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Glorious Battle And Victory In The Name Of Your Clan [Dark Sector Megathread]


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Now they are actually going on the offensive. I'm liking them less and less. Not to say I liked them much at all.


Attacking a 0% tax node on Pluto to get ANOTHER hotspot. Wonderful.


Can we put our whining where our mouths are and wipe Eclipse off that node?


You are real weird person.... We sit and defend we get criticized... once we go on the offensive, you whine. It makes me wonder if you really fit being a gamer 

Edited by x1aok1tty
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You guys are real weird people.... We sit and defend we get criticized... once we go on the offensive, you whine. It makes me wonder if you guys are really fit to be gamers.. 


 Don't start with that crappy attitude. You just look like a doofus talking to other people like there here.




 The phrase "You can't please everyone." comes to mind. It isn't like the community outside of Eclipse is all one singular hivemind. Different people expect and desire different things from everything.

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 Don't start with that crappy attitude. You just look like a doofus talking to other people like there here.




 The phrase "You can't please everyone." comes to mind. It isn't like the community outside of Eclipse is all one singular hivemind. Different people expect and desire different things from everything.


Ok blatan.. i changed it :)

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You guys are real weird people.... We sit and defend we get criticized... once we go on the offensive, you whine. It makes me wonder..

It's hard to be the good guys, my man. Don't worry about what the whiners, most of them seem unwilling to take action anyways.

Edited by kaboomonme
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It's hard to be the good guys, my man. Don't worry about what the whiners, most of them seem unwilling to take action anyways.


I just don understand what they want. When Eclipse started by taking 8 rails, we get flamed for trying to monopolize the game.


When we set 0% taxes on rails, we get attacked immediately after the first conflict ended. 


When we set 10% tax, we get flamed again for not keeping to our promise of tax free rails. I wonder if they thought everything drops from the sky when they need something and rail repairs are cheap.


When we set 25% tax because of constant conflicts by other alliances, we get flamed AGAIN because we raised taxes. I wonder how much battlepay did these guys managed to get when we offered 50k for almost 2000 tickets.


When we sit back and do nothing but defend, we get flamed too for earning taxes off the people.


And now, we go on the offensive, we get flamed AGAIN. Seriously, what do these people want?

Edited by x1aok1tty
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I just don understand what they want. When Eclipse started by taking 8 rails, we get flamed for trying to monopolize the game.


When we set 0% taxes on rails, we get attacked immediately after the first conflict ended. 


When we set 10% tax, we get flamed again for not keeping to our promise of tax free rails. I wonder if they thought everything drops from the sky when they need something and rail repairs are cheap.


When we set 25% tax because of constant conflicts by other alliances, we get flamed AGAIN because we raised taxes. I wonder how much battlepay did these guys managed to get when we offered 50k for almost 2000 tickets.


When we sit back and do nothing but defend, we get flamed too for earning taxes off the people.


And now, we go on the offensive, we get flamed AGAIN. Seriously, what do these people want?

Don't touch Pluto 0percent tax is awesome and those guys unlike you kept their promise.

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Ther start to be greedy on ceres ther have Seimeni but now ther want to have Gabii  that is greed and if ther pay 20k each player will run for them.


Ther want to monopolize The best planets.


I was ok with ther tax but if ther want to more will be bad for them

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Also on another note anyone here from Shadows of Vengeance Id like to help you out as much as i can as an individual to fight of this eclipse invasion( offering 10mil. credits for battle pay) do contact me. Victory to Shadows of Vengeneance.

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Don't touch Pluto 0percent tax is awesome and those guys unlike you kept their promise.

God almighty, I know our parents taught as a kid that promises need to be kept *pinky swear*, but can we stop using "Promise" as an excuse already?

When DE delayed the update, this word kept popping up as well. It's technically their fault but, seriously?

We were thought about promises, but were we not taught about "Compromise" and "Understanding?" Come on now.



Ther start to be greedy on ceres ther have Seimeni but now ther want to have Gabii  that is greed and if ther pay 20k each player will run for them.


Ther want to monopolize The best planets.


I was ok with ther tax but if ther want to more will be bad for them


Then gather players. Make a pact. Start a revolution, anything. DE meant for this to be a social experiment, not a perpetual whinefest.



Also on another note anyone here from Shadows of Vengeance Id like to help you out as much as i can as an individual to fight of this eclipse invasion( offering 10mil. credits for battle pay) do contact me. Victory to Shadows of Vengeneance.

Finally, someone taking action.

Edited by kaboomonme
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I just don understand what they want. When Eclipse started by taking 8 rails, we get flamed for trying to monopolize the game.


When we set 0% taxes on rails, we get attacked immediately after the first conflict ended. 


When we set 10% tax, we get flamed again for not keeping to our promise of tax free rails. I wonder if they thought everything drops from the sky when they need something and rail repairs are cheap.


When we set 25% tax because of constant conflicts by other alliances, we get flamed AGAIN because we raised taxes. I wonder how much battlepay did these guys managed to get when we offered 50k for almost 2000 tickets.


When we sit back and do nothing but defend, we get flamed too for earning taxes off the people.


And now, we go on the offensive, we get flamed AGAIN. Seriously, what do these people want?

I want my battle pay!

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ya know, if people spent less  time on forums complaining about that alliance they hate so much, and more time in the game, farming those credits and resources, they could take down that alliance they hate so much. 


This entire thread is summed up with one phrase "its not fair". Sad  really, complaining but completely unwilling to do the work required to make it change. I personally don't care who owns the rails. How ever this new content for all its worth was intended to be played. So play it. do you people honestly feel Eclipse is monopolizing  the rails? Then do something about it. Do the math, figure out how much you need to sustain a rail include battle pay for a full assault (meaning many hundreds of runs) and  make it happen. Everything you need is in the game, except one thing, your willingness to succeed. That you'll have to supply yourselves.


Take it all Eclipse,  and make them work  for it.

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I don't like it when alliences use speed runners in public matches, they use the rest of the team as a decoy and just run passed hoping they will get killed so they dont have to pay the fee. I played a few games supporting Eclipse until I met up with one of their members speed running then when I saw what they were doing I supported the other side our of disgust

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I don't like it when alliences use speed runners in public matches, they use the rest of the team as a decoy and just run passed hoping they will get killed so they dont have to pay the fee. I played a few games supporting Eclipse until I met up with one of their members speed running then when I saw what they were doing I supported the other side our of disgust

I'm pretty sure they speed run it to get the most amount of runs in as quickly as possible, since that is the easiest way to win.

Especially since I heard somewhere they were trying to get the nodes back open in under an hour to set a record of some sort. But who knows.


Even if your team dies, you'll still get the payout, as long as one member makes it back to extraction.

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Eclipse should take all 26 sectors.


The people complaining about it don't really want them. They aren't interested in doing the work, or working together towards the goal. No, they want an outlet for their inner turmoil. They need a place they can direct their feelings of inadequacy and innate veiled view of the world at large. by taking all of the sectors Eclipse  would be doing a large favor for these people,  by providing them something to direct their energy at, while  they wallow in their lack of self motivation and strength of will to actually pursue any objective. 

Edited by -LTO-Malachi
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