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"don't Nerf Trinity, You Need Her For Long Survival And Defense"


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Those who demand nerfs for Nova simply haven't used one enough, or are butthurt about people spamming Mprime. I generally use it as more of a tactical tool now for getting to downed teammates- if one of my team is down and surrounded by a battalion of enemies, I can use Mprime to devastate the group and give myself some breathing room to rescue my mate. So she's speedy, has good CC, and makes for a good improvised field medic.


As for Trin, I've used her some too. If Well of Life and Energy Vampire were back to the way they were pre-Trinity Nerf 1 (meaning that enemies that got these skills cast on them were life and energy sinks respectively, by shooting the enemy you leeched X amounts of health per shot), she'd have more utility instead of being a "blessing machine." Link and Blessing are also valuable tools for retrieving downed teammates.


For every cry of "unbalanced," I counter with tactical utility. STOP NERFING MY GOOD FRAMES.

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Please stop using the word "kit" in the fashion you have used it. It makes no sense when you know the definition of the word.

Go ahead and google "toolkit". Please be careful though, I'd hate for you to have your mind blown by learning a new word.

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you have clearly never done more than 1 hour survival, your solution for blessing is horrible and will break the frame for anything excepted the boring level 30-40 intended for endgame by DE (which is completely out of reality with boltor prime 5 formaed and maxed frames/formated x time).


Let the cooldown for the boring MMORPG worlds please...

So what if it's out of reality? The Devs aren't going to balance past wave 30/minute 30, past that point you are meant to die. You are intended and meant to die from the first couple of shots that happen to graze you. It is not endgame, it is not relevant, it's the extra wild unbalanced wilderness you can never tame. You go there for a challenge, you get a challenge. Kill the enemy before they can let off those two shots. They have super high armor and health, you do not. Bam, challenge. If Blessing is nerfed in any way, all it'll mean is you don't have to go an hour to get that challenge. Your 'endgame' will come even sooner, and making it an hour in survival will actually mean something.

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at some point (where you clearly don't go) you have to have blessing continuously running on or you drop with a scratch from anything... So ?

Excuse me, but was that directed at me? I've done past an hour's worth of time in survival without a Trinity in our 4-man squad. I, and the people I play with commonly can do just fine without the Mario starman Trinity grants. 

Edited by Tymerc
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at some point (where you clearly don't go) you have to have blessing continuously running on or you drop with a scratch from anything... So ?

I assume those points you're referring to are in very, very late stage Survival in Defense.

Did you know DE never intended for players to reach that point of ridiculousness?

Whilst she isn't the only frame capable of reaching said lenghts, Trinity is indeed a major part of these limits being broken, and it's clear that DE never intended for players to reach mobs that are scaled so high to the point they're being able to oneshot the players.

Nerfing Trinity won't hurt quote-on-quote "endgame" (calling Defense / Survival endgame material is arguable considering that would make planets like Mercury technically endgame as well. It's just a game type.). But if we assume that said missions are endgame, it WILL bring what little endgame WF has down to a reasonable level so that the rest of the frames can enjoy it.

Not just Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity.

In short; those missions that are being called 'endgame' won't die if Trinity gets nerfed. The metagame that classifies an end-game Survival or Defense run will simply adapt to not having Trinity's invincibility on anymore.

Edited by Triburos
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Those who demand nerfs for Nova simply haven't used one enough, or are butthurt about people spamming Mprime. I generally use it as more of a tactical tool now for getting to downed teammates- if one of my team is down and surrounded by a battalion of enemies, I can use Mprime to devastate the group and give myself some breathing room to rescue my mate. So she's speedy, has good CC, and makes for a good improvised field medic.


As for Trin, I've used her some too. If Well of Life and Energy Vampire were back to the way they were pre-Trinity Nerf 1 (meaning that enemies that got these skills cast on them were life and energy sinks respectively, by shooting the enemy you leeched X amounts of health per shot), she'd have more utility instead of being a "blessing machine." Link and Blessing are also valuable tools for retrieving downed teammates.


For every cry of "unbalanced," I counter with tactical utility. STOP NERFING MY GOOD FRAMES.

