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If You Want To Correct Nova, There's Only One Thing You Need To Do


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Well i dunno how much of you actually know but her name and her powers ware voted from Design Council back in days when this game was fun and enjoyable to play and there's was not much ####"$$ of players and other stuff.


It would be a mistake to consider anything as finalized when so much of the game is under constant revision...

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when so much of the game is under constant revision...

So how much time you guess that will last ?

They will always put weapons frames changing the tile sets try to mess up the RNG.

Your idea by removing chaining damage is just ridiculous imo,Nova is fun warframe to play and blasting mobs with her is fun i'm sorry if you don't feel the same way, you can always find other ways to find fun in this game, just leave Nova alone she is fragile enough.

Edited by Histori
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^Yeah, because people have been asking for Stomp nerfs. Right?


Have you been living under a rock? Everyone, everyone has been asking for buffs to Absorb, Sound Quake, Blade Storm. No one has asked for a nerf to them no one, the same with Radial Javelin, no one asked for Vortex to be nerfed. 


No one asked for Avalanche nerfs, in fact the entire board has been pushing for it to be buffed or re worked. 


Hysteria all anyone has said it's boring as hell and the animations are poor. 


And you are precisely the type of person I have complete disdain for and treat with derision and sarcasm, unfortunately someone else got on the receiving end of it in this thread, I should have reserved by scorn and bile for you. 



But people did.


Many people are BEGGING for ALL of the ults to be nerfed into the ground or removed entirely. That is what they are saying. It may not be what they THINK they are saying, but it is.


Good luck with that. Some of us will keep playing the game and having fun DESPITE certain people's best attempts to screw it all up.

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Nova is fun warframe to play and blasting mobs with her is fun


I don't think you fully appreciate the fact that Nova basically makes the game unplayable for everybody except Nova, unless fighting at level 40+.  I mean that literally.  A skilled Nova means there is no game anymore. It's just Prime, Explode, move to next room. She's not even limited by speed or mobility since she's near the top of the ladder for both. Nobody else has a chance to do anything at all.  Ult spam is an issue for the game as a whole, but no other frame's ultimate ability is that big or that devastating. The only ability that even comes close to that kind of mindless follow the leader trivialization in my experience is Ember's World on Fire, and Ember doesn't have an insanely wide damage amp + crowd control + debuff and personal teleportation and guided artillery.

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I don't think you fully appreciate the fact that Nova basically makes the game unplayable for everybody except Nova, unless fighting at level 40+.  I mean that literally.  A skilled Nova means there is no game anymore. It's just Prime, Explode, move to next room. She's not even limited by speed or mobility since she's near the top of the ladder for both. Nobody else has a chance to do anything at all.  Ult spam is an issue for the game as a whole, but no other frame's ultimate ability is that big or that devastating. The only ability that even comes close to that kind of mindless follow the leader trivialization in my experience is Ember's World on Fire, and Ember doesn't have an insanely wide damage amp + crowd control + debuff and personal teleportation and guided artillery.

I'm not playing Nova with som random squad,blowing up everything i do that solo and it's fun it can save me a lot time in this grindfest game.

Usually i play Nova when someone says i need Nova we will play 60+ minutes T3S or do som high wave in ODD or whatever, cus most of the people knows how much time Nova can save for them.

With full maxed blind rage and intensify you can clear rooms with a lot of warfames not just with Nova.

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The damage portion of her ult was pretty much the one part of it that didn't scale endlessly. Huge radius, slow and damage buff, incredibly long base duration...but you think the explosion was the powerful portion?

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Or just lower the explosion damage ? From 800 damage. 
Reduce it to like lol 150/200/250/300.


Tada it's done.


But remember to increase the slow and damage % boost.

Even if you boost it to 300%, M Prime will only deal 900 damage (300 x 3) vs the 1600 it does right now (800 x 2).


This is also a lot closer to damage with most press 4 to pwn skills.

Only Rhino stomps deal 100 damage less.

Edited by fatpig84
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All they need to do is make it the same as Nyx's Chaos. Give it a "Power in use" restriction so she can't just spam it with impunity. Also, remove the slow effect from Molecular Prime. Nova balanced.


Too late now though, looks like the LoL nerf bat is making it's way to Warframe. RIP Nova.

Edited by Yinkuji
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Reading this post I got impressed by the obtuse, fanboy-ish way of thinking of people ranked as "grand masters", no wonder they voted for something like Nova at the design council.


@OP and @(PS4)billy-d-squid I salute you guys, you have proven that there's still gray matter amongst the playerbase.


