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What Was Your Reaction When You First Met The G3?


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1st encounter: Ran around for 5 fives minutes as Nyx, wielding unmodded weapons, using Absorb a lot, and actually putting up a decent fight. Then the mission just randomly failed somehow. |:(


2nd encounter: Dodged a rocket only to immediately get smacked in the face with a shield. Died instantly.


3rd encounter: Actually had a team this time so they weren't much of a problem. Got a bunch of multishot mods too XD


I've never seen them again after that, although the Harvester still visits frequently for brunch following by an afternoon of golf.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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My first encounter was amazing though : We were only a few minutes into a mid-high level Grineer survival, and the transmission appeared.. everyone else didn't seem really bothered by that fact, and were too busy fending off hordes of Shield Lancers and Napalms.

And among the flames, they came.

I was levelling my rank 15 Nova, and decide to hang on around the back to avoid the Napalm shots, And all three of my teammates had their backs towards me. The G3 popped up behind the three of them neatly, and proceeded to break their skulls simultaneously as I watched in horror.

I managed to escape to the other room and hold out for a few seconds before dying. If only every encounter with the G3 could be so horrifically delightful.

Now if they only buffed/improved/tweaked the Harvester..

Edited by kaboomonme
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wow..da first time i met them...i was like DAFAQ! who da hell r they? I was like pming all my friends asking about the G3 members and who r they and didnt realize that i used my teammate as a honorable sacrifice by the G3 with distraction.  But since immaboss, i killed them....likeaboss, with castana spam...likeaboss...with electricity aftershock on them so they couldnt move...likeaboss, #basically...#immaboss

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I was farming at Apollodorus with Nekros. Lotus freaks out and tells me to run. Squad freaks out. I was just "huh the fawk is this?" because I had never met em before.

The appear and 2 members of my squad disconnect. The one thats left with me goes down.

I pulled out my Paris Prime, 1-shotted every single one of em and collect a few multishots that dropped.

Ive met em 3 times, no Brakk parts. I dont consider them to be too much of a challenge.

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My reaction? I had a Valkyr, press 4 and this happened.



Pressing 4 hides you in the vents and gets you oogled by Excalibutt?


First Encounter, I was solo on a Loki.

Me: majestically kill three guys

*lights flicker*

Leekter: *taunt*

Me: Nope.  *ALT+F4*


Second Encounter, I was apperently teamed with a Beast

Me: *La Mag Prime*

The Beast: *la Rhino Prime*

*Lights Flicker, prepare for ALT+F4*

The Beast: About time they showed up.

Me: No, you don't under stand...

The Beast: *Rhino Stomp Solves Everything*

G3: Dead. 

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Met them once, during a Rescue 2.0.

We just entered the holding area (I had a mag and my friend a trinity), and we were preparing to stealth the wardens.

So when the lights flickered and Lotus started freaking out, we backed off a little

When they appeared they downed us very fast, but as I was downed I switched to my radiation twin wraith vipers, and killed two of them. I could've killed the third if he was anywhere close but I died without seeing him.

We revived, I spotted him in a closet and BRRRRRRRRRRRT'ed him.


I love my vipers.

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My reaction?




Was in the middle of a mission and all three of the others in it were noobs. They ran off and left me to fight alone. THEN they complained when I didn't win. I got 2 of the 3 even without help and with a newly forma-ed Boltor Prime. Leektor ran off and slaughtered the remaining Tenno all by himself. Everyone was like 'why didn't you save us?'. My response? 'Not my job'.


They are not that tough if your team has a clue what it is doing and if you have decent gear. If they don't or you don't? You are screwed and might as well Alt-F4.

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