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Fight Against Eclipse, Fight For Freedom!


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Yup im sure you can - plenty of dem derp lil clans have already done it. Im sure i will see your clan doing it soon - just to F*** dem "greedy Eclips guys" and in the process screw vast majority of the playerbase that want to kill infested.


 And no you cant deploy a Rail whit a clan of 3 ppl and expect to actully win - what you can expect is to lock the freaking Sector. Best part is when one of em epic ppl like you decide to fight a rail controled by a person that have the same mindset as you do. So we get two rails opposing each other whitout any battle pay and whitout any members to grind the enemy rail down and unlock the node. So yup two ghost rails sitting there controlled by two twats who want to claim moral high ground buy attacking 0% tax rail and replace it whit 0% tax rail..... good stuff. 


 And yes im mad. Im mad couse from the moment the first rail was deployed i wanted to farm some infested hardcore - and yet so far due to work related stuff i have been able to get exactly two Dark Sector games - rest of the time there is 48 hour twat cooldown going on.


 Like i said i will wait a week and stuff your BS dreams of 0% tax rails down your face when even the lowest of rails have at least 10-20% tax.


No one has entitlement to keep all the rails, especially when they jack up the taxes. And if they don't repair fully the next conflict will be over quicker - even more reason to not give them any support. 


Thats DEs system screwup when it takes only 24hrs to deploy and 48hrs or 75000 boring useless sabotages to resolve the conflict, and new rail costing like 30 times less than repairs of a 90% destroyed one. DE has to change everything about it, numerically and gameplay-wise.

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lies lies lies. Eclipse should stop with the lies.


First the 20% was a " bug".

Now all the nodes have 19-20%

Battlepay they abuse and are just scamming people - 90% of the runs u get 0 credits.


Stop hogging it all then u don't have to worry about  repairing all the rails. That is YOUR problem for hogging up that many.

You steal 20% - since ur not offering stable battlepay.

Or how about other clans/Alliances stop contesting all of these rails (not just Eclipse's) which is locking them out for everyone to enjoy. These are the are the real enemies here, If there were long periods of peace time then taxes would be very low because there is nothing to repair.

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Doesnt matter. Everyone gets attacked, everyone needs to pay.

That is exactly the point. The prices for holding a solar rail are so huge that an Alliance *has* to levy taxes just to pay for the rail's upkeep.

Eclipse was merely the first to find that out.

Seriously, the way the system is set up now, a 0% tax is completely unsustainable in the long term.

"Eclipse should hold 0% tax pledge even though they got suckerpunched with massive upkeep costs that even they, the richest alliance in the game, can't afford to pay" is a foolish demand. At most you can say they shouldn't have made a 0 tax pledge without knowing all the facts, but human error like that happens, and intelligent people reserve their ire for the people who are outright promising 0% taxes even though they know they won't be able to make it happen, since Eclipse already found out how high rail holding is.




Yes they did, there is even a clan - not alliance - on Venus who were at ~70% yet they set the tax to 0 as promised.

And how long do you think that 0% tax will stay that way, hmm? How long before that clan has simply run out of funds to repair it?


First the 20% was a " bug".

The 50% was a bug, the 20% wasn't.

Battlepay they abuse and are just scamming people - 90% of the runs u get 0 credits.

The battle pay system can't really be scammed in that fashion. How it works is you put X amount of credits into the rail's vault and then decide how much BP to dole out per run. Once this figure is locked in, you can't change the battle pay until it's all expended.

The only way to scam it is to offer huge BP payouts from a small pool, which The Joint Forces did during the most recent Sinai conflict, and that doesn't really work too well since most people will see the 0 battle pay, not the 30,000 battle pay they offered for one run. Scamming is thus pointless and counterproductive.



Stop hogging it all then u don't have to worry about repairing all the rails. That is YOUR problem for hogging up that many.

You steal 20% - since ur not offering stable battlepay.

Eclipse is offering stable battle pay, though? Check the datamining website, it keeps track of this stuff.

Also, holding *one* rail is a huge drain on an alliance's resources because it's contested constantly. Eclipse "hogging rails" doesn't actually change the basic math at all.

I get that you're buttmad about this, but don't let that make you say things that are completely wrong.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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That is exactly the point. The prices for holding a solar rail are so huge that an Alliance *has* to levy taxes just to pay for the rail's upkeep.

Eclipse was merely the first to find that out.

Seriously, the way the system is set up now, a 0% tax is completely unsustainable in the long term.

And how long do you think that 0% tax will stay that way, hmm? How long before that clan has simply run out of funds to repair it?




