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12 Days Without A Catalyst / Reactor Alert ?


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I wonder where this goes. I remember a time not too long ago when we got a gift from lotus even after normal prime times and catalysts / reactors in alerts. Now with 12 days without a catalyst / reactor on any alert ( not to forget that a period of time means even more taking timezones into account ) and gift from lotus only after developer prime times ( this week there was none as of yet ) I wonder if they are going to be removed completly soon. It feels like drop rates are lowered slowly so that no one notices it when they are gone almost completly.

Even if we got at least a single catalyst every week it would still take years to get one on every weapon without paying plat.

I paid a bit and am going to pay more but still I think a few catalysts could be for free :)

Loving the game though... wonderful little masterpiece :)


Edit : Its been 12 days since the last catalyst alert, corrected title / text to reflect that

Edited by AdFinitum
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We always get reactors instead of catalysts. I have 6 spare reactors waiting for the next warframes/sentinels already so i don't bother doing the reactor alerts anymore. I'm glad ot hear about people having some 50% discounts because i didn't see one in four months, though.

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Sounds like the majority is content with getting no catalyst in 2-3 weeks. Well im fine with that. Hopefully not too many people will leave the game when we get no catalysts at all anymore. Pay2Win = less F2P players.

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No we got catalysts in a row a couple of times. 


However it is meant to alternate so catalyst next Friday or you could just spend a little money on supporting the game 


I think most of us do spend a bit of money supporting the game, but the sheer number of catalysts one potentially needs means that I think they could afford to put a few more out there. Right now reactor BPs seem to be as or more common, which seems a bit off, given the number of weapons is vastly higher than the number of 'frames and Sentinels. I know I'd rather spend plat on things which make me feel good about the game and happy with the developers, like cosmetic items, colour packs and so on, rather than feel like I'm being forced to spend plat just to make X weapon viable, because RNGesus has not granted us the Holy Catalysts of late, because that makes me feel kind of like I'm being ripped off/manipulated.

Edited by Eurhetemec
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Hmm I dont know. 


I try to only catalyst weapons I know I will use or want to use. You dont have to catalyse every weapon. If you really like a weapon then spending 20 plat on it to get a catalyst is not much. Honestly you should not have to do this on a large pool of weapons. If you are doing it on say 15 plus weapons then I have to ask is that needed. If it is then do you really "need" the catalyst for X weapon now or can you wait a month. Maybe another cool weapon will come out.


If they gave you all the catalysts you would probably be asking for reactors, then its more cosmetics. I feel the amount of catalysts/reactors they give you is fair for sensible play. Also the price of 20 plat each is really fair for such an important upgrade. Some f2p games would put this price much higher 

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Hmm I dont know. 


I try to only catalyst weapons I know I will use or want to use. You dont have to catalyse every weapon. If you really like a weapon then spending 20 plat on it to get a catalyst is not much. Honestly you should not have to do this on a large pool of weapons. If you are doing it on say 15 plus weapons then I have to ask is that needed. If it is then do you really "need" the catalyst for X weapon now or can you wait a month. Maybe another cool weapon will come out.


If they gave you all the catalysts you would probably be asking for reactors, then its more cosmetics. I feel the amount of catalysts/reactors they give you is fair for sensible play. Also the price of 20 plat each is really fair for such an important upgrade. Some f2p games would put this price much higher 


Can you explain why I would be "asking for reactors"? We already get enough reactor alerts. If half of those were replaced with catalysts, we'd still have enough.


I agree that you don't have to catalyze every weapon, but uncatalyzed weapons are basically useless for anything but the lowest-level content UNLESS they are:


A) A melee weapon so can get a stance bonus.




B) Have useful polarities.


So if you have an un-catalyzed weapon, it's basically just going to sit on your belt whilst you're doing Defence missions with a full group or whatever. Talking about "need" suggests you don't understand the issue at all. It's not about "need". It's a game, in case you didn't notice! :) We don't "need" anything. But the point of a game is to be fun.


