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Enemies Of The Tenno: Grineer Submissions


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Name Suggestion: The Wall

BehaviorThe wall are unique enemy units that are heavily armored on the front meaning invulnerable, and have an exhaust opening on the back as their weakness. However just being hard to hit in the front isn't what they are called "the wall" for. It is because of two large spotlights on their shoulders. As an ambush technique the units of "The Wall" Will move together as a wall, or surround doors you will have to pass through. As you move towards the opening or gain a line of sight direction infront of them you will be blinded by the spotlights. Making it hard to hit, or move past them, or even tell what they are armed with or actually doing. Other enemies can move in along side them to open fire, or even have shield units move along their sides making it hard to pass between the units of "The Wall". If you make it past their wall maneuver killing them is similar to that of killing regular Grineer as they will scatter to reform a new wall like formation to trap you again. Also they are about as tall as Heavy units, and the spotlights only point forward.

Attacks: Their attacks come with a variety of weapons, and knock down moves similar to that of other heavy units. They can also push you back if you try to melee them from the front similar to that of a shield unit except with their arms. They will usually be armed with naplams, Ogris, Torids, Ignis, or Gorgons. Each of them could be wearing the same weapon, or different ones. Once you are in their line of sight trap, and completely blinded. They will unleash a flurry of explosions, and bullets on you to eradicate you. If you manage to get behind them they will simply try to turn at a slow pace, and fire upon you the best they can. If you get to close with a melee weapon on their back they will attempt a knockdown move to get you away from their back.

Environment restrictions:  None. They can be prepared anywhere. The high ground, or set up around doorways however is ideal.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images:


an idea of how the blinding will look sort of, but just imagine two spot lights close together up high, and if more of them were there imagine an array of them.

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Name Suggestion: Oppressed 


Behavior: This Grineer citizen is mechanically clamped and forced to perform manual labor in horrific conditions, due to not meeting the Grineer concept of the ideal warrior/<PLOT REASON>. The Oppressed perform working/crate-handling/panel interacting animations till triggered by Tenno, slowly lumbering towards them, shrugging off gunfire but being rather vulnerable to melee due to their reinforced worksuits. Their shoulder-mounted subservience clamp is a visible target, possibly encouraging Tenno to shoot it rather than this Oppressed member of the Grineer military culture. 


Attacks: The Oppressed carry either heavy blunt industrial tools used for slow slam attacks (mechanically similar but visually distinct to Shockwave Moa’s signature attack) that are used to break up groups of foes and 'juggle' unwary Tenno, or a industrial hand saw whose slow swing can pin a Tenno in place for the attack animation if its fast-moving melee blades hits. However, if a Tenno shoots off the Grineer clamp on the Oppressed, the Oppressed will gladly turn around and focus only on other Grineer instead of the Tenno. Grineer Regulators can service as a 'controlling' device if programming restrictions make using an on-model clamp too difficult, or could possibly need to be destroyed to keep unclamped Oppressed from obeying their militant overseers. 



Environment Restrictions: Yes, only on Grineer ships or shipyard/industry tilesets, as they aren't frontline fighters. 


Optional Art:



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Name: Interceptor.


Behavior: Sneak around and avoid conflict trying to reach for an objective in order to intercept it. Once engaged in combat they will use the Grinlok for long range attacks whit relatively high proc chance and constantly use grenades if the enemy is close. In interception they will look for the least defended point and try to capture it.  On missions involving the datamass their grenades and melee attacks force you to drop it and they will rush to get it, if they manage to grab it they will run away whit relatively high speed. On defense they tend to focus the Tenno instead.




- Grinlok: when capturing a point or when under attack they will try to shoot their Grinlok behind cover whit relatively high proc chance and almost perfect accuracy.


- Interception grenade: A grenade whit a 1.5 second fuse and easy to see whit a large (but manageable radius) deal low Blast damage but nock back enemies, Tenno whit a datamass will drop it once hit. They tent to spam Grenades when chased or outnumbered (Max 3 grenades at a time).


