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Sybaris Is A Terrible Weapon. The Latron Is Better


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How does it compare to the Burston Prime? I usually outkill Soma / Boltor P by users by a huge margin with that on long survivals / defense, so I'm curious if this gun handles similarly.

Edited by HolidayPi3
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Statistically speaking, Sybaris is better than the Latron.

Sybaris has 70 base damage, a slightly lower firing rate than the Latron, and a good crit rate. This means that you can get a good crit build going, Modded right, 50% crit, on two bullets (four with multi-shot) is pretty good. Now it's damages are even across the board making it liable for most enemies.

Latron has 54 base damage, while not a major gap between the two, it does statistically less damage, and most of it's damage is puncture, making it not very fit for Corpus or Infested. Latron also has 10% crit, which means you aren't going to be seeing those big yellow numbers very often. The slightly bigger magazine makes it a bit better for ammo, but that is assuming you hit every shot. In that case, they're tied because you're hitting two to four times to Latron's one to two, as well as with higher base damage.

Accuracy is the same on both so I can't say much for that. But really, they're both solid weapons. Just the Sybaris is more suited for all factions, while the Latron is going to fall flat against most other factions that aren't Grineer. I prefer the Grinlok to the Latron anyways, because it has a nice beefy status chance.

Now this is assumptions based on numbers since I've not used the Sybaris yet. If this is still open, I'll give a more in depth once it finishes building and I use it some. But from what I've seen of it, it's a solid weapon. It reminds me a bit of the Burston.

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How does it compare to the Burston Prime? I usually outkill Soma / Boltor P by users by a huge margin with that on long survivals / defense, so I'm curious if this gun handles similarly.

As someone who owns a Burston Prime, I vastly prefer my Sybaris over it. What often took 3-4 bursts from the Burston Prime (which is about 9-12 bullets, mind you) takes maybe 1-2 bursts from the Sybaris (2-4 bullets). It looks better, sounds better, and I love the stats a lot more. Also, despite being primarily a crit weapon, it's still got some solid status chance -- with just Malignant Force, I was able to get above 30% status.


Well, I'm 36 mins away from being able to start building it with a blueprint but my impression from complaints about it and reviews of it is that a smart player will be mighty with this weapon. Smart, in this case, means that you:

1. Don't try to crowd control with a precise high-damage low-capacity weapon. You will fail because you're doing it wrong.

2. Bring a weapon that fills in the gaps of the Sybaris' weaknesses. If you fail to do this, you will fail because you're doing it wrong.

3. If you expect to be swarmed with infested, have a melee weapon of crowd-control awesome. If you don't do this, you will fail because you're doing it wrong.


Without getting into anything about the weapon itself, if you do it wrong, you will fail with the best weapon in the game. I love my Vectis but if I take it on infested survival, I'm doing it wrong and will fail. I love my Drakgoon but if I take it to fight robots, I'm doing ti wrong and will fail. If I take the Sybaris to fight an assload of infested running at me to eat my face, I'm doing it wrong and will fail. If you don't do it wrong, the Sybaris has promise.

More or less. In the hands of a good player, the Sybaris is frightening, and can easily go toe-to-toe with the Latron Prime, Burston Prime, or Boltor Prime.


Also, the bit about the Sybaris being bad against a bunch of Infested? As the damage climbs up, it actually deals more Slash damage than Puncture or Impact (barely, but it does). Throw on Shred or Metal Auger, and you should because of the kind of gun this is, and mobs aren't really an issue.

Edited by Vargras
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Heavy Cal will affect it's accuracy, somewhat.


Also if you are gonna use Hcal, you are better off with Shred since you will have 4 highly damaging bullets going through entire lines of enemies. Unless bossing of course.

Edited by fatpig84
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Hammershot is probably also worth having. Pumps up the crit damage to 5.6x.

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The hell are you typing that on the forum? Now you put the Latron in danger of getting nerfed!


Also 2 round burst weapons are almost never good. I still don't get why any developer would give a weapon that.

