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4/16/14 Connectivity Issues


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Not sure if this has been posted already but i find it incredibly coincidental that all this DDOS occurred shortly after we had achieved victory against smite in that Free MMO poll thingimy. 


Not saying it is Smite or any of the others we had beaten but i used to play in the smite community and i know there is a large portion of them that arent above such attacks, although i hate to admit it, there are probably a few members of our community who would do the same.


I know! Lets launch a DDoS attack on Smite so hard it would corrupt all their server data!


As what others said, try and refrain from purchasing boosters and running (very) long missions (lost a friggin master thief mod and quadrillions of XP because of that) until the entire situation is solved, duct-taped and unceremoniously jammed into some obscure hole. 

Edited by DKKenny
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12:11PM EDT:


Account activation emails not being sent have been fixed. Attempting to login should prompt an option to resend the email if needed.


In-game functionality was suffering this morning but reports of stability are being noted.


Currently investigating not being able to purchase through Steam.


Will continue to update throughout the day, thanks for all your help! Feel free to report findings in this thread. 



I finished a game, got an ember prime bp, then immediately got logged out when I got back to the universe window. Upon getting back into the game my Ember Prime bp vanished.


Last time this happened I was told I could not be given the item back. Which made me go on a long hiatus.

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biggest issue i have had was when in clan dojo, if you select a weapons lab console you tend to get stuck on a grey screen. otherwise things else where respond within about 3-4 seconds (menu selections). Oh and have had chat lock up and requiring a relog.

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My xp rank not up its Stuck on 48,000 what can i do ? pls help me !!!

You only gain mastery xp as you level weapons, sentinels and warframes, once they reach level 30 you will get no more xp from them. You need to craft or buy, weapons, sentinels and warframes you have not yet levelled to gain more xp.

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Since yesterday(some minute before the full shut down of the servers) I lost probably like:


-6 orokin cell

-4 Voide Key between Level 2 and 3

-BP for Glaive Prime and Boltor Prime

- And a tons of exp for my weapoms


I don't mind to get anything back, but really i would like to get and answer for all this... even my friends get the same problem. (Sorry btw for my bad english)

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Also can't login. "Check your login info".


Lost 3 days of affinity booster. I'm not worried though, I trust DE will sort that out.


I had 7 frames and at least a dozen weapons, just waiting to be ranked up. DDoS scum ruined my weeks plan; it was supposed to be a mega Warframe fest this week.

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How about not blaming anyone and just taking it easy,going for a smoke or a glass of milk and call it a day until they update the game?

Crying over loss of stuff on a beta game that has actually provided enough to this community is ridiculous and will only waste time and effort...

They have said everything on posts about Boosters and other loss issues...

Avoid using/buying plat,don't build anything but keys imo just in case and even better,log out - close the game and listen to some music :)

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biggest issue i have had was when in clan dojo, if you select a weapons lab console you tend to get stuck on a grey screen. otherwise things else where respond within about 3-4 seconds (menu selections). Oh and have had chat lock up and requiring a relog.

That only happens if you press X like crazy..Walk up to the console and serenely press x ONCE to activate.


Had it all day and actually managed to delete the whole Dojo :)

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Got a 48Hr 50% off Plat login reward a couple of days ago that I was going to use, but not been able to purchase through steam, and it may run out before I can purchase again. Luckily though, I can log in now. Congrats for getting it back up so quickly! (Damn corpus)

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I'm guessing DE will release a new Prime weapon along with possible server stability. I can see it now...Glasses Prime, because clearly SOME PEOPLE CAN'T READ. 


Seriously, your boosters will be extended, and remember, this isn't DE's fault. If you're stubborn enough to try and play the game while the servers are like this, then don't come on here to whine over how you lost everything you were farming.

In other words:




Just be patient and go do something else until DE gives the "all clear" signal.

Edited by RazorTip
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