- Scrambler: When capturing an Interception tower Interceptors transmit a scrambling Aura that will nullify Tenno’s radar and hud (different from Magnetic proc effect). As long as the Interceptor are on the tower they will capture 50% faster.


- Environment Restrictions: Objective based missions, mainly Interception and Datamass related missions, Sometimes on Invasions. Up to three at a time.

Edited by The_Sharp_Demonologist
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Name Suggestion: Grineer Toxifier


Behavior: This male Grineer dredge is in charge of reallocating sludge and waste from Grineer ships and shipyards to Earth to combat the heavy growth. Because of this, they tend to be heavily armored (moreso than standard!) to protect from their toxic payload, and use both of these to their advantage. As they move they constantly drip toxic sludge (capable of procing both Toxic and Corrosive damage), leaving a thick trail of the stuff on the ground. Often seen on Earth spraying plant-life or Ceres sucking up sludge, they take great joy in showing their nasty Grineer side by jogging (not a sprint, their armor is heavy!) towards foes and launching their payloads. Defensively they are heavily armored, not particularly capable of taking cover and thus not worried about gunfire...but if an enemy is close, their pressure washers turn into a deadly corrosive spray that knocks foes back.


Attacks: Aside from their passive toxic/corrosive sludge drip (they are not good at cleaning!), Toxifiers launch globs of their toxic waste at enemies acting as a sort of grenade. These globs burst on impact spreading the area with sludge causing corrosive damage immediately with a chance to proc toxic/corrosive and additionally leaving a small sludge pile there for a short time. If an enemy gets too close they use their pressure washer (now loaded with corrosives...but wasn't it always?) to blast them back. This knocks enemies over first and slows them as long as they remain in the spray all the while doing heavy corrosive damage with a good chance to proc. Additionally they can simply smack enemies that are in their face, using the weight of their armor as a boost to damage.


Environment restrictions:  Earth, Ceres. Ships sometimes, though not as often.


(Optional) Art or Reference Images: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-k118tyoDYtc/TftzFN6oG8I/AAAAAAAAATQ/DDhWBxzV0_o/s1600/military-cyborg.jpg (Though bulkier on the legs, with a tank on the back and the right arm having a hose for the sprayer/vacuum)

Edited by Breenland
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敵の名前:Grineer Smasher


武器:Jat Kittag






行動様式:ドスドスと大きな足音を立てながら歩き回り、敵を見つけるとこちらに向かって走ってくる。たまに高いところから落下してスタン効果のあるShockwave MOAのような衝撃波を発生させ、目の前に現れることがある。



攻撃方法:攻撃はJat kittagによる打撃攻撃と重装兵特有の衝撃波のみ。

他の近接兵と比べると移動速度や攻撃のモーションは非常に遅いが、武器のJat Kittagのジェット噴射を使い始めるとハンマーに体を持っていかれるようにかなりの高速で振り回してくる。





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Name: The Witch


Behavior: Another product of the Twin Queens, strenghtened by Orokin technologies, witches fulfill a function of supporting units in Grineer army. They prefer to stay close to the groups of lancers to cover them if they will be attacked.


An antigravitation core that replaces their lower limbs allows them to do large jumps from one place to another (similar to Grineer Hellions).


Attacks: Although witches don't have a proper weapon, they are dangerous opponents to encounter.


An Orokin device on their left hand makes them able to throw energy spheres to the enemy (small electric damage is dealed).


During a fight they activate an antimagnetic field that causes all the incoming projectiles to turn back and hit shooting enemies (similar to Zephyr's Turbulence, but the effect is opposed to Mag's Bullet Attractor).


The witches also possess the variety of Mag's Shield Polarize ability (they can only destroy the enemy shields and deal magnetic damage).


Environment restrictions: planetary missions only (Earth, Phobos, Ceres).


