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Update 13.1.0: Amprex


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Any word on how the Amprex works? Is it different than the Synapse?


original description:


The Amprex Rifle fires a continuous beam of high voltage electricity that arcs among nearby enemies. This weapon excels at crowd control.

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And about Excalibur Proto Armor channeling ? It's almost impossible in the heat of battle to know if it's channeling or not and I don't want to have to look at the UI to see if I've enough energy... some feedback on the armor like other Warframes would be welcome. :/


I also noticed that Valkyr's animations still didn't work in the arsenal.


Apart from that, nice update... I guess...

Edited by kebra
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Volt '1' gun Corpus Chain Lightning gun is indeed Clantech for pretty cheap at least.


Everything looks great so far, we'll see how things go down the line for the changes.


Small note though, not sure if it's intentional or not (doubtful since the option is still there) but for Dethcube's Carabus skin there's no visible spot for the tail, and trying to put one on makes it stick through the back of the skin. Wasn't planning on it myself, the skin makes it look great all its own, just thought I'd point it out.

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Thank you for the Update DE, will we ever see more customization options like having regular skins on prime weapons? Please DE, paris prime is so ugly while regular Paris is sexy. Also a toggle to turn off elemental visual effects on melee weapons. I use elemental mods for the damage but I hate having my sword being covered by flames or smoke or lightning. It doesn't make sense for a ninja to sneak around with a glowing flashing sword on his back. I would love a reply on if you considered these options.

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  • Increased the difficulty of Void Survival T3 missions by increasing the number of enemies that spawn during the mission.


IMHO, this actually makes it easier.

Far too many runs have been done where there just isn't enough life support to get any decent time. Considering how hard it is to get T3S keys, it feels like a horrible waste to have to leave at 9 minutes due to running out of life support, even when we bring a Nekros or two.

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>> Added ability to remove waypoint markers - aim and hit Waypoint at any active marker to remove it. Coming next Hotfix.

*already checks that off his own list in advance though* Awesomesauce :)


>> * Dark Sector Changes *

Very much appreciated. Still not sure if I will play the contested missions because Tenno spectres make my poor heart cringe, but at least the time intervals of Dark Sectors are more interesting now.


>> Tweaked the animations for Staff slide attacks

You mean when pressing right click and using a strafe button? *tests* Okay, yes... it looks like we have less control over our character now, with the added "hop" at the end...? :( Or was that always there, I dunno, I never use the strafe button dodge from the rightclick mode. Not even with melee 2.0


>> Players under Mastery Rank 2 will no longer be marked by the Grustrag Three.

Does that mean what it says, meaning players cannot get the MARK or does it ALSO mean that players cannot be tagged with the bolt if they taxi with high mastery players into another mission and then get ambushed by G3 ?


>> Updated the Spare Parts description...

I had to chuckle. And only one person on the forum will catch why.


>> Fixed issues where Lotus subtitles incorrectly referred to trams when talking about Prosecutors.

*strikes that off his list*


>> Fixed an issue with the Glaive and other weapons not properly scaling when viewed in the Arsenal.

If you already fixed that, why not changing the animation all melee weapons use from "parry" to "idle" ?



Did we get a stealth addition in terms of sound? I didn't remember a minor "swoosh" when backflipping off a wall. Or I might have been just deaf since U13, that is a true possibility.

Anyway, now I have to ponder if I wait for the next hotfix to continue testing for M2.0 or if I should go right ahead. Decisions, decisions...!

No other weapon changes

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So the rare item drop rate will increase when my sentinel dies?

Read again. 

There is a chance for your sentinel to drop a rare item upon death. Also, where did you get drop "rate" from? Rebecca did not mention the rate but a chance.

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Nice update still not playing though unless theres an alert worth my time or some major changes to Grindframe.


I'll be on SWTOR, SMITE and Tf2 (nostalgia reasons) until then.


Keep up the work DE! I know you guys will make what warframe was suppose to be someday.

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