Edited by Othergrunty
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well I just soloed a 35min T2 run with it(with my excal) >___> goddammit people, stop looking at the stupid stats and try the gun out before you judge it.
Im able to hit up to 15k on a headshot (I formad it twice) and not even infested on pluto seem to be a problem when you put shred on(I get arround 5 kills per burts when I fire in a huge crowd)
this community is really going down hill -.-
"stats here, numbers there and wtf is fun?"

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still a Burst Weapon though. meaning it's handling is garbage.


Burst Weapons in Warframe are pitiful, and don't even remotely compare to the real world counterparts they're trying to imitate.

The Hind isn't a bad weapon once you use Shred and with a recoil mod, it's a very stable weapon to use.

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I think both the Grinlok and Sybaris could use a larger magazine, for the Grinlok it never felt like the damage being pumped out was high enough to justify the small magazine, not to mention the slow fire rate and reload speed. Haven't used the Sybaris yet but I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume it's more or less the same, but with only 5 shots now.


10 shots per magazine (technically 20 for the Sybaris) would be better IMO.

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After finaly getting to test it. I have to say it's an okay weapon. The damage is good, fire rate and reload are also good. However it just doesn't feel necessary. It's design is also a bit fancy, compared to the more workhorse look of the Latron.


In general there seem to be two design philosophies for Tenno weapon. Simple with a dash of elegance (Latron, Parims, Lato, Strun, Boar) and fancy with some functionality (Boltor, Soma, etc.).


Overall it looks and works like a weapon a Tenno would chose who wants a semi-automatic rifle but feels that the Latron is too much of a standard issue rifle and the Grinlock being Grineer trash.


So not bad an addition overall.



The Hind isn't a bad weapon once you use Shred and with a recoil mod, it's a very stable weapon to use.


Five round bursts are something you have to get used to though. Also it looks like an infested sausage with a barrel. It's ugly, but not stylish ugly like all other Grineer weapons.

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I usually use Lanka and Lex for high level mission (Void Tier 3 Survival, Pluto survival). From what you describe, It seems that I should having nightmare with the scenario "swarmed by 100 mobs". But no, I kill most of them at long range (1 shot = 1 kill). Any mobs that left would be taken care by my teammates.

Putting in punch through for burst weapon, then swing the weapon while shooting would spread the shots out, or penetrate multiple enemies with 1 burst.

Edited by Ksdsdf
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I'm using the sybaris and it is a genuinely powerful weapon. I think it could use some buffs but in its current form it isn't half bad, and I can see it being a monster with a forma or two. I only wish it had better reload/clip and higher fire rate or burst count, which would really boost the effectiveness of this weapon and make it worthy of being a ClanTech weapon. If they buff fire rate or burst count, though, I think they should lock it to R6.

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The sybaris burst fire rifle released in update 13.3 is frankly a terrible weapon. There a many reasons for this which i will outline. I believe that extensive changes to this weapon should be made or it will be frankly a waste of resources and a bloody pain.

1) The magazine size is very small. It has a 10 round magazine, firing 2 burst per shot, which makes it essentially a 5 round magazine. At only 70 damage it will take at lleast 2 burst to kill a medium level enemy. If you are surrounded the YOU WILL DIE. after killing like 3 enemies you will have to reload.

NOTE: 1 clicks/shots=2 bullets  so 10 clicks/shots=5 bulltes

2) Reload speed is so loooong. 2 seconds. If you are surrounded then after killing 3 enemies you will be a siting duck for 2 whole seconds. With no iron skin or snow globe, frmaes with low amour like volt and nyx will be shot down while your allies laugh at your stupid choice of weapon.

3) Fire rate, 3.3 rounds a second. The Latron has 4.5 rounds a second. If you calculate it, the sybaris only does 95.8 more damage than the Latron. Yes it does more damage in fire rate but is has a S@#$% magazine size so it won't matter.

4) Its rank is 5. I can get a latron at rank 0 and it has a higher dps, it's cheap to craft and it rapes grineer. A tenno dojo weapon at rank five it much much worse.

The only pro is that it looks better that the latron. (barely)

Overall the sybaris is a terrible weapon compared to the latron and frankly is just a ruse to get players who don't have a dojo (like me) to buy EXPENSIVE platinum. 225 platinum at that. i could get 2 warfrmes and a sentinel for that much platinum.