Image (drawn by me): J2DVF6V.png

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Name Suggestion: Disruptor

Behavior:  The Grineer Disruptors are able to simultaneously coordinate Grineer attacks and disrupt Tenno radar. When they are nearby, all Tenno radar will go fuzzy, as if near an emp unit. All Grineer in the area will have a visual aura that grants them increased accuracy, allowing them even greater pinpoint shooting. They are also slower units, akin to Bombards.

Attacks: As a heavier Grineer, they have a ground smashing attack that is quite unique. Their smashing attack disrupts Tenno energy, as a disruption attack. Their regular weapons are the Marelok and the Jat Kittag. Their arsenal allows for better midrange combat, whilst also helping in melee combat.

Environment restrictions:  All environments in space, but they cannot roam planets due to the intense gravity.

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Name Suggestion:

Grineer Minelayer


Sporting Heavy armor with higher-than-normal resistance to blast and shock damages and a short, stocky build, these Grineer clones are not fit for the front lines. They are however fit for more menial work.

If not on alert, they can be found walking around placing various mines in the area.

They carry about 5-10 mines on them in a rack system that is mounted on their back.

As they walk around they will reach back and pull out another mine to place on the ground or toss onto a wall.

If they notice an enemy they will panic and run for the nearest console away from the enemy and activate it, then scramble out of the room as quickly as possible.

As they run, they will be dropping all remaining mines behind them. (either all at once, or in a line) This makes it hard to catch up to them without a good ranged weapon or high shock resistance.


They are as close to "non-combative" as a Grineer can get.

The only "attack" that they have is to drop mines as they run away.

If killed after they are alerted to enemy presence, they will drop all of their mines on death. Stealth kill is the best option. Avoid melee at all costs if they are alerted to your presence as a cluster of 3-10 mines could kill even the most defense-heavy Tenno.

Environmental Limitations:

Found only in tilesets that have Grineer Shock Mines placed in them.

Will only spawn if alarm is not currently raised.

Edited by Psycho_Cadence
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Name Suggestion: (Grineer Assailant)

Behavior:  (Grineer Heavy Unit. Male. Highly Aggressive. Fast Melee Unit, attacks with Jat kittag. Capable of AOE knockdown/stunlock versus multiple opponents. Very High Armor and Health. Will take reduced damage from ranged attacks and Tenno powers (-50%) and can ONLY be killed in melee. Can Parkour to chase down Tenno. Will SMACK TALK on a kill)

Attacks: (normal, charged, ground finisher attacks with Jat Kittag. Permanently affected by Berzerker buff.)  

Environment restrictions:  (Will ONLY spawn in Exterminate/Defense/Survival; each spawn has 20% to spawn another)

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: (I am weak and unskilled in these matters to my great shame)

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Name Suggestion: Arc Trapsmith


Behavior:  This Grineer engineer forgoes the heavy artillery usually used by troops, instead relying on his inventions. He is able to deploy mobile Arc Traps, sliding them across the ground in a way that is similar to how Seekers deploy their Latchers. This enemy can also move to repair Arc Traps that have been disabled by Tenno. This enemy is more likely to deploy and repair Arc Traps than rely on his pistol, and works alongside both regular Lancer infantry and the Grineer Wardens. 

In Rescue missions, this enemy can be seen passively patrolling the Rescue area, following the same route as the Wardens. If he notices any broken Arc Traps, he will leave the Wardens to walk over and repair the traps, although he won't grow suspicious of their state. This provides Tenno with an opportunity to eliminate Trapsmiths before handling the Wardens.


Attacks: The Trapsmith can deploy Arc Traps that slide across the ground, stopping at a specific point away from him. He deploys these traps in a similar manner to how the Seekers deploy their Latchers, with a gentle animation. The mobile Arc Traps move in a straight line, away from the Trapsmith, stopping several meters from him. The Trapsmith, when not deploying or repairing Arc Traps, has a small pistol he can use to fend off enemies.

Environment restrictions:  He may spawn with a squad of Grineer, but can also spawn in Rescue missions with the Wardens.

