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Sybaris Is A Terrible Weapon. The Latron Is Better


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Agree with op.  Main pain point I felt leveling it was tiny clip size.  Since clip size mods are crap, you can't even improve your situation much.  Reload time is punishing.  Cost is astronomical for the gameplay value.


A lever action rifle in the 20,000th century (or whenever) would be an inferior antique, so at least this weapon does portray that accurately.

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Agree with op.  Main pain point I felt leveling it was tiny clip size.  Since clip size mods are crap, you can't even improve your situation much.  Reload time is punishing.  Cost is astronomical for the gameplay value.


A lever action rifle in the 20,000th century (or whenever) would be an inferior antique, so at least this weapon does portray that accurately.

The marelok is lever action. Does that accurately portray it?

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Want a serious opinion. This rifle is for skilled and smart players. Put shred and build it well and you have a great weapon cappable of crowd control thanks to the shred mod that solves fire rate and crowd control issues. I actually use the sybaris, you have to watch enemies and know were to place your shots in a fast period of time. And you know what? that is what makes for me this game funnier, to master weapons, parkour, think how to make good builds. There are some top tier weapons in this game because they are powerful and specially because they are easy to use like rhino for example. I am not saying rhino, soma or boltor prime are noob choices, you can learn how to use them better but for my experience most of the players don´t care about getting better skills, most of them will built the same every weapon and use them as they are something else they aren´t.


If i can clean a room with 6 rounds pistols, and do lots of things like knowing how to move, take cover and use my brain this game can become funnier.


So thinking about that you realize sybaris is a good weapon, the problem here is Are you sure of being a good player at all? Do you really work your performance? because my fastest weapon for extermination is my six round hek with the long reload speed. Some players don´t use valkyr and other ones are masters using it. It´s allways the same topic, skilled players vs non curious easy going players.

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The Sybaris, comparable to the Boltor Prime? That's funny, but obviously untrue. It's not even comparable to things like the Soma (outside of high-forma single-target burst DPS, which is very rarely needed in Warframe).


If it had a larger clip and/or a faster reload, it would be. As is, it just doesn't have the killing power you're claiming. It is terrible against Infested unless you are fighting them on tight corridor maps and even then, you're going to be meleeing them, no matter how much Shred you have, because of the tiny clip, in a way untrue of the Boltor Prime or Soma or their ilk.


Don't get me wrong - it's fun to use, solid, power-wise, and very attractive, but wildly exaggerating it's performance, as you're doing, helps no-one.

Wasn't meaning to exaggerate the performance. I know that, in the hands of a capable player, a Boltor Prime or Soma will always beat a Sybaris. However, when playing with pubs, most of them tend to be average shots at best. In such a situation, if you're good, they won't even begin to keep up.

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I get the argument for this being a skilled weapon.  And I'm not a bad shot.  I frequently out-killed pugs while leveling the sybaris, which didn't take all that long given it is a good gun for taking out heavies.  One of my soma builds is with shred, and it's basically a super-crit lawn mower of doom.  I guarantee you will never match it with the sybaris against a crowd, no matter how good you are.  I'm not expecting sybaris to fill the role of the soma, but i'm also not expecting it to be a snipetron.  A larger clip size is all I'm asking for.  It would give it more versatility in cases where you've been forced into a short range fight against a lot of foes, while keeping the mid-range precision punch it's designed for.


I'd be happy with a new class of mods for precision rifles that increase clip size by a set amount: +2/+4/+6/etc.  You wouldn't want to see a soma with doubled clip size perhaps, but a sybaris with double clip would not be the end of the balancing world.  Another great mod, as I think someone mentioned, would be one that increases the size of the burst.

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Wasn't meaning to exaggerate the performance. I know that, in the hands of a capable player, a Boltor Prime or Soma will always beat a Sybaris. However, when playing with pubs, most of them tend to be average shots at best. In such a situation, if you're good, they won't even begin to keep up.


I don't agree. Mediocre player with a Boltor Prime vs. good player with a Sybaris? Mediocre player will score more kills in most situations (assuming same 'frame, power usage, etc.).


I really do like the Sybaris, but it falls short of greatness, and it's very disappointing because it's so elegant and fun to use otherwise.


