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Arc Traps Ruin Everything


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I always found the rage about arc traps to be rather petty.


Sure they're annoying, sure they create a negative thing that's just frustrating without any actual gameplay, but they never really hurt the game--not the way enemies nailing me with Magnetic damage do. I held this belief right up until the moment when my invisible Loki got killed by TWO arc traps while trying to sneak through a Wings of Liberty level.

This ruined my chance at stealth and caused me to fail the mission on top of using a revive. Arc Traps have continued to cause similar problems for me on other runs, to the point where very few have ended well--because I can't sneak through Arc Traps; they'll kill me unless I blow them away. And even with a totally silent weapon, breaking my invisibility might blow my cover.

They were always just a minor annoyance that didn't hurt the game so much. But now? Now they are actively ruining my enjoyment of the game.


F***. These. Things.

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They take your lives and throw them on the ground.


They're also WAY too concentrated near the door to the red-veil-prison tile. I literally zoomed in and suddenly it was like Zeus  pointed at me and shouted "You shall not pass!" and just like that I was zapped from all directions.

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still don't understand how you people manage to die from arc traps.

It's pretty easy when you're running Ceres (where the arc traps are stronger) and you encounter a part of the map that has ~8 or so in relatively close proximity, allowing them to all strike you simultaneously.

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still don't understand how you people manage to die from arc traps.


Being hit from multiple traps with less than max shields on anything other than a tank, being shot at from enemies, and the disorienting effects tend to help.


The sad thing is, DE has a reputation of leaving in content that does very little to supplant gameplay.  The fact that rollers are still in the game is proof of this.  People have called foul on the arc traps ever since their implementation from broken lights, and all DE's done is increase their use.  I'd like to see them blasted off into oblivion as much as the next guy, but I have little faith in it from the stubbornness in DE that we've seen in the past.

Edited by DalaiLlama
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Since the introduction of the Broken Lights, I've always hated the idea. The Corpus should be the only ones with the traps; after all, they are more intelligent and have the superior technology. Although DE has revised the Broken Lights into the Arc Traps, I still despise it. They are nothing but a nuisance, and prevent stealth gameplay from being effective (arc traps are placed in inconvenient places still, and target invisible players). I say just remove them completely, and let the traps stay with the Corpus. Additionally, when supporting the Grineer in invasion missions, the arc traps used to target allied Tenno. This has been fixed, but they stunlock and severely damage the Corpus, further preventing proper gameplay. The Grineer already have enough variety of enemies to draw on, they don't need traps. However, the Corpus rely on their technology to combat the other factions. Therefore, let the Grineer stick to numbers and attack strategies, while the Corpus stick to robotics and traps. There was never a need for Grineer traps, and it was an uneducated decision overall. They listened to a fraction of the Broken Light feedback, but simply altering the trap design and making minor adjustments to the effect of the trap doesn't cut it. Further aggravating players, the Arc Traps spawn EVERYWHERE. Literally, behind doors out of sight, off of the tileset path (offrail towards edge of map), on walls, in spawn areas, in extraction areas, on the Corpus tileset of invasion missions (regardless of which faction you support), vigorously on defense/survival missions; and the sound they make is periodic and quiet. DE please, just get rid of these annoying, gameplay breaking, frustratingly omnipotent things. Seriously.

Edited by APBladeX
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o.o would prefer it if those things trigger when you get into a closer proximity then once you have gotten within that proximity they then target you for an even longer range.

They are just annoying little suckers o.o well unless your blowing everything up just for laughs like Mr Torgue (BL2 reference)

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It's pretty easy when you're running Ceres (where the arc traps are stronger) and you encounter a part of the map that has ~8 or so in relatively close proximity, allowing them to all strike you simultaneously.

Didn't they fix that?

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They said they reduced the spawn rate of arc traps near the door to the holding cells. (Now it's like 3 of them)

Anyways, if you really like stealth you should've discovered the secret passage into the holding cells without going through the big door.

Also, what's life without that little piece of furniture that keeps stabbing your little toe? :D


but yeah I do hate arc traps as well but I hate that door thingy that drains your energy more. What if I'm in a mission with a melee weapon only, how the F am I supposed to destroy it?

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Do you guys even look for alternate entrances ?


There is a wall you can climb that leads you to a vent.

The vent COMPLETELY bypasses all arc traps.

They are supposed to be alternate not use this entrance or you will die from 3 ark traps hitting you when you only have line of fire on one of them also at least on the ceres map the ark traps make it really hard to sneak up on the warden who is guarding the main door.

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I'll say this: Arc Traps aren't categorically bad idea, but their current implementation just doesn't belong in this game.


They need to be reworked/repurposed, or flat-out removed.


DE: Have someone on staff check out / play through an old NES game called Star Tropics. It's a good study in what happens when you stuff ideas into a game that don't belong together.

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still don't understand how you people manage to die from arc traps.

Time runs out on survival, you couldn't make it to the only Life Support Capsule and the enemies outclass you in rank and armor, your weapons do nothing. You're masterfully dodging, face kicking Grineer and sliding into front flips as fast as you can to the extraction. Five health left, an empty corridor and fifteen steps. You make it to the entrance of the extraction and... TWO FREAKING ARC TRAPS ON EITHER SIDE OF THE DOOR. BLAM.

Might as well replace your screen with the freaking troll face. Because I can hear the game singing when I look at Revive [4] Forfeit. Troooool. Lol, lolol. Lololol. Lol, lolol. Yeyeyeyeye... 

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I literally zoomed in and suddenly it was like Zeus  pointed at me and shouted "You shall not pass!" and just like that I was zapped from all directions.

This! I may have also heard Zeus shout "I can see you"... since Arc Traps see you when you're sleeping... err when you're invisible.

Edited by Pixydis
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It's pretty easy when you're running Ceres (where the arc traps are stronger) and you encounter a part of the map that has ~8 or so in relatively close proximity, allowing them to all strike you simultaneously.

I think the trick to dealing with those ones is to not fall into the same trap over and over again.

I am in full support of removing randomly-spawning arc traps in the Galleon tileset, but the ones that appear in the exact same spot in every rescue mission in the Shipyards are fine. If you find yourself getting killed over and over again despite knowing fully well that the traps are going to be there, then what you're experiencing isn't a problem with the arc traps.

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