I use Nova, and she's OP. I can stand on the pod in a tower game, push 4, shoot maybe 3 bullets, and watch everything explode around me all the back to the spawn room. I'm squishy, yeah, but that doesn't matter when 30 waves in nobody has been able to even get close to touching me. Might as well be invulnerable for all the damage I'm taking.


Link and Blessing combined are also insanely OP. You aren't taking any damage at all, but you are reflecting it? What? And you can reflect your own super formas penta/castanas/ogris shots at the enemy? So wait are we reflecting or not? Why am I able to somehow nuke all enemies in a 30m radius without line of sight with just two abilities? Right, they are broken.

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I don't mind if Blessings got nerfed but at least give her a CC or DPS power.

The thing is, Trinity lacks CC or DPS in long survival games unless she does the Stug+Blessings+Link thingy.

Not every frame is intended to have CC or damaging abilities. Frames take on roles. Healers heal. Strikers attack. Controllers crowd control. She's a healer and if you don't like not having CC or damage abilities play another frame with CC.



As for Energy Vampire being bad, it's because it's terrible with the blessing build. Energy vamp is really, really good if you build for it. If I recall correctly, I'm able to give everyone in the same room somewhere around 130~ energy in around 5-6 seconds. That seems pretty good.

I've my own opinion before, so I'll just quote it here:

In reply to everyone saying that if you don't like her, you don't have to use her: By the same logic if DE released a weapon that when fired killed every enemy you could see, that would be fine because you don't have to use it.

In reply to anyone claiming that instead of nerfing her, they should just buff other frames to her level: while this logic can be used to great effect in terms of statistics that all player characters share, this doesn't work with unique features. For example, if it was decided that the AOE on the penta was just a little too big, by the logic of buffing everything else, all weapons would receive a small AOE to compensate for the difference. Sometimes a change needs to be made.

My main point: Trinity is a healer, Blessing doesn't particularly fit that.

I'm not going to talk about why I think Trinity should be nerfed in great detail, only enough to make my proposed solution make sense. Trinity is supposed to be a healer. I think we can all agree that that's the case. Right now, she isn't used for that purpose. While her ult heals, it also prevents damage and that is the main focus of why people use that ability. As it stands that isn't in line with the paradigm of her role. What would make more sense is a power that when used gets the entire cell out of sticky situations.

With that in mind, this is my version of that idea; a proposed change to blessing:

-Blessing is still global and still full heals. Her ultimate is used to heal and a good trinity should be able to help people anywhere on the map.

-It grants CC invincibility for ~2 seconds. We want to get the Tenno in trouble out of where he/she is. If they get knocked down, that defeats the point. This may seem short, but when combined with a later point, it will make more sense.

-Blessing only grants ~2 seconds of invulnerability. If the player was taking enough fire before the ult was cast, that will almost certainly continue, but our goal is to give them the chance to bail, not to hang around in the fire.

-Blessing grants a massive speed boost(100%-150%) for ~2 seconds. This greatly changes how the ability works. Now a tenno in danger has the speed to get out quickly. This is improved by CC invincibility as well as damage invincibility.

While a Tenno has that boost, they can escape a situation that would normally kill them. Oberon's heal works well with this because now he provides a much more tanky heal when compared to the blessing Trinity can bestow on her team. I think this is a much more team focused power that properly makes her feel like a healer.

Edited by Ourobor
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What's funny is that with the recent T3 Buff all T3 enemies are now lvl30. While this is still easy without trinity. Survival is a different matter.

30mins = lvl 30s

40 mins = lvl 60s

45 mins = lvl 70s

50 mins = lvl 80s

I actually can't see a squad going 45mins + without trinity

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What's funny is that with the recent T3 Buff all T3 enemies are now lvl30. While this is still easy without trinity. Survival is a different matter.

30mins = lvl 30s

40 mins = lvl 60s

45 mins = lvl 70s

50 mins = lvl 80s

I actually can't see a squad going 45mins + without trinity

What part of the game requires you to play the mission that long? There are no time based drops. The only reason people see this as a problem is because they've been using trinity for so long as a crutch and have grown to expect that they can (and feel entitled to) do 45 min + survivals.