According to  Salishaz of the Shadows of Vengeance https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/216377-read-this-before-attacking-a-rail-how-the-system-works/  its only ~2200 to repair 1% 

so what was that about 15 millions to repair? 

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I don't care.


My clan Tijuana Cops will start deploying solar rails soon and out entire purpose in doing so is just to screw around with the new mechanic and have fun with it. If every dark sector becomes controlled by the same alliance and they start taxing heavily then they'll get their asses kicked by the people who don't want to pay the taxes.

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I don't care.


My clan Tijuana Cops will start deploying solar rails soon and out entire purpose in doing so is just to screw around with the new mechanic and have fun with it. If every dark sector becomes controlled by the same alliance and they start taxing heavily then they'll get their asses kicked by the people who don't want to pay the taxes.

You might want to take a rain check until when it actually becomes fun.

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Don't care about credits personally (and dont belong to any clans involved in wars either). Care about indecency. And you should too.

 Don't support greedy liars.  There are many 0% nodes, check the map. Some other clans keep their word, unlike Eclipse.

Ok, now in a couple of days I want you to come back to me and tell me how many of those Rails are still standing. Also please stop lying, you're making it sound like every other Clan/Alliance promised 0% tax and every single one those groups kept their promise minus Eclipse. Everyone has realized they're going to need taxes to keep their rails up, notice how Taxes are fluctuating all over the Solar map because of War-time from various Alliances/Clans. Eclipse has never kept all their rails highly taxed regardless of wartime or peacetime because the taxes correspond with the damage done to them. 

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I don't give a dam what Eclipse charges. I only care about one thing.





Also could we all stop *@##$ing and attacking eachothers DS's I WANT TO PLAY THEM!! >:(


Everyone who is moaning about Eclipse, whining isn't going to do you any good, and all your doing by contesting them is making the players annoyed and making grinding worse! >:(



*Rant over*


Now can't we all be friends and love Puppies and kittens! :D


Edited by Feallike
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According to  Salishaz of the Shadows of Vengeance https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/216377-read-this-before-attacking-a-rail-how-the-system-works/  its only ~2200 to repair 1% 

so what was that about 15 millions to repair?

It's possible that clan costs are different than alliance costs, or that costs scale with number of members in a clan/alliance. It's also possible that Salishaz is mistaken here, possibly through a typeo. Leaping to "hurr durr, these other dudes are lying" is a pretty foolish thing to do.

However, you're kind of missing the other part of his post. You know, the one where a paltry 675 credits of BP costs you ~48 million credits. Anything less than 1k battle pay barely gets a glance from the community, so you need lots more. That's where the real cost comes.

Now granted the cost will be reduced along with the health of rails this past hotfix, but even 24 million credits/deployment period assuming DE lopped tower health in half (unlikely) is a hugely exhorbitant cost, one that no alliance can actually bear indefinitely without taxes.

So basically, you're still wrong and whining about something silly.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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I don't give a dam what Eclipse charges. I only care about one thing.





Also could we all stop *@##$ing and attacking eachothers DS's I WANT TO PLAY THEM!! >:(


Everyone who is moaning about Eclipse, whining isn't going to do you any good, and all your doing by contesting them is making the players annoyed and making grinding worse! >:(



*Rant over*


Now can't we all be friends and love Puppies and kittens! :D


I agree, resource taxes are not cool. though, as I've said before, I really wouldn't care either way. but for players without excessive amounts of everything, it's awful



and here's a news flash: Eclipse isn't charging resource taxes on any of their rails! how about that? other clans/alliances are sneakily skimming some resources off the top in other dark sectors. but no one seems to be complaining about them. curious, isn't it?



would have said that I'd probably play through a node even if there were excessive resource and credit taxes, just to get that affinity, but now that DE has nerfed the affinity boosts in dark sectors, it really isn't worth it. I think DE mis-fixed with this latest hotfix. oh well, there's always next week

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It's possible that clan costs are different than alliance costs, or that costs scale with number of members in a clan/alliance. It's also possible that Salishaz is mistaken here, possibly through a typeo. Leaping to "hurr durr, these other dudes are lying" is a pretty foolish thing to do.

However, you're kind of missing the other part of his post. You know, the one where a paltry 675 credits of BP costs you ~48 million credits. Anything less than 1k battle pay barely gets a glance from the community, so you need lots more. That's where the real cost comes.

Now granted the cost will be reduced along with the health of rails this past hotfix, but even 24 million credits/deployment period assuming DE lopped tower health in half (unlikely) is a hugely exhorbitant cost, one that no alliance can actually bear indefinitely without taxes.