The Mprime problem is basically the same for most damage-based powers, OP until a certain level then "just a debuff" after that point. To address this the Dev's would need to focus on making most skills scale with enemy levels, something I'm not seeing happening lately, or sometimes only partially.

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MPrime is still one of the best moves in the game even without the explosions.  IMO, they should give her a new 1 ability that primes one target.  Once that target dies it explodes and all enemies hit by the explosion are now also primed, etc.  That way we could take that gameplay mechanic off her 4 and put it on her 1 and make it so that the player actually has to place it and spread it properly to get the same effect.

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To be frank, chain explosion aspect is known to be non-scaling and become useless in higher level. It also creates frustration in lower level while Nova spams Mprime while other players sort of running around watching pink mist around the map. No other ults are taking away gameplay from other players like Mprime does. Stomp still allow other players to kill floating target. Vauban can't kill things by sucking them into his singularity. Nyx Chaos allows players to shoot at confused target. Volt overload is pointless at level 20-30 and laughably weak. Hysteria bars you from using your guns and will be revised with melee2.0 added into the game and it doesn't stop other players from enjoying the game. Radial javelin is rather hard to use due to the projectile stuck....everywhere but at the enemy.

The point that players have been constantly asking is why a power that stop other players from playing exist and how do we fix it? And no, running behind Nova isn't gameplay, collecting leftover EXP isn't gameplay.

I agree that Mprime can be her 3rd while keeping the debuff and remove the explosion. AMD can be her fourth (a very good power actually, all the team can contribute to it's damage, iirc).

Edited by neKroMancer
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I never understood why M-prime debuffed its targets.  IMO it should purely be a damaging skill for cleaning out the trash mobs.  AMD is her big gun for actual threats.


CC effects and utility should be the domain of other frames.


Nova's core tenant is extraordinary nuking.  She SHOULD outshine every other frame in this department.  She sacrifices survivability to achieve this and IMO she should also sacrifice CC capabilities as well.

Edited by GeneralArmchair
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My only problem with it right now is that it has a ton of debuffs, slowed, double damage taken, explode for radial damage.


The problem isn't the radial explosion, thats fine.  The stuff such as slow or double damage working on bosses is absolutely silly though.  Trash is another situation all together.


I just think we need to lose one of the debuffs, and keep the radial chain.  But make the debuff only last 10 seconds, as to fight against fleeting expertise being broken on Nova.

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Idea: halve duration and make it affected by mods. Suddenly you have to kill things a lot faster. Then reduce explosion damage by 1/4 and halve the slow speed. Hooray, we've nerfed her while keeping the ability EXACLTY LIKE IT IS NOW.

Edited by UpgradeInProgress
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My only problem with it right now is that it has a ton of debuffs, slowed, double damage taken, explode for radial damage.


The problem isn't the radial explosion, thats fine.  The stuff such as slow or double damage working on bosses is absolutely silly though.  Trash is another situation all together.


I just think we need to lose one of the debuffs, and keep the radial chain.  But make the debuff only last 10 seconds, as to fight against fleeting expertise being broken on Nova.


The biggest complaints against Nova are complaints that Nova invalidate their game play at lower levels as she "blows up everything OMG!". Very few people actually complaint about her debuff and utility. 


If you feel it "nerfs" content too much for you, I am sorry but I cannot empathize.

I rather the debuff stay than the useless chain damage.


As for MPrime duration, allowing Fleeting to effect it is better as a start, but not a straight 10 second duration.

Edited by fatpig84
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The biggest complaints against Nova are complaints that Nova invalidate their game play at lower levels as she "blows up everything OMG!". Very few people actually complaint about her debuff and utility. 


If you feel it "nerfs" content too much for you, I am sorry but I cannot empathize.

I rather the debuff stay than the useless chain damage.


As for MPrime duration, allowing Fleeting to effect it is better as a start, but not a straight 10 second duration.


I might be the only player that actually LIKES having a Nova along for M.Def farming runs. I take my Nekros and we go to town.

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The biggest complaints against Nova are complaints that Nova invalidate their game play at lower levels as she "blows up everything OMG!". Very few people actually complaint about her debuff and utility. 


If you feel it "nerfs" content too much for you, I am sorry but I cannot empathize.

I rather the debuff stay than the useless chain damage.


As for MPrime duration, allowing Fleeting to effect it is better as a start, but not a straight 10 second duration.

The thing is MPrime is one of the most powerful nukes due to the fact it scales with the amount of enemies.



I might be the only player that actually LIKES having a Nova along for M.Def farming runs. I take my Nekros and we go to town.

That's because farming is boring and you just want to kill everything as quickly as possible.

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