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What part of the game requires you to play the mission that long? There are no time based drops. The only reason people see this as a problem is because they've been using trinity for so long as a crutch and have grown to expect that they can (and feel entitled to) do 45 min + survivals.


I usually do 60 minute runs [not trinity] but with my group because every 20 minutes you get a prime part so its a good way to stretch out your key 'and' have a bit of fun.



What's funny is that with the recent T3 Buff all T3 enemies are now lvl30. While this is still easy without trinity. Survival is a different matter.

30mins = lvl 30s

40 mins = lvl 60s

45 mins = lvl 70s

50 mins = lvl 80s

I actually can't see a squad going 45mins + without trinity


I should record my T3 Survival runs, Me and my friends getting to 60 minutes regularly with our FAVORITE [non meta, aka, NO TRINITY] frames.  It would blow your mind.

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I usually do 60 minute runs [not trinity] but with my group because every 20 minutes you get a prime part so its a good way to stretch out your key 'and' have a bit of fun.




I should record my T3 Survival runs, Me and my friends getting to 60 minutes regularly with our FAVORITE [non meta, aka, NO TRINITY] frames.  It would blow your mind.

Thats beside the point


Whether its possible or not doesnt change that shes broken

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Thats beside the point


Whether its possible or not doesnt change that shes broken


Oh trust me, i'm NEVER going to go up to bat for god mode. If that is what you got from my post then I should have elaborated more.  I was saying in support of nerfing her because it is obvious Trinity is becoming a crutch for some people just because of her god mode.


Hopefully however they don't nerf her to the ground, just make it so that people actually have to play the game without infinite god mode [especially if they make the excuse that they cannot make it to 60 minutes without her].

Edited by Sibarian
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I find it disturbing that someone wants to nerf the Warframes before resolving AI issues.........


This is going to be like.......telling your girlfriend to "leave and never come back"...then as soon as she closes the door you're like "BABY PLEASE NOOOOOOOOOO PLEAAAAAAAAAASE I CAN EXPLAIN"

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Nova is one of the only frames that can solo a Defense or Survival map effectively. Particularly Survival, since she has the speed to get to a canister but the crowd control abilities to keep enemies off her back. Nerfing her would be a stab in the back to anyone who plays solo regularly, not just the high time limit defensers. Kills from Mprime still give you XP, stop whining.

I'd like to see you say that in 40 minute mark of T3 survival.Solo? I could solo defenses pretty dang well with my Nyx. Booben can solo ODD pretty effectively and with ease.
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Nova is one of the only frames that can solo a Defense or Survival map effectively. Particularly Survival, since she has the speed to get to a canister but the crowd control abilities to keep enemies off her back. Nerfing her would be a stab in the back to anyone who plays solo regularly, not just the high time limit defensers. Kills from Mprime still give you XP, stop whining.


I never understood the obsession about soloing in a coop MP game (looking at you too, Mass Effect 3).

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I never understood the obsession about soloing in a coop MP game (looking at you too, Mass Effect 3).


Because this is BOTH a solo and MP game.  They even give you a option that literally solos and every part of the game IS soloable if you have some skill [not talking about using Blessing or anything else, thats the easy way out].

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What's funny is that with the recent T3 Buff all T3 enemies are now lvl30. While this is still easy without trinity. Survival is a different matter.

30mins = lvl 30s

40 mins = lvl 60s

45 mins = lvl 70s

50 mins = lvl 80s

I actually can't see a squad going 45mins + without trinity

Rewards end at 20 minutes and reset at 25. 20+ minutes is when enemies start to scale insanely fast, 1 level per minute instead of 1 level per wave. You are not intended to survive that long, and you don't gain another "good" reward until 40 minutes in. 20 minutes is how long you're expected to survive,what the game is balanced around, where the final and best reward comes from, and almost any frame can survive 20 minute t3. A full team of any frames can survive 20M t3 very easily.


Perma-invincibility is stupid and should not exist in any video game. If you want that, turn on an old console and gameshark your games.

Edited by Kiaru
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As far as Ik people only need her invincibility and just that. A Loki can be just as good. Radial Disarm makes any gun holding enemy useless. Even heavies can't ground slam. She's not needed for high level survival. She's wanted

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