You know what isn't fun? Un-catalyzed weapons. You know what else isn't fun? Levelling weapons by not using them. A third thing that isn't fun? Having to buy something just to make a weapon usable for every single weapon you want to be usable.


The point is, either way I'm likely to be paying DE the same amount of plat. They could either make me feel good, because I'm buying stuff like colour packs and cosmetics, or bad, because I feel like I'm having to pay to make their game playable. Every catalyst they give out makes me happier with them - every time I have to buy one, I'm kind of annoyed (it's not like they're cheap to make, either, given the OC). So the point is that they could stand to make them a little more common, especially now the shop has a ton of other options (they made more sense when the shop hardly had anything in it).

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Firstly, we have had both reactor and catalyst alerts in May (ie in the last two weeks) so your complaint is factually invalid.





Now with more than two weeks without a catalyst / reactor on any alert ( not to forget that two weeks mean even more taking timezones into account )




Two weeks is two weeks. If I have to wait two weeks for something in the UK and my friend in Australia is waiting for those two weeks at the same time we have still only been waiting two weeks. We have not been waiting four weeks.


I cannot even begin to comprehend what you're talking about.

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Firstly, we have had both reactor and catalyst alerts in May (ie in the last two weeks) so your complaint is factually invalid.








Two weeks is two weeks. If I have to wait two weeks for something in the UK and my friend in Australia is waiting for those two weeks at the same time we have still only been waiting two weeks. We have not been waiting four weeks.


I cannot even begin to comprehend what you're talking about.

I can comprehend it but it hurts my brain to do so.
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Reactor was on the 9th

Catalyst on the 4th

Reactor also on the 4th


2x Catalyst on the 25th Apr



^ Most recentish alerts offering them.

The 9th and the 25th were devstream days.

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As I said - I dont care - if you prefer a low rate on catalyst alerts im fine with that. Even though I feel bad about a growing group of people who defend companies interests more than their own. I would even like to see if you would feel better if there were no more catalyst alerts. And maybe raise the plat costs. Lets see how much fun the game will be with a small elitist player group that buys catalysts and doesnt grudge one to anyone else for free.


Only put a catalyst in weapons you like ? How do you know if you like them if you cant use them. Unpotatoed weapons are barely usable.


You cant comprehend why time zones matter ? Wow. an alert at 3am in your timezone is as useful to you as an alert at 3pm ? Its hard to communicate if trivial things like that are hard to comprehend.

Edited by AdFinitum
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As I said - I dont care - if you prefer a low rate on catalyst alerts im fine with that. Even though I feel bad about a growing group of people who defend companies interests more than their own. I would even like to see if you would feel better if there were no more catalyst alerts. And maybe raise the plat costs. Lets see how much fun the game will be with a small elitist player group that buys catalysts and doesnt grudge one to anyone else for free.


Only put a catalyst in weapons you like ? How do you know if you like them if you cant use them. Unpotatoed weapons are barely usable.


You cant comprehend why time zones matter ? Wow. an alert at 3am in your timezone is as useful to you as an alert at 3pm ? Its hard to communicate if trivial things like that are hard to comprehend.

Okay the potatoes are for making money. You could accomplish the same thing with tons of forma which are readily accessible through normal play. It's not defending what benefits the company it is defending the first decent F2P model u have dealt with. If people want potatoes they can scrounge up 10 bucks to buy them, or wait patiently, or trade. The fact that if your patient you have numerous options to acquire everything in this game absolutely free.
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You cant comprehend why time zones matter ? Wow. an alert at 3am in your timezone is as useful to you as an alert at 3pm ? Its hard to communicate if trivial things like that are hard to comprehend.


Time zones make a difference to whether I can get to an alert, yes.


Do they make the time without potato alerts longer? No, absolutely not. There have been potato alerts in the last two weeks so you're incorrect. They may not always have been convenient for you but that isn't what you said.


The random system is random. There are some days when a 3am alert would be more useful, some where 3pm would be more useful. It doesn't change the fact that your underlying complaint "lack of potato alerts for two weeks" is incorrect.

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