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Name Suggestion: Heavy Karkin

BehaviorThese towering, claw-fisted hulks are close-combat specialists used by the Grineer to protect seaside territory. They wait in large bodies of water and attack from the depths, rather than expose themselves to danger, but can forced to leave the water if located and attacked. Camouflage systems prevent sentinels from detecting them unless out of the water, although early warning is possible via other means (such as Banshee's Sonar power).

Attacks:  The Karkin's main armament consists of the single Gremlin-like nail guns in each of its forearms, designed to fire from submersion and encased in the waterproofed armatures that resemble crab claws. These take two seconds to open up and fire, and are prone to overheating if fired out of the water. Instead of reloading, the Karkin is assumed to have an arbitrarily large ammunition capacity and instead is forced to shake its hands or dive into the water to cool them if it has fired for a large number of consecutive seconds.


If pressed out of cover, the Karkin will engage in melee combat by using its claws as armored sledges to pound Tenno into the ground, inflicting knockdown on telegraphed overhead swings. Unlike other heavies, it lacks a shockwave attack, but can use a short-ranged charge attack to initiate combat or escape it to attack a higher-priority target, knocking the crowd around it back and staggering.


If the Karkin successfully parries an opponent in combat, there is a chance they will open the claw, grab and throw the target, inflicting heavy slashing damage and a bleed proc.


Like all Heavies, the Karkin is protected by Alloy armor and has Cloned flesh.

Environment restrictions:  Limited to Earth and Ceres. Spawns more at night on Earth.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images:


Edited by Exhack
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Name- (Grineer) Militem Caith


(Means Soldier Throw)


A Grineer Granadier, they prefer to go the old fashion way by lobbing grenades by hand. They are larger, bulkier, and more heavily armored than the average Grineer Lancer. They have about the armor of a Grineer Napalm to guard them from their grenade blasts should they detonate while the Militem Caith is in proximity. They use a variety of grenade types, the most common being a Grineer redesign of the grenades the Penta launches. The grenades they use more closely resemble stick grenades rather than using the more commonly used design of a small oval or sphere shaped grenade. They carry multiple bandoliers and belts with grenades strapped on and hanging as to accommodate the large amount of grenades they must carry. Their masks resemble gas masks crossed with the traditional lancer mask. They move a bit slower as they carry many many pounds of grenades. Their armor itself is armed to explode at the user's command


Behavior- Not afraid to be in the open when throwing grenades from a distance. Stays behind cover when enemies get to close and blindly throws grenades around cover


Environmental Restrictions/Spawn Rate- No restrictions, same spawn rates of Grineer Napalm.



Gas Grenade- Throws a Gas Grenade that does damage over time and infects a Tenno with a light toxin if the Tenno stays in the gas too long

EMP/Lightning Grenade- A grenade that does damage mainly to shields and minimal direct damage

Frag Grenade- A grenade that does decent to high damage to health and low damage to shields

Radial Light Grenade- A grenade that uses the same technology as Excalibur's Radial Blind but with very limited range

Nuclear- The Militem Caith will run at the nearest and strongest enemy and detonate itself and some of the grenades on it when it is about to die and does damage to health and shields alike.




Sorry, I could only find reference art to a stick grenade and I am rubbish at using things like MS Paints or other online art programs

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Enemy Name : Grineer Cannon



; Behaviour  ; a heavy Grineer unit . Operates always with a group of 4 elite Lancers and a grineer heavy  close  to defend him. A rare spawning unit. He has heavy armor ( higher armor that the current heavy units ). He's a living Tank.


Never engages the Tenno in CQC. Prefers to stay on high Vantage points to get a better shot and stay out of melee range. SNiping them stealth or agility  are the  best option to take them out . 


Attacks:  2 attack modes , 


>  Mobile Minigun : similar to the heavy gunner but with very  reduced  firerate . uses explosive rounds. He uses it for close quater combat ( behaves like the current heavy units) 


> CAnnon mode . His weapon had a Bipod attached to it. THey deploy and he enters in Fixed cannon mode. 


