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What About A Marketplace?


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Everyone likes to get all mad about the possibility of a auction house and immediately starts raging because D3.  But what about a market place?


That is, somewhere you can list an item for sale/trade and look up info on what an item has been selling/trading for.


Ex I could select a Max serration and look up what it's been trading for and then select what I would accept for trades

something along the lines of 150p OR 110p and a tranquil cleave OR 100p+ Gleaming talon for example.


IE, no Auctions, just listing stuff for sale/trade so you don't have to waste time in chat and will be able to quickly look up what its trade value is.  Same exact trading rules we have now (Mods, keys, plat, prime stuff) just more streamlined and with more info available so people can get a fair trade.


After the last live stream this seems to be what DE is moving towards, but for one reason or another discussion always gets derailed by the angry mob that thinks it will turn out like D3 AH.  Which is stupid; now is the time we should be discussing what kind of features we want to help facilitate trades, all this time wasted on knee jerk reactions to a system that isn't going to be copied are a complete and utter waste of time.

Edited by Aggh
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That would be a good system - post an item up for a period of time (maybe 24-48 hours or so, give everyone a fair chance to see it) along with a list of desired items (the list could well exceed the value of what's being offered, it's just the sort of thing you'd want in exchange), during which potential buyers submit their offers, and then at the end of that time period you pick between those offers.


Not sure how the actual transfer could be done and getting together for the current trade system seems a bit awkward and clunky once you take time zones into account - maybe have the items being sold and offered placed into the trade system (and unavailable to buyer or seller) and automatically transferred when the seller makes their decision (with the unsuccessful offers being sent back to their original owners, of course).

Edited by ShadowFighter88
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That would be a good system - post an item up for a period of time (maybe 24-48 hours or so, give everyone a fair chance to see it) along with a list of desired items (the list could well exceed the value of what's being offered, it's just the sort of thing you'd want in exchange), during which potential buyers submit their offers, and then at the end of that time period you pick between those offers.


Not sure how the actual transfer could be done and getting together for the current trade system seems a bit awkward and clunky once you take time zones into account - maybe have the items being sold and offered placed into the trade system (and unavailable to buyer or seller) and automatically transferred when the seller makes their decision (with the unsuccessful offers being sent back to their original owners, of course). 

The idea is that it would be automated.  The person who lists it would select the trades they're willing to do and the buyer would select the trade they're willing to go through with or make an offer that the seller would be able to check and if they want, accept when they get online.  Think of it like something like the steam market place only it allows for possible trades to be listed as well.

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Everyone likes to get all mad about the possibility of a auction house and immediately starts raging because D3.  But what about a market place?


That is, somewhere you can list an item for sale/trade and look up info on what an item has been selling/trading for.


Ex I could select a Max serration and look up what it's been trading for and then select what I would accept for trades

something along the lines of 150p OR 110p and a tranquil cleave OR 100p+ Gleaming talon for example.


IE, no Auctions, just listing stuff for sale/trade so you don't have to waste time in chat and will be able to quickly look up what its trade value is.  Same exact trading rules we have now (Mods, keys, plat, prime stuff) just more streamlined and with more info available so people can get a fair trade.


After the last live stream this seems to be what DE is moving towards, but for one reason or another discussion always gets derailed by the angry mob that thinks it will turn out like D3 AH.  Which is stupid; now is the time we should be discussing what kind of features we want to help facilitate trades, all this time wasted on knee jerk reactions to a system that isn't going to be copied are a complete and utter waste of time.

this is what i was envisioning the whole time and think this would be perfect along side our current system. it would be nice to have this automatic system to go along with our manual trade system so you can decide if you want to take your time and barter your deal or if you just want one thing put it up and let those happy with the deal select it 

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still an auction house would be better.

only people against an AH are the ones ripping off new players that are unaware of the price of an item


No, an auction house would only work on platinum, the idea is you can trade items as well.


Probably would have to be limited to mods and platinum to start but could also be used for resources down the road.


Just a note, trade offers should be blind, otherwise everybody just waits until the last minute is tries sniping bids.

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wait so Auction House and Marketplace aren't the same thing?????


Both involve making an item listing, i.e. trading asynchronously.

Both can have "buy it now" listings.


so I'm not sure what exactly is different? other than just having no "auction"...

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wait so Auction House and Marketplace aren't the same thing?????


Both involve making an item listing, i.e. trading asynchronously.

Both can have "buy it now" listings.


so I'm not sure what exactly is different? other than just having no "auction"...

For one reason or another, the idea of auctions makes people really angry :|

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I like the current system. Anyone who invest time and some brains can make plat out of nothing.

Market place or AH will just make everything worthless. Rare cards will drop to 1plat and noone is gona benefit from that.


So no - the system is just fine as it is.

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Marketplace would be great.


It's annoying to have to sit around spamming in Trade chat to try and sell things (Or buy specific things) it's also awkward if you have something you're trying to trade and you're trying to figure out if people who are interested in what you have can offer one of a variety of things you need.


Auction House is similar, except they tend to be focused only on currency based transactions - I.E. Plat and Credits rather than incorporating trades - Trading is something that helps save time when making deals, since instead of having to sell everything you are willing to trade to get the currencies to pay for things, you can trade it directly.


Then there's the fact that, trading can often have different prices for different people - Say for example someone is after a rare mod that drops off something rare or annoying to farm, they might consider that worth more than what the RRP would suggest.

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Make it like Steam Community Sales, we post what we want to sale, put what we want in return, be mods, keys or plat, and post it, and leave it there.

