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We Have To Immediately Defend? Again?!


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Only because all the bonuses related to the Dark Sectors are completely deactivated, and the destruction missions are blandly boring.


 Lets not forget that the Tenno Specters drop literally nothing. The least DE could have done is give them a drop tables with a list of neat mods, but they're just vegetables that spit out meager affinity.


 The Moas are actually more valuable than they are right now.


To be honest, I was never expecting a worthwhile reward from Clans and Alliances right out of the gate. I knew they probably wouldn't have a huge amount of resources to provide decent Battle Pay, so from what I can tell Dark Sectors are more of a long-term build up rather than a straight farming and instant gratification mechanic.


Battle Pay aside, what does need work are the rewards and drops while participating in the Solar Rail missions, which are completely devoid of anything worthwhile.



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 It is SUPPOSED to be glorious, constant battle.


 The real issue here is that participating in those battles are devoid of any worthwhile reward.

The rewards from the invasion aren't a real issue.


The real problem is that people doe DS for increased drops for the respective planet, and they won't get that privilege with an infinite succession of invasions being allowed.

And even if the invasion missions gave the same drops as a DS would, it's an invasion mission. It's not built to be a resource farm that everyone came to know and love.


I play DS so I can up make farming a resource quick and effective, not so I can constantly battle a reactor destruction mission with spawns that are dwarfed by ED/Survival.

Edited by MagnusFury
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Just a quick suggestion.

That is reasonable for everyone, big or small.


1) Invasions last only 24 hours.

2) Max cap of 40K games. Currently it is 75k games, I think.

3) Cool down timer of 48 hours.

4) Hostile rail deployment can only start after the 48 hours cool down.

5) Increase rail deployment cost to at least 2 million. Yes, this discourages people from just declaring, then ceding then locking the whole damn sector out for days.

6) Personal wish, let those damn spectres drop the new melee mods please.



Effectively, it let's the winning clan and all players, reap the benefits of the DS for at least 3 days.

I can guess Eclipse's extremely high tax rates is due to the cost of repairs.

But with less than 20 hours, they need to fund and repair that rail. Fast.


Hence high tax rates.


With a bigger cool down timer, Alliances and Clans can catch a breather. Get stuff repair, prepare counter plans if needed.

Yes and I dare say this benefits small Clans the most, as constant attacks will KILL their Clan Vault bank.


Let everyone take a breather and farm in peace.

Edited by fatpig84
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Just a quick suggestion.

That is reasonable for everyone, big or small.


1) Invasions last only 24 hours.

2) Max cap of 40K games. Currently it is 75k games.

3) Cool down timer of 48 hours.

4) Rail deployment can only start after the 48 hours cool down.

5) Increase rail deployment cost to at least 2 million.

6) Personal wish, let those damn spectres drop the new melee mods please.

As a foundation for improvement, I agree with all of these, especially number six.

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Just a quick suggestion.

That is reasonable for everyone, big or small.


1) Invasions last only 24 hours.

2) Max cap of 40K games. Currently it is 75k games.

3) Cool down timer of 48 hours.

4) Rail deployment can only start after the 48 hours cool down.

5) Increase rail deployment cost to at least 2 million.

6) Personal wish, let those damn spectres drop the new melee mods please.



Effectively, it let's the winning clan, reap their benefits for at least 3 days.

I can guess right now Eclipse extremely high tax rates is due to the cost of repairs.

But with less than 20 hours, they need to fund and repair that rail. Fast.


Hence high tax rates.

With a bigger cool down timer, Alliances and Clans can catch a breather. 


Yes there are plenty of small Clans out there as well, constant attacks will KILL their Clan Vault bank.

Give everyone sometime to take a breather.


  I've got another small set of ideas I'd like to bounce off everyone. Since this guy is spitballing neat ideas I'd like to spout some too. Might as well.


 - All Rail Deployments are now 12 hours. However, there is a 48 hour cooldown between Battles. With one catch, repairs will shorten the timer. Not by much, but enough that the game will react to the tower being ready to fight again with a shorter grace period. There would likely be a cap on how much time can actually be shaved off.