I'd be happy with a new class of mods for precision rifles that increase clip size by a set amount: +2/+4/+6/etc.  You wouldn't want to see a soma with doubled clip size perhaps, but a sybaris with double clip would not be the end of the balancing world.  Another great mod, as I think someone mentioned, would be one that increases the size of the burst.


This is a great suggestion!

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1. Each Burst does 140 DMG, 70 x 2. Sybaris' 140 DMG vs. Latron's 54 DMG

2. You didn't mention the difference in Crit % between the 2 weapons in discussion. Sybaris' 25% vs. Latron's 10%.

Just by these 2 things you didn't even mention , put them in a different class of weapon alone.

I've 6-Forma'd this weapon and I can tell you it's not 'terrible' at all.





Not so bad...Not so bad...

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1. Each Burst does 140 DMG, 70 x 2. Sybaris' 140 DMG vs. Latron's 54 DMG

2. You didn't mention the difference in Crit % between the 2 weapons in discussion. Sybaris' 25% vs. Latron's 10%.

Just by these 2 things you didn't even mention , put them in a different class of weapon alone.

I've 6-Forma'd this weapon and I can tell you it's not 'terrible' at all.


It's a beautiful and enjoyable weapon, however in all but the highest level content, the kills-per-time may be lower than Latron/Burston prime bc they'll all kill in one shot. Thus the excessive damage per shot of the Sybaris is overkill, and it's hampered by the miniscule kills per reload and mild RoF.


I think that's a great balance for a massive damage per shot weapon however, great job DE.

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This game is actually about movement, since there is no cover mechanic. You have to "hide" behind objects/terrain in order to get out of enemy fire or if you have damage mitigation skills/invulnerability skills, then that's fine.


But other, you need to stay on the move. The fact that you get surrounded and still stay there, while reloading your weapon? Then you deserve to die. Slow firing weapons, are usually accompanied by a melee or a secondary to help it out. A gun isn't supposed to be able to do everything, since it will have its flaw that needs support from the Warframe itself (abilities/powers), secondaries, or melee.


I have used a lot of weapons in this game, and have found that a lot of weapons are useful in its own way, but I only keep around a select few. Why? Because we all have our preferences. I don't mind the Sybaris rifle. I can live with it. Reload speeds never bother me unless it takes like 5 seconds. Then I will be sorely discouraged from using it ever again after maxing it out.

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I'll take a gun that hits like a truck for high level enemies over one that takes an entire 100 round mag to kill anything level 60+.


After using my Soma on level 80 foes. I used the Latron Prime as my main for a dang good reason rofl.

Yes I know boltor prime rocks too, but I like the precision and range now still. 


Not to mention ammo economy.

Edited by fatpig84
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Reading the posts I guess at the end it´s you choosing the weapons you like and dealing with the function. If you don´t like the reload speed and to have to land every shot then this is not your weapon. And there is the point of having a secondarie and a melee to fill the roles you can´t with the weapon, that´s why we have three weapons instead of only one or something like that.


So you like it, use it. You don´t like it, stop complaining and find yourself a weapon you like more. It´s sure not all the new weapon releases will be your playstyle maybe but we are lots of different players that will have a other oppinions. 

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As a Solo player who likes to take his time with shots and snipe enemies at range (during the occasions when I'm not going Warframe Musou on them with my melee weapons) the Sybaris is a very delicious weapon. It not only looks great, but it handles nicely too. I'm not really a fan of burst fire weapons in general, and having tried stuff like the Burston, Ballistica and Sicarus before their massive spreads discourage me from using them. The Sybaris though is in practice less like the other burst fire weapons and more a marksman rifle like the Grinlok that simply has innate multishot. It's so easy to land both shots on the head of an enemy, so much so that a single Sybaris burst is practically a single shot, and you can do so at long range due to its accuracy. Coupled with its high base damage per burst and its high critical chance (up to 74.5% with the right mods) and it's a very nice addition to my arsenal.


I haven't finished leveling up mine yet, but having been able to complete solo Mobile Defense missions with it, the Sybaris is far from being a terrible weapon. Sure it's not the overpowered destroyer of worlds that are guns like the Boltor Prime, but it's hardly a bad weapon.

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