The firing mode changes , shoots 1 round / 1.5 seconds but deals very high damage Aoe damage . (same  if not more AOE as the bombard )  , potentially can kill Tenno with 1 shot ( waframes that are sub par in defensive stats)



It takes him  2 seconds to change firing modes




HE enters cannon mode only if the tenno are far enough . 




Environmental restrictions : only spawns in grineer tilesets  and on planets beyond Earth.



Art: YOURS DE HAhahahahaha




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name: grineer jumping team
behavior: a team of four grineer with several weapons: a chainsaw, grakata and grenades, gorgon, shield and kraken. they act as a team and use their modificated legs to jump around.
attacks: the chainsaw man goes straight to the enemy to distract him while the grakata man (the Leader) gives orders and shoots/throws grenades and the gorgon man stay behind the shield man to have a nice defence
they dont look really special except the legs and the chainsaw. i wasnt able to colour it because... reasons :D. they have a deep green colour and the leader has a light blue one. if you like it vote for me please thank you

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Name: Grineer Wheeler


Behavior: He will run ahead of crowds, with a speed matching and even exceeding that of a loki with rush on. While he is out of melee range he will parry shots.A second after he goes into melee range, he starts spinning wildly dealing massive damage if you don't kill him quick enough. He spawns usually in groups of two, and will also spawn in a larger group of an assault team.


Attacks: He parries out of melee range and when in melee range he will spin around his torso (while his blades spin too). This attack is an aoe attack, thus he tries to hit as many targets as possible. The blades do cut through enemies (aka hit enemies) more than once.


Environmental restrictions: Can only spawn in groups of twos and only spawns in assault teams.


Here is a concept art I drew:


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Name Suggestion: (1-2 words max)

Grineer Tank

Behavior:  (max 200 words) This Grineer is in a tank driving or floating around land with a big cannon or firing a Gorgan at their enemy

Attacks: (max 200 words)  Heavy shot( Fire round from barrel dealing high damage ) Slow, Reload, Blast Mounted Gorgan( Fast, Reload)

Environment restrictions:  (max 20 words) Land missions like Earth etc Spawns in Defences or survivals 15/20 minutes 

Edited by Deadto
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Name Suggestion: Giant Rollerball

BehaviorAfter the deployment of the rollerballs to stop and distract tenno, the grineer decided to further invest on those simple AI. They developed a giant version of it. It is half the size of a man, sometimes the size of a full man.

Attacks: Same as Rollerball, but unable to jump and would charge moving in front instead. Differnt colors and lights show different elements of attack

Environment restrictions:  unable to climb walls or to pass trough small gaps

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: A giant rollerball!

Edited by rafacasper
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Kuonchi Assassin




Kuonchi Assassins are a deadly Grineer Special Forces Unit. These highly trained female warriors are the

Grineer’s most advanced in technology and espionage. They are the only units in the Grineer Military to have a personal regenerative shield to make up for their lighter armor compared to their fellow soldiers. They tend to hide in the shadows, watching how their target fights so they can better counter them when the time to strike comes. They are deadly in close quarters, able to take down an enraged Rhino Warframe with ease. They are highly nimble and can perform acrobatics even while firing their weapon. When near death, a Kuonchi will stun their foe following up by latching onto a wall and cloaking in hope that their shield will recharge. They are not ones to attack upfront and prefer low damage hit and run attacks unless a full out attack is necessary. Smart, deadly, silent, they are not ones to be underestimated.




Kuonchi Assassins will avoid their target, not wanting to risk being detected until the time is right. When ready to strike they will emerge from the shadows and fire quick bursts from their Typhoon submachine gun. If thrown into close combat the Kuonchi will use their martial arts skills to take down their adversary, knocking them to the ground which will buy them time to gain distance. When near death they will throw a concussion bomb at their attacker which will cause a small amount of impact damage and leave the target on the ground giving the Kuonchi time to leap onto a wall and cloak so that their shield will recharge, the number of times they can perform this is limited. If they escape alive they will follow up with a throwing knife from the shadows which can cause bleeding to the target and begin their attack once again. If one falls in battle, the surviving Kuonchi will attack more aggressively and will not stop until they are put down.