I suggest that you increse the magazine size to 20. Making it essentially a 10 round magazine because of the 2 round burst. Also i suggest that and a 1.5 reload speed, not to big, but not terrible.

tell me what you think, do you agree or disagree? Suggest changes


Are you @(*()$ $&*&*#(%&?

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It's a rifle that plays like a shotgun/sniper combo. The low 'actual' clip size hurts it, and the reload is standard fair for a rifle. Problem is, it's got the shotgun power and clip size, w/o. It's got sniper range with better fire rate, but a reload that makes its close up engagements clutch at best.


I'm modding mine with shred and split chamber out the gate. You really don't want this for killing single enemies as, while it's good for that, you will be reloading for days. Max mag warp gives another burst and a half which won't really solve much. If it's going to keep the low clip size, I think the reload should go do a smidgeon.


This gun is like a weird middle ground between the Latron and Burston Primes. I think 18 clip size would be fair at the current reload if you didn't want to change the reload speed. Plus, maximum max warp (30%+ clip size) would do something w/o a rounded down number.


As is, I tend to swap out to my secondary after I empty the clip and especially against moving targets. The ammo size isn't very forgiving. I had to reload 3 times to try to kill a shield osprey. By then, I was already running through 2 more waves of enemies.


I don't love the gun as I thought I would, but I do like it. However, I'm sure I'll shelf it once I get my burston and latron primes.

Edited by DuWryght
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The only issue I have with it is the depressingly low clip size. I spend half my time reloading because of it.


Bumping the clip up to 20 (10 shots) would make me a happy camper.

Edited by DeltaPhantom
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The Sybaris in one day has managed to become my favorite primary. People need to stop trying to take a weapon of this type to horde combat though. Of course singleshot, high power, low clip weapons fail there.you're better of staying a small distance away and sniping, and when you do, ohhh boy, does it hurt.

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The only issue I have with it is the depressingly low clip size. I spend half my time reloading because of it.


Bumping the clip up to 20 (10 shots) would make me a happy camper.


If you treat it like the Snipetron with a faster reload.

The issues are gone.


Mindset man, mindset.

Edited by fatpig84
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As someone who owns a Burston Prime, I vastly prefer my Sybaris over it. What often took 3-4 bursts from the Burston Prime (which is about 9-12 bullets, mind you) takes maybe 1-2 bursts from the Sybaris (2-4 bullets). It looks better, sounds better, and I love the stats a lot more. Also, despite being primarily a crit weapon, it's still got some solid status chance -- with just Malignant Force, I was able to get above 30% status.


More or less. In the hands of a good player, the Sybaris is frightening, and can easily go toe-to-toe with the Latron Prime, Burston Prime, or Boltor Prime.


Also, the bit about the Sybaris being bad against a bunch of Infested? As the damage climbs up, it actually deals more Slash damage than Puncture or Impact (barely, but it does). Throw on Shred or Metal Auger, and you should because of the kind of gun this is, and mobs aren't really an issue.


The Sybaris, comparable to the Boltor Prime? That's funny, but obviously untrue. It's not even comparable to things like the Soma (outside of high-forma single-target burst DPS, which is very rarely needed in Warframe).


If it had a larger clip and/or a faster reload, it would be. As is, it just doesn't have the killing power you're claiming. It is terrible against Infested unless you are fighting them on tight corridor maps and even then, you're going to be meleeing them, no matter how much Shred you have, because of the tiny clip, in a way untrue of the Boltor Prime or Soma or their ilk.


Don't get me wrong - it's fun to use, solid, power-wise, and very attractive, but wildly exaggerating it's performance, as you're doing, helps no-one.

Edited by Eurhetemec
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Tats all great really but the reload speed lets it down. and it essentially only a 5 round magazine becase ony click fires 2 shots. Why not save yourself the time and get the ginlock or latron


2 seconds reload is alright if your wepon has a large magazine. The sybaris only has 5 shots in its magazine. The braton froexample has 60 shots and a 2 second reload speed.

You mean my lovely MK1-braton? Braton has 45 and braton prime has 50
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