- The count of Moa and Drone enemies during Rail Destruction missions will be lowered. The count of Tenno Specters raised. Tenno Specters will now drop mods. They don't drop skills or trash mods. A enemy drop table with no bum prizes. This table would include Stances for various Melee weapons, including acting as just another way to obtain desirable rare stances. After all, who is more likely to possess a mod for a Tenno fighting art than another Tenno?

Edited by Blatantfool
Any further real world politics off-topic crap is going to be removed from the thread.
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  I've got another small set of ideas I'd like to bounce off everyone. Since this guy is spitballing neat ideas I'd like to spout some too. Might as well.


 - All Rail Deployments are now 12 hours. However, there is a 48 hour cooldown between Battles. With one catch, repairs will shorten the timer. Not by much, but enough that the game will react to the tower being ready to fight again with a shorter grace period. There would likely be a cap on how much time can actually be shaved off.


- The count of Moa and Drone enemies during Rail Destruction missions will be lowered. The count of Tenno Specters raised. Tenno Specters will not drop mods. They don't drop skills or trash mods. A enemy drop table with no bum prizes. This table would include Stances for various Melee weapons, including acting as just another way to obtain desirable rare stances. After all, who is more likely to possess a mod for a Tenno fighting art than another Tenno?

Adding on to this, how does everyone feel about:


- Clans/Alliances can research additional Warframe templates to use as Specters. Since there are only a handful of Warframes with a Specter counterpart, the ability to research and cue up more Warframes such as Valkyr, Oberon, or Hydroid would provide something additional to do, as well as give some customization.


- Building upon the previous suggestion, have a Solar Rail UI where Clans/Alliances can customize which Warframe Spectres to place in their Solar Rail.

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I don't mind the layer of clan warfare going on, what I mind more is that there is no recuperation of ANY kind. For all of us in Eclipse that defended the alliances holds we received no...I want to say compensation but it really isn't even that. Credits are what we're using to bait people into fighting for us, but if we choose to defend we get NOTHING unless we clear everything out along the way, which would actually hinder our efforts to defend our strongholds.



I can't even donate all my credits to the alliance to help maintain the mercenary force - because I have none. I donated 500k to our alliance to help (as miniscule as that amount is) and after 8 hours of solid defending I had a whopping 4.5k credits and 2 neural sensors.


During that 8 hour period I did an exercise in which I took a time record of multiple runs and averaged them out for a minutes to run ratio. It took me 10 minutes 35 seconds to do 4 runs, with mistakes along the way as a true sample should. That means I did, thereabouts, 180 runs. One hundred and eighty runs - netted me 4.5k credits and 2 neural sensors.



There be something screwy going on here.

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Ok personally I think the OP has a point.


What is the point of deploying rails if they are going to constantly be in conflict? Yeah they take 24 hours to deploy but aside from that it will basically remain in conflict.


DE please consider some sort of period of time before it can be put into conflict again. {24 hours isn't enough. 72 Hours would be near perfect}


Leaving the system the way it currently is, is going to do nothing for the game apart from making a lot of vets & newer players bitter!


It's a good idea it just needs to be refined & cooling down periods added

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How about we just bring the Infested back, so I can level my weird situational weapons in peace? I need to level my Tigris so I can tell people to get off my lawn. It's pretty bad against Corpus and Grineer.

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Us people in and supporting Eclipse just spent all that time fighting off the Lords of the East and we don't even get any down time or time to keep the Dark Sector? The hell, DE? That makes trying to keep the Rails completely pointless

Wrong.. this gives purpose to having a fleet of solar rails... we can now barrage attack (which we should have been able to do from the start... damn why isn't there an option to kamikaze solar rails in storage to lower health during battle, that would be awesome).


This is ideal for tactical warfare. Its like why didn't the Persians do a night day switch off attack force on the Spartans? If they attacked with soldiers switching off sleeping, and fighting the Spartans would get no rest, and would get tired much more quickly. So a similar tactic should be used in the solar rail wars. We should be able to push you out of your comfort zone to the point your passing out while in the Solar rail war.

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If the rails are so screwed where we have to tell DE how to make the content then that speaks for it self. My view from all I've seen and and heard about this topic is just another game giving out another Free get what you pay for DLC. 


... What?

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I am not enjoying these nodes that much because of their inconsistency. There should be some time we can actually play these nodes without them being contested. I highly agree that there needs to be some time (at least a day) where these nodes can't get contested by other clans.