So basically, you're still wrong and whining about something silly.


The other part is that Shadows of Vengeance kept their word and put the tax at 0% despite also spending millions on battle pay. And you are defending greedy liars and trying to downplay it as non-issue. Are you from Eclipse?


EDIT: And again, like I said in other post, if Eclipse played fair and said "we'll set the tax to 20%" there would be no issue. But then of course far less people would help them, so they decided to lie. And they must take responsibility for that.

Edited by Monolake
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I agree, resource taxes are not cool. though, as I've said before, I really wouldn't care either way. but for players without excessive amounts of everything, it's awful



and here's a news flash: Eclipse isn't charging resource taxes on any of their rails! how about that? other clans/alliances are sneakily skimming some resources off the top in other dark sectors. but no one seems to be complaining about them. curious, isn't it?



would have said that I'd probably play through a node even if there were excessive resource and credit taxes, just to get that affinity, but now that DE has nerfed the affinity boosts in dark sectors, it really isn't worth it. I think DE mis-fixed with this latest hotfix. oh well, there's always next week

^^^ Just goes to show that people are only whining about Eclipse just because they have a lot of rails.

Edited by Filial-Devotion
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The other part is that Shadows of Vengeance kept their word and put the tax at 0% despite also spending millions on battle pay. And you are defending greedy liars and trying to downplay it as non-issue. Are you from Eclipse?


And see how long they'll be able to maintain it for when their towers inevitably come under fire. Basic economic knowledge dictates that they'll have to raise their taxes sooner or later.


Before you ask, I'm not from Eclipse. I'm with Clan CMC.

Edited by Corvid
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It's possible that clan costs are different than alliance costs, or that costs scale with number of members in a clan/alliance. It's also possible that Salishaz is mistaken here, possibly through a typeo. Leaping to "hurr durr, these other dudes are lying" is a pretty foolish thing to do.

However, you're kind of missing the other part of his post. You know, the one where a paltry 675 credits of BP costs you ~48 million credits. Anything less than 1k battle pay barely gets a glance from the community, so you need lots more. That's where the real cost comes.

Now granted the cost will be reduced along with the health of rails this past hotfix, but even 24 million credits/deployment period assuming DE lopped tower health in half (unlikely) is a hugely exhorbitant cost, one that no alliance can actually bear indefinitely without taxes.

So basically, you're still wrong and whining about something silly.

Also lets point out the fact that we're taking the word of one person who is just a player and not a staff member of DE or anything.

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The other part is that Shadows of Vengeance kept their word and put the tax at 0% despite also spending millions on battle pay. And you are defending greedy liars and trying to downplay it as non-issue. Are you from Eclipse?

Shadows of Vengeance's warlord outright said he'd rather adhere to his principles than actually keep the rail, dude.

Which is an admirable sentiment, but not a particularly practical one. Maybe it'll work out for him and I'll be forced to eat crow, but I seriously doubt his rail will be standing by this time next month.

Basically I find it hard to fault anyone who charges taxes for rail access now that we know how grossly huge the actual costs of maintaining them are. You, meanwhile keep bleating on and on about "greed" and "liars" while being willfully blind to the situation and how 0 tax rails won't ever be workable in the current system.

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I don't give a dam what Eclipse charges. I only care about one thing.





Also could we all stop *@##$ing and attacking eachothers DS's I WANT TO PLAY THEM!! >:(


Everyone who is moaning about Eclipse, whining isn't going to do you any good, and all your doing by contesting them is making the players annoyed and making grinding worse! >:(



*Rant over*




Fealike you have been on other threads talking about, "Don't worry guys! It's human nature for us to fight! There will be conflict no matter what! :DDDDDDDD"

So why are you ticked in the slightest about the nodes being contested?

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The other part is that Shadows of Vengeance kept their word and put the tax at 0% despite also spending millions on battle pay. And you are defending greedy liars and trying to downplay it as non-issue. Are you from Eclipse?


EDIT: And again, like I said in other post, if Eclipse played fair and said "we'll set the tax to 20%" there would be no issue. But then of course far less people would help them, so they decided to lie. And they must take responsibility for that.

I'd rather have a clan tax me and provide good battlepay than not tax me and generate nothing during invasions

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I'm just sick of all this crap.  Most of the taxes are low and all these clans who claim to fight for "low taxes" are just challenging some other clan that already has the taxes at 0 or some very low percentage.  All they want is their name on the star map and it's pissing me off because in the end EVERYONE is getting screwed out of the missions that matter all because X clan and Y clan have to have some stupid pissing contest.

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