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Hotfix 13.2.1


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Incap glitch is still present. During an ODD run I was smacked by an Ancient while jumping and was unable to move, shoot or perform any actions during and after recovery. Was forced to die and burn a respawn in order to function again. This seems to happen to me at least once every other game.

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LOL  you silly people complaining about a 120 mg fix XD...... it takes .. what 2 mins? at most to download XD


And We got all the black rain gone !!!! thnx DEs

For some people like me who get 50kbs on a good day and have a data cap 120mb is a alot

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Um, guys, codex now doesn't show not only "placeholders", but any weapon u don't get/craft/buy. Only all u have/had. It was comfortable to see what left, get it back ._.

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hey guys, not to rain in your parade, but there age huge bugs in this version.


My game as crashed TWICE..


Ancients still go invisible if you get too close to them. (like you get inside their models with certain camera angles)


but my main issue is:

Sometimes the game will crash  as soon you enter a game... and it will display h very weird graphic phenomenons (black screen with empty placeholder filled information.. like 0/0 hp, incomplete weapon information like -0/534 ammo left, random numbers..etc..) and when you try to quit by pressing ESC when this happens.. you get greeted by a very strange black window screen with 3 rounded buttons that says "placeholder".

Game gets also completely unresponsive during this and you need to bring the task manager to kill the "evolution engine" program.. you cannot control f4.. and the white screen stays on top all the times.

Edited by Cesarin
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Has any one else noticed that energy colors look off, not as vibrant as before, did DE ninja in that dark color energy in the update? If so I would suggest trying again, cause yeah it looks good with dark colors, but it #*($%%@ up the lighter colors. If I could make a suggestion, when you are choosing the color for your frames energy, have a toggle/switch to have it either appear dark or light.

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please fix the codex. I understand removing of the weapons that allot of us new players can no longer get, like machete wraith, braton vandal, boar and such. But you should leave them in codex for the people that got them when those weapons were avaliable. But I'm missing alot of weapons from the codex, specialy melee, that I know I got my 3000 mastery points from them, and I don't wanna level them up again and again for nothing. And all those melee that I'm missing are still avaliable in game, most of them from alerts. And you should bring back prime weapons and frames into codex, as those are still avaliable in game. I don't wanna check the wiki every couple of minutes and write down on a piece of paper every weapon that I use. I hope you get what I'm trying to say, eng is not my first lang, sorry

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Has any one else noticed that energy colors look off, not as vibrant as before, did DE ninja in that dark color energy in the update? If so I would suggest trying again, cause yeah it looks good with dark colors, but it #*($%%@ up the lighter colors. If I could make a suggestion, when you are choosing the color for your frames energy, have a toggle/switch to have it either appear dark or light.

I've also noticed that mate, and it's so damm annoying. Looks like they've changed all the ability particles and vissual effects for the energy colors.

For example, volt's shock has now the lightning with the flat color you've chossen, instead of having the core in white and the borders in the energy color. Same with much more abilities, fireball, WoF, ice wave, nekros 4th etc,

They've done this in previous patches but allways reverted the changes, i hope they do it again, this change was unneccesary and screwed the nice visuals the game had.


PLS fix it



Edited by NalltoR
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