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Animals That Inspired Warframes


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I like that Armadillo Frame idea with Earth based powers.

Of course. But the Warframe Rhino resembles a Rhino-Beetle (At least in my point of view) and not a Rhinoceros.

"Rhino charge."

Rhinoceroses are also known for their thick, leathery skin (iron skin) and are notably very heavy(stomp).

Also roar. I don't remember a beetle that can roar.

Edited by Ionus
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Banshee's design draws from general insectoid elements. For example, her legs and feet look like those of a cricket or a grasshopper. Her overall armor structure is also fairly reminiscent of an exoskeleton, and along with her default helmet, gives her the Xenomorph appearance. Which was almost certainly intentional as well; after all, she is a silent huntress. And the top half of her body looks like it's covered by some kind of mantle or light vest. something you'd wear while hunting. At the same time, her default helmet could also be seen as a big shock of hair, conjuring up images of witches and spirits with unkempt hair. I'm tempted to say the same thing about her long nails but have no proof to back that up.


Not sure what her Reverb helmet is based on, if anything. Looks like short cropped hair to me, which would be most suitable to hunting down prey in the wild (don't want hair getting in your eyes and all that). Chorus looks like a mixture between a harp and an airplane a stag's horns, which could also evoke some kind of hunting theme.




Loki's "hammerhead" is more likely to represent a demon's horns, if anything. He is the rogue/thief/trickster frame, one who employs mischief and misdirection to succeed in combat. As a result, his helmet designs are very loosely based on Western depictions of devils or demons.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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(read this in your best Steve Irwin voice)


Now be very quiet, because I think we've just found a wild Trinity. This is a gentle, majestic creature with an almost perfect defence against predators. See the roller pack over there on the right? They've spied our Trinity and are moving in for the kill, but if you look a little more closely, Trin's glowing green. Watch what happens when they get close...

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