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Didn't The Dark Sector Peace Time Changes Just Make It All Worse?


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I am starting to dislike eclipse. First i liked them because they promised low taxes and now @(*()$ 25%!!! SRSLY.

Nice going there, keeping your promise and stuff. #sarcasm



Until you've run an alliance and experienced first-hand the income from a 1% tax and the amount you have to pay to defend your rails, you're basically talking out of your sphincter muscle.

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Until you've run an alliance and experienced first-hand the income from a 1% tax and the amount you have to pay to defend your rails, you're basically talking out of your sphincter muscle.

Excuse me but did you just steal, practically word-for-word, my original post? If so, thank you for the flattery :D

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Nowhere, at not one time did Eclipse promise 0% tax. My six year old pulls this particular guilt trip a lot. Just because they said the taxes would be 0% doesn't mean that they in any way promised they would be.

For a very short time, they were in fact 0, or less than 5%, but it quickly became obvious to everyone who was involved in the process of maintaining those rails that a tax rate that low was at best unfeasible and at worst foolish.

The clans that have managed to keep their rails despite a 0% tax rate at this point have not come up against any significant competition or actually have alliance backing behind the scenes.

There is actually a whole lot more going on behind multiple curtains in multiple situations than the average player realizes.

Eclipse is not evil, an empire or funded by DE (lol at that one.). They are a regular alliance with awesome leadership and organizational skills that happened to be a little quicker off the draw than most, and got very lucky as a result.

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or funded by DE (lol at that one.).



Where did you hear that!? I want to see that post! xD


On topic: What I'm really against is the 12h conflict, since the Occupant can just put ridiculous amounts of credits and only half of us will be able to play it. Maybe 18h or 24h, idk- Something that offers the contenders a fair amount of time and exhaustion.

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It isn't currently practical for an attacker to try to beat the battle pay of a defender. I'll be interested to see if Eclipse actually lowers their taxes, now that they have a substantially longer period to collect them in between defenses.


Since when it isn't impossible ?

Get a 4000 men alliance and demand everyone to donate a minimum of 3 million credits.


So you have a 12 billion war chest.

Then on attacking day, get all members to run consistently.

And throw out 20k battlepay like it is going out of style.


Derp, it should work.

Edited by fatpig84
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Because Eclipse controls exclusively orokin cell and neural sensor sector, as long as they adjust their tax to make sure one run is still worth more than other normal mission, people will "have to" run their DS, no matter if it's 50% tax. 


Sure, not all people need those resource, but they always have a steady flock of people who will farm those resource. They can just make their money from those.

Edited by canikizu
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I hope Eclipse taxes you guys to death... you put them there and you KNEW that whoever controlled the rails was gonna do whatever they wanted. All you guys did was make it so one entity can make all of you their employees.


You "dont attack the 0 rails guys" are getting EXACTLY what you deserve

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I'm pretty sure Eclipse put them there, actually. At least, I don't remember hitting a "Deploy Solar Rail On Behalf Of Eclipse" button.


The lack of supporting the attacker and assisting the defender means that you DID INDEED put them there. Say whatever you want, you protect your precious Overlords, and this current situation is what you get.

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Last time I remember people are bagging clans to stop attacking rail because it locks up the dark sector all the time

Now DE fix it and people complains clans have less chance to attack rails.

WTF community!

I never said it should be less attacks. I said it should be more faster battles, or make ownership dreaded.

Edited by Arlayn
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The lack of supporting the attacker and assisting the defender means that you DID INDEED put them there. Say whatever you want, you protect your precious Overlords, and this current situation is what you get.

So by that logic Zimbabwe let Germany invade Poland at the start of WW2

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Last time I remember people are bagging clans to stop attacking rail because it locks up the dark sector all the time

Now DE fix it and people complains clans have less chance to attack rails.

WTF community!


 Indeed. I dont have a problem whit all the Eclipse hate - its normal when there is such a big alliance.

 I do have a problem whit the short memory span of the community......

 P.S. I do love mah DS now - so much time to slash dem infested.