If someone wants it, they put the items required, and make the trade, we just get a notification that the items were sold/traded, wich means we can get what we want even if we were offline....


No more staring at Trading Chat just waiting for someone to send a PM or seeing a person put "WTB" and having to "/w long@$$weirednameorsomething" as fast as possible to get the client, I have a some mods people might want and prime parts too, I just dont feel like staying in Trading when I came to this game to have fun.

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Yes please. I would like to sell a few items for some platinum, but trading is a mess right now. I think the players that read the forums are in the minority, and the chat is a spamfest.


This would make things ALOT easier. Also, buyers don't risk to be screwed over, as they can look up the price beforehand.

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This is an excellent idea, since I had just wasted about 2-3 hours in the trading chat last night stay up till 4 am to not even get what I had wanted since I only about 5 people replied to me, and when they did either didn't have the part they wanted or they didn't have the part I wanted to trade in return for something. This would save lots of time

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You mean like SO many games do already? Yes please, we really need that already, so many games have it, yet in game with a lot of trading like Warframe we lack one. Mind you, more complex a bit, for example: I post Rhino Prime Chasis, and I get to choose 3 values, 1 being credits, another being platinum and another one being prime part/mod/whatever. If I choose none at one of them it means I'm not willing to trade maybe, or sell for platinum. That way a person can either buy it from the marketplace with X platinum you posted or trade it for X mod/part you posted.

And if that isn't enough, we still have the good old trading kiosks for when you want to trade multiple things for something.

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Auctioning gear bps and mods might be "lazy" and "easy" but sure beats the hell and uselessness that is trade channel which is beyond a pita.


Dunno i do manage to get all my plat needs satisfied by it. I also manage to get whatever i want mod or BP wise from it as well. Sometime at a price that is beyond stupid - case and point would be TC for 10p. 


The thing whit having only this sort of trade is - you can input effort and get profit - you have to have intuition to prosper and know the general price of an item. Its not newb friendly ( notice i use newb not noob). AH or a market of anysort will destroy any chance for good profit and will iron out a price of 1p per item ( well outside of limited items and extreamly hard to get items ).


 Im sure a lot of you think that once AH or a Marke get introduced - you will just casually trow some mods and BP on it and make profit whit litle to no effort - incorect. There will be players just sitting on it and undurcut you at every turn and every point - same whit buying stuff from the market.


 Anyway - AH is really bad thing to happen. A sort of market that is like an "shop" you set whitout unified search engine and whit many shops that have to be manualy searched one at a time - may work. But unified marked whit search engine - say bb to profit.

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 Im sure a lot of you think that once AH or a Marke get introduced - you will just casually trow some mods and BP on it and make profit whit litle to no effort - incorect. There will be players just sitting on it and undurcut you at every turn and every point - same whit buying stuff from the market.


What is interesting is that currently, people don't undercut at all in trade (From what I've seen - Everyone sells mods for about the same price with some people then selling some for more - Not less - Due to demand)


You seem to be under the impression that as soon as people stop sitting through lots of text in trade channel, they'll instantly start selling everything for 1 plat. That's unlikely to happen UNLESS for some reason there's been several thousand players gathering all the rare mods but never selling them because of the unfriendly trading chat - Thus flooding the market with lots of rare items to cause a crash in their price.


A market, while there could be some undercutting, will not drastically change the supply enough to cause things to become worthless. But it could cause people to make profits out of the things currently not worth selling (Stuff like Flow or useful Uncommon mods like unranked Serration and Hornet Strike) - These things that won't be sold in the current trading channel very often because of their low worth and small target demographic (Newbs are less likely to understand or use the trade channel and veterans will already have several copies of this) but would be possible to sell on a market for a plat or 2 (Which newbies might be recommended to do with their 50 starting plat - Grab a couple of useful mods like Serration to help make life not so sucky to start with)

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What is interesting is that currently, people don't undercut at all in trade (From what I've seen - Everyone sells mods for about the same price with some people then selling some for more - Not less - Due to demand)


You seem to be under the impression that as soon as people stop sitting through lots of text in trade channel, they'll instantly start selling everything for 1 plat. That's unlikely to happen UNLESS for some reason there's been several thousand players gathering all the rare mods but never selling them because of the unfriendly trading chat - Thus flooding the market with lots of rare items to cause a crash in their price.



 Hum i would agree whit some of this.

 First part - not true at all. 

 High demand BP items like Boltor Prime BP and Rhino Prime BP and Rhino Prime chasy are holding prices. That been said traiders tend to unducut each other once you start talking in pm's. Also high demand items like TC tend to move in between 20-50p depending on time of the day and trader. There is price fluxuation indeed. Just not so easy to spot due to most sellers and buyers not annoyncing their price beforehand.


 Second of all - yes the price will drop to extra low lvls. The reason for one is - you can clearly see the lowest price - and go lower. Second reason for the price to go down is like you say couse the current system is way to unfriendly. Meaning most players cant be hasseled to get the benefit from the system. Something that will change once an AH or market is introduced. Simple and easy to use whitout the chance to exploit your own knoledge - the price for most items ( extra rare items excluded and time limited items ) will drop to levels of 1-2p - couse for some players even 1-2p is a profit ( god knows why ?).


 Third part i agree. But you cant introduce that whiout the above points been introduced as well.


 Dunno in the end im just one player and if DE think an AH or a Market is needed they will just introduce it. However right now i must say im rather happy whit the amount of plat i make in a day by simple trades and swaps.

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