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Can We Have More Ridiculous Weapons


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We don't have enough of ridiculous weapons (phage). So the only option for the next weapons is to be riduclous.


I for one would like an anti tank rifle or a really big sniper rifle with explosive rounds. Of course it won't be as powerful as other sniper rifles because of explosives but much want.


Quad barrel chain fed shotgun. For the fun.



What if any ridiculous weapons would you want, all for the fun of it. :D


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I feel like someone from the railgun megathread will be here, but what i want is aksoma primes that fire galatine primes with total stealth and all of them have ogris added explosions, now in seriousness simply a gun that shoots rounds that stick and make a small explosion after awhile and for those that arent getting the idea think needler from halo

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The answer:  A Railgun.





I feel like someone from the railgun megathread will be here, but what i want is aksoma primes that fire galatine primes with total stealth and all of them have ogris added explosions, now in seriousness simply a gun that shoots rounds that stick and make a small explosion after awhile and for those that arent getting the idea think needler from halo



Also, don't forget the rocket gauntlets and four meter long laser sword thing. 

Edited by Evariskitsune
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1- A hook gun that attaches to enemies with the first click, and while the guy is grabbed, you aim somewhere else and click again and you swing the enemy at that spot, knocking everyone down and dealing damage in an area.
The larger the target the higher the damage, and the more everyone should fly away.


2- A gun that sprays a constant stream of glue that doesn't deal any damage, but immobilizes enemies for a while (the more glue, the longer it should last -see alternate fire-), and depending on the elemental mod/s it has equipped, the gooed enemies become vulnerable to that element (+75% damage, +125% if it's already vulnerable). It would be sort of a support gun.
Alternate fire: aiming down the sights should increase the distance of the stream, decreasing the volume of the spray, thus trading off snare/debuff duration for range.

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Most importantly, the ridiculous guns should be on par with the more standard stuff - Phage is a great start but Torrid has been forgotten and Miter is seriously lacking. They need some love.

I've never heard anything about that, was it in the Design Council?

It was revealed in one of the livestreams alongside what became the Grinlok, the Marelok, and the Attica.
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Most importantly, the ridiculous guns should be on par with the more standard stuff - Phage is a great start but Torrid has been forgotten and Miter is seriously lacking. They need some love.

It was revealed in one of the livestreams alongside what became the Grinlok, the Marelok, and the Attica.

Which one? I'll have to re-watch it.

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Which one? I'll have to re-watch it.

Here ya go! Personally, I'm looking forward to this one.


There may also be a grineer acid gun in the works, judging by this stream...

Edited by Varzy
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If we are asking for ridiculous weapons here then I'd love to get my hands on a chainsaw. And why stop there make it a chainsaw that can shoot out like Valkar's rip line attack and pull enemies into to you so you can slice them up no matter where they are.


Oh and I want some nun-chucks so I can go Bruce Lee on the grineer

Edited by (PS4)SwagSmasha
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Here ya go! Personally, I'm looking forward to this one.


There may also be a grineer acid gun in the works, judging by this stream...

Thanks for the link and for getting it to start at the bit where they are showing it, you saved me a lot of time :D

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