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well, it also gives other alliances time to amass credits for battle pay, you're only looking at one side of the situation. I, soloing dark sectors, can easily clear 1 mil credits in an hour. an entire clan, can mass many millions, an alliance can seriously put together a solid credit bank if they seriously want to compete. having longer dark sectors helps everyone.


How? Either you're overestimating or i'm missing something...

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How? Either you're overestimating or i'm missing something...


Yeah, that is some serious bulls1t. Even if we are doing clean 5 minutes solo defense runs, that's 276000 credits max in 1 hour in a non taxed Pluto sector.

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Yeah, that is some serious bulls1t. Even if we are doing clean 5 minutes solo defense runs, that's 276000 credits max in 1 hour in a non taxed Pluto sector.

You're right, I am over estimating. Now the point is, and I'll use your figure:


4x276000/1hr = 1,104,000 squad


10x276000/1hr=2,760,000 small ghost clan


I can keep going like that, now, Why again can't people compete if they put forth the effort to earn the credits?


In the last week I've paid for every warframe blueprint that is obtainable by market while farming the components. Every weapon blueprint on the market, as well as the clan blueprints. I've built a clan hall, decorated it, and started research in every lab. with the credits I've  farmed from dark sectors. 


yes, I'm over estimating the amount i made on runs solo. my bad. my point is, credits can be earned, people can compete, and with the dark sectors open longer it allows everyone ample time to farm these credits. It seems like to me that no matter what is done to accommodate people, someone has a complaint. Before everyone was complaining that the sectors were always in conflict and no one could get to the dark sectors part of the content. Now, they've made it so you have some time to actually do that, and people are complaining that they've done so. 


Personally, I don't plan to make rails, I'm running a solo clan. I take  advantage of the dark sectors  when they're available, I have fun. 

The forums  lately have been bombarded with people swearing everything is broken, everything is useless, nothing works, its taking to long, its not long enough. everything is op , everything is underpowered. 


go play, stop  theorizing and complaining so much.

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Nowhere, at not one time did Eclipse promise 0% tax. My six year old pulls this particular guilt trip a lot. Just because they said the taxes would be 0% doesn't mean that they in any way promised they would be.

For a very short time, they were in fact 0, or less than 5%, but it quickly became obvious to everyone who was involved in the process of maintaining those rails that a tax rate that low was at best unfeasible and at worst foolish.

The clans that have managed to keep their rails despite a 0% tax rate at this point have not come up against any significant competition or actually have alliance backing behind the scenes.

There is actually a whole lot more going on behind multiple curtains in multiple situations than the average player realizes.

Eclipse is not evil, an empire or funded by DE (lol at that one.). They are a regular alliance with awesome leadership and organizational skills that happened to be a little quicker off the draw than most, and got very lucky as a result.


When you say 'will' instead of 'may', an implicit promise is made.  You're not suggesting something within the realm of possibility, you're saying something will happen, and when you do not follow through, you've made yourself a liar.  It's funny, sometimes, how children have (or seem to have) better ethical grasp than adults.


Example, you have a friend who is arriving by plane and has asked you to pick him up from the airport.  You have said you will, but did not explicitly promise you would, are you therefore completely free to shirk that duty because the word 'promise' was not explicitly used?  (Spoilers:  You're not)

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Just because we said ONCE that the rail will be without tax, doesnt mean we had the plan to never change it, and we never said - we will never change it, there is no lie, stop making it up.


We had no tax until we had our first bridge on 20% structure and saw the repair bill of an insane amount of Millions, nobody ever expected that and DE never told anybody about it, so we used our brain and adapted.


And i really dont understand you geedy people at all, the rail was made by us, we paid for it and built it, we repair it, we give out battlepay, it is freaking our rail, until somebody destroys it, you did nothing at all.


But thats not all, we dont earn ANYTHING with the rails on a personal lvl, on the contrary we donate Millions onto it, overtaxing ourselves and defending it for zero gain.

The Alliance also doesnt gain anything, all Credits we get, we hand out to provide BattlePay as much and high as we can.


Where is our greed? but here do you come and complain that you dont get everything for free, while you never did anything to earn it?


If you search for the greedy one, go and look into the mirror.

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