ups and air combos would be slick, but some people may say that doesn't belong in Warframe.  


Found that you can bait Grineer heavy units into using their ground-slam attack, block it, then move in and chop them up.  Channelled melee is good for stunlocking them and finishing them off.  4x damage bonus on Loki while invisible makes him as much of a beast as something like Rhino or Nova, in his own way (this is good).  


Overall, great change, but it needs some more work, specifically:


1) Context remap of reload button when melee equipped.  Perhaps E is light attack, R is heavy attack.

2) Tweak enemy AI, especially for melee fighters.  They don't block

3) Partially off-topic, but status procs are essentially useless due to the overkill potential of DPS.  

4) Combos are hard to keep going, especially if someone brought a Penta or a punch-through Soma. 

5) Parrying is good.  I love it.  I would like to see context sensitive countering, like pressing the parry button at just the right time to open an enemy guard.

6) System begs for fewer, but smarter and tougher, enemies, so we can duel them. 

7) Suggest adding melee quirks to the various frames.  Maybe Loki gets a damage and/or attack speed bonus with dagger-class weapons, and Rhino gets a bonus when using monster-truck weapons like Fragor or Scindo.  Zephyr would like fast swords or whips.  

8) #7 could be expanded even more with attacks, specials, and parries unique to each frame.  Maybe Volt is better at blocking with Furax (less stamina drain when blocking with that particular weapon) and better at dealing damage with a Prova (dps bonus with channelled attacks, procs electricity due to frame/weapon synergy).  

9) Where's my Kamehameha? (I'm kidding)

10) Sub-optimal at CC, makes firearms feel overpowered.  Firearms mechanics would need tweaking to create more incentive to play melee.  

11) Current best argument for melee is it's new.  Next best argument is Marathon + Quick Rest + Reflection (maxed).  
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Weapon(s) used: glaive prime

Faction(s) fought: multiple

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used:  only stance it has


Thoughts & Experiences: the standard strike and the combo on its stance are quite nice. however the two part combo in order to throw NEEDS to be revised. if im throwing it that means they are not in melee range and should not have to randomly swing through the air, wasting time to be able to throw it.


press and hold to throw still needs to work in stance. 

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Weapon(s) used: Nami Skyla / Dual Ether

Faction(s) fought: All


Stance used: Swirling Tiger


Approximate Time Spent: 10h


Thoughts & Experiences:

Fighting feels rigid. I would prefer to have more freedom in terms of what type of attack I can do and when.

I would like to be able to do some of the moves from the combos without having to do all the previous moves first.


Example: The last combo move for the Swirling Tiger is a dash forward and an uppercut type of slash.


1. I don't want him to dash forward unless I press forward while I melee. I want to be able to do that uppercut type of move stationary. (It often moves me far away from the crowd of enermies I want to stay close to)


2. I would want to be able to do that uppercut move alone (without doing combos first). Like if I first press crouch and then attack he will do that move alone.


3. If I roll forward and during this roll press melee attack he should do some special attack to close the gap. (Applied to all melee weapons)


I think being able to do single special attacks without first having to do several combo moves will make the different stances more fun and fluid. Right now I think it feels like a broken record where you do the same thing over and over again in the same order with little variation. Break the moves free from the combos but still allow us to chain them the way they are used and triggered now.


I think the toggle crouch and roll movement buttons could be put into good use to break single moves free from the combos. Things like double tap forward + melee attack could also be used to trigger certain moves individually.


(Doing the special moves individually would still require the stance mod. Nothing changed there)


Supplementary info: Mouse and Keyboard, played Solo.

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Weapon(s) used: glaive prime

Faction(s) fought: multiple

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used:  only stance it has


Thoughts & Experiences: the standard strike and the combo on its stance are quite nice. however the two part combo in order to throw NEEDS to be revised. if im throwing it that means they are not in melee range and should not have to randomly swing through the air, wasting time to be able to throw it.


press and hold to throw still needs to work in stance. 

^ THIS! 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 TIMES THIS!

Press and hold to thow after ANY part of combo should work. With proper animations.

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Weapon(s) used: Most of them


Faction(s) fought: all


Stance used: all of them


Approximate time spent: never counted


Thoughts & experiences:

A great concept. A problem that I have with it is that while your melee weapon is equipped, your attacks are much slower compared to if youre using melee attacks while wielding a primary or secondary weapon. May be a bug or maybe its so its easier to utilize combos, but I actually prefer my attacks to be faster since I chose to utilize speed mods. Combos are hard to keep going due to how easy it is to kill enemies and youre only allotted so much time before the combo drops off and you lose your bonuses.

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Since Melee 2.0 I have resigned to not use melee. I used my Obex almost exclusively and my Galatine once in a blue moon before Melee 2.0, with individual play styles centred around charge attacks. Since the update, I've found little reason to use either weapon. Definitely not a fan of channeling energy into my attacks as it can cripple my energy usage later in the match. Opting for an impractical energy cost system and excluding a heavier attack stance (charge attack) system seems silly to me. Waiting a little longer to deal more damage is fine by me, but using an "Oh S***!" system of melee combat sours the experience of melee for me. The original system, along with the block and parry upgrades from 2.0, are fine. Haven't had a chance to get any Obex stance mods cause of primary weapon leveling.


Since my inventory is clogged with primary weapons and I have no intentions of selling any of my current weapons off, further melee testing seems unlikely.

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