Environment Restrictions:


Kuonchi Assassins are deployed to watch over and if need be, protect Grineer Shipyards. They are the eyes and ears for Councilor Vay Hek. (Normally seen in pairs of two)





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Name Suggestion: Rust Shredder


BehaviorThe Rust Shredder is a small Grineer tank vehicle, known and named for its rusty salvaged carcass, made out of the scavenged armor pieces of Grineer who have fallen in battle. Rust Shredders are equipped with a Drakgoon and will generally prefer to stay near the back of a Grineer line and provide cover fire, because while they are well-armored, their poor construction means that pieces have a tendency to break off of the tank if it takes damage. If a Rust Shredder's Drakgoon is destroyed, it will attempt to ram opponents by rushing them. If one of its tank treads are damaged, then it will stay immobile until it is destroyed. If its fuel engine is destroyed or subjected to volatile elements, it will explode violently, striking any allied or enemy units in the vicinity.


Attacks: The Rust Shredder's main weapon is its mounted Drakgoon, which it will fire at any enemies it sees. If an enemy comes too close, or the Rust Shredder's Drakgoon is destroyed, then it will opt to charge at foes with a gasoline-assisted speed boost, knocking them over and crushing them with its weight while leaving a small trail of noxious gas fumes behind it. Finally, if the fuel container mounted on the back of the vehicle comes into contact with Gas, Fire, Cold, or Blast damage, it will rupture, blanketing the immediate area in an enormous eruption that will damage both friendly and hostile units alike.


Environment restrictions:  Grineer Asteroids, Grineer Galleons, and Grineer Shipyards.

Edited by Rebulite
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Grineer Euoplocephalos


We have witnessed Jackal units aboard grineer galleons, what are they for? What do they want? The grineer have been looking to create autonomous proxies of their own, combat machines worthy to be at their side. The Euoplocephalos is a heavily armoured quadrupedal tank covered in segmented plating for felxiblity, with a design reminiscent of ankylosaurs that has been made as an attempt to replicate Corpus proxy tech, with a grineer twist.

The Euoplocephalos is slow moving and heavy, with regular firepower affecting it to a minimal due to it's heavy plating, made to be a harassment at range and a dangerous force up close the Euoplocephalos is fairly new and as such there isn't many around but when they are their prescence is known, as they will work in tandem with foot units in order to bring it's foes closer and closer to it.


At range the Euoplocephalos uses long range twin cannons that fire explosive rounds that deal moderate to low damage. This is mostly to force foes to approach since it's difficult to find the sweet spots to damage it at range, since it's so slow it cannot give chase. It possesses thick armor plating, outfitted with serrated edges, that reduces damage greatly (aka it's not invulnerable), however some bits of this armor may come off after too much firepower pressure from a close distance and will expose sections beneath it that are far more vulnerable to damage.

It is at close quarters where the mech shines, at the end of it's powerful tail lies a modified Jat Kittag that can delliver powerful (and explosive) strikes at nearby opponents. The Euoplocephalos can raise it's tail high and slam it on the ground to create an explosive shockwave or arch it's body for quicker swings. The most devastating strike however is when it charges up the Kittag briefly and then does a full 360 spin that does a lot of damage in a determined area.

Enviroment Restrictions:

Despite being a close range based unit the Euoplocephalos needs a bit of space to properly move, any enviroment however.

(Image to be added)

Edited by RahuStalker
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Name Suggestion: Revampt


Behavior: The Corpus Jackal Proxy  that the Grineer have been holding onto has finally been reverse engineered to make a 4 legged Grineer beast. Designed to be smaller so it can fit into the Grineer Galleon  it is released with the troops and goes about attacking the Tenno. It is clearly Grineer with even some valves to release steam and the continued theme of jagged edges and metallic plates haphazardly put together. They stand at about 6 foot at the shoulder and their bodies are more segmented which allows them to be more maneuverable. Unlike MOAs they do not spawn from cabinets, they spawn like the rest of the Grineer army.