But seriously there is no reason why anyone would have a reason to contest them anyways except for bragging rights.

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And secondly, I think the Tenno enemies should become more prominent in the Rail Sabotage missions. The Moa and Drone count should come down. The Tenno count should go up. The XP should be excellent for taking them out. Above all, they should get a very valuable list of drops.


 Wow, actually, the idea of adding new gear and warframes to your clan's possible Specter defenders sounds awesome.


Well, accounting on that matter, here's an idea I think would benefit those Specters.


A new dojo room which allows a clan member to head in and customize / update his own Specter's abilities and playstyle. Much like the duel room but larger with walls, cover and elevations, the way it could work is one of the following :


1) Emulation through dueling your Specter


You fight your Specter which, the first time, is a barebone Excalibur with MK1-Braton, Lato, Skana and his default abilities. Each time you fight your Specter, his style changes to match your own : if you use powers often, he will do so; if you always melee, he'll rely on his melee weapon; if you run all over the place slidding and shooting, he'll start to do that. Eventually, he'll come up to par to your playstyle. You can then assign him the Warframe, Primary, Secondary and Melee weapons of your choice from those who are available in your inventory.


However, to keep it interesting, his combat style and performance must be kept up (so it doesn't get rusty) by having to duel it again from time to time (something like once or twice per week) to keep it at peak condition and incorporate any changes in your fighting style. This could be displayed on your Specter's status as an "Efficiency" meter which goes from 0% to 100%, the max being he'll fight at full capacity, emulating your style as best as his AI can. At worst, you can also hit a big shiny red button that resets its AI to blank which allows you to teach him a whole new fighting style.


2) Specter's attributes is based on your profile


Your Specter will always use your most used Warframe and Weapons from your profile and his overall AI performance could be derived from your "Skill" stat, meaning that for your Specter to perform better, you'd need to face off harder missions to increase your Skill rating. This in turn means that if you're an efficient Tenno warrior, your Specter will also be when he shows up in Solar Rail missions. This will also mean that clans that are actually overall efficient will also offer an efficient defense.


If a clan says they want to put a 5% tax on credits and ressources and people are trying to take them down for it, then they can at least have defenses that will make sure invaders cannot succeed in stopping them (albeit, not without difficulty)




Of course, in both cases, the actual stats like Health, Shields, Weapon and Power damage would be reliant on the actual level of the planet's Solar Rail node; all that 'training' would do is change how efficient, AI-wise, the Specter is and, in case of option 1, how he'll actually attempt to fight back invaders. So whenever you come to face a Specter, you just don't face cookie-cutter Frosts or Lokis, you're facing Frosts and Lokis that fights like a veteran Frost or Loki player would fight with their own style.

Edited by Wiegraf
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While that sounds like a greatly fun idea, Wiegraf, it's a coding nightmare to implement.


In case of example 1, it can be a bit more complex due to the emulation part unless it's dumbed down to a few key attributes like "Melee", "Ranged", "Mobility", "Accuracy" and "Power Usage". For example, if each attribute had a base value of 100 (to a total of 500 with all 5), fighting your Specter would make each vary by increasing one at the expense of another so that the total remains 500. Use more melee, then "Ranged" reduces to 90 and "Melee" increases to 110.


Make those 5 attributes tied to their AI in dictating how often each is used and it conveys a pseudo likeness to your playstyle since a score of 150 Melee would mean its focus would be on moving into melee 30% of the time (150/500). It can't actually emulate a player perfectly (THAT would be a real nightmare to code) but it can dictate what kind of enemy that Specter will end up behaving as.


In case of example 2, it's using data that's already stored on the server side which amounts to 5 statistics (Skill, most used Warframe, most used Primary, most used Secondary, most used Melee). The latter 4 just decides what your Specter will appear as and use while "Skill" just adjusts how difficult it is to fight by making the current AI more or less responsive.


Option 1 would require a bit of work to make happen since it implies a pseudo autonomous learning system, a new dojo room and extra data the server must gather while Option 2 would use already available data and just adjust the existing AI and its loadout. Option 2 is probably easier to implement (assuming that at one point, most, if not all, Warframes and weapons will be usable by Specters).

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