Attacks: Releases latchers, shoots with guns, slashes, and stomps. They're outfitted with several guns and hatches for releasing them and their legs have small jets that allow them to stomp powerfully like a Grineer Heavy unit.


Environment restrictions:  Restricted to the larger rooms on ships, also can be outside.

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Name: VAC Commando


Behavior: Elite soldiers trained for boarding and defending space vessels and asteroid installations, the VAC (Vacuum and Atmospheric Combat) Commando uses a grappling hook and magnetic boots to attack and ambush enemies from high ledges, walls and even the ceiling. Their preferred method for boarding Corpus vessels is known as "Party Crashing," where they blow out the observation windows of a deck and use their grapple to reel themselves in before the emergency shutters close while anyone nearby is disoriented and dealing with explosive decompression.


Attacks: The Marelok is the weapon of choice for VAC Commandos thanks to its combination of portability and stopping power, though they may use other weapons, firing a few shots or bursts before zipping to a new location. When an enemy gets close to their current perch, they leap down, using their magnetic boots to slam down with considerable force and knocking back whoever is nearby before engaging with a melee weapon (as much to give full-melee Tenno a chance to kill them as a neat tactic)


Environmental Restrictions: Yes, Ship and installations, plus Invasions for Party Crashing. IMO The idea works best with lots of flat surfaces.

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Name: Grin Ops Clipper, GG Stragglers.



Behavior: Trained and outiftted by Tyl Regor himself, the Grineer Operations Clippers are empire hitmen designed to ambush Tenno within Grineer Territories. The ruthless assassin is outfitted with long, curved blades fit for killing Tenno exclusively. A thruster pack similiar to Helion tech, but created for closing distances quickly. As well as Thigh mounted Grenade dispensers for ganking squads of Tenno. Clippers are trained to wait, prey, and assassinate. They are equipped with cloaking technology which they will always be actively shrouded in before striking. Clippers have a habit of clinging to walls while cloaked. When an unsepsecting Tenno strays off from his squad, that's when he strikes. If a squad of Tenno are to pass a Clipper then the Clipper will attempt to Crowd Control the team and take them out one by one.





1. The Clippers main weapon are his their blades. Forged in Tyl Regor's labs, these special blades deal unforgiving slash damage. They are designed to parry Tenno blades, making Clippers very tough to fight close range. The Clipper will use special Grineer Ops combos that will end a Tenno's life upon completion. Keep your distance.


2. Grenades/Thruster Attack


Grenades: Clippers will never use these on lone-Tenno. They are designed to launch radially around Insurgents and detonate, dealing minimal damage but knocking Tenno down and blinding them, leaving them unaware of their inevitable deaths.


Thruster: Used mainly to launch themselves off Walls at Tenno, or to thrust into a combo attack. Thrusters are the main source of gap closure the Clippers will use. Slash dash like attacks and slides are usually what come out of these mobile Grineer.


3. Never stray from your team on high ranked missions Tenno. You won't get too far.


Clippers will always be cloaked somewhere. Only spottable with radar mods, and the codex scanner. If you get too close they will leap at you, these Thruster Attacks off of walls, deal immense damage. Stay with your team. Always.


4. If you are in a group, make sure you don't stay too close. The Clipper will leap off of the wall and Stalk you while cloaked. Only attacking when you engage Grineer Troops and let your guard down. 


Staying too close to one another may result in a team clear. If the Clipper is able to crowd control the whole team, he has more than enough time to kill a few of you if unprepared to take alot of damage.


Conclusion: This unit is designed to deal very high damage, and reduce splitting up within high levels. They are commonly found in assassination missions, and sabotage.


Environmental Restrictions: Clippers will only be deployed in Grineer Territory (Earth, Ceres), they also will not appear on Defense or Survival.


Please upvote if you like the idea! Please keep in mind I am not an artist.. I try though.. :P

Edited by Lynches
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