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I want to downvote the downvote button... Is that hypocritical? xD

I don't know I kinda want to down vote Rebecca's post there. I don't agree with that take. There are ways to get 'disapprove/disinterest' stats without a down rate button. View Count vs +1s is one.

I'll also throw out http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards as another example of not-down-vote system, also they have an FAQ flagging system which is basically like bug reporting for a pen and paper game.

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Rebecca, please consider the possibility of just making "Upvoting" a possibility. I've seen time and time again how voting systems which go both ways are subject to abuse [see Youtube, reddit, etc...]. People don't abuse a capability to upvote something, but the ability to downvote something encourages trolls and abusesers, as well as giving people "an easy way" out of giving negative feedback. I feel that people should try their best to explain why they don't like something rather than simply hitting a red down arrow.

Removing downvoting, I feel, would encourage constructive ciriticism, discourage useless feedback, and, most importantly:

I'd like to prevent that last as much as possible.

I agree with Notso. If we disagree on something, we should just post about it and THEN have others upvote our negative feedback.

Edited by xxx7
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I agree on the downvote button, there's no point in having one. I can see how upvoting could be useful though, to make good posts stand out instead of everybody going "this" over the next few pages.

Also, could we get some consistent layout for these things? Right now they are all over the place, depending on how long the post is.

Something along those lines perhaps: http://i.imgur.com/n3oeac8.jpg

Edited by Psyked
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Please, please remove these.

Every site that has some kind of up/down vote system turns into one gigantic circlejerk.

You REALLY don't want that. Trust me.

Every post should be taken on it's own merit, and not on the opinion of others.

Edited by BL4CKL1STED
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I just want to say good to see that this system will hopefully make the people with valuable contributions stand out more but I am not sure it will turn out that way if I take other similiar systems as an example. However I am optimistic that it will. Last point this thread I feel should of been in the news section that way more would see it but thats just my opinion.

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Sorry but I don't see how this really helps anyone. Rating individual posts adds nothing to the topic and generally turns into a superficial ego-stroking forum game. The Riot forums have this and it's not pretty. If you want a way to promote or dismiss topics with suggestions (https://forums.warfr...or-suggestions/) based on user feedback use a topic rating system (http://community.inv...topic-listings/), limit it to the feedback forums, and skin it to be more of an up-vote/down-vote polling system. If that's not what you're trying to do, okay, I guess this isn't hurting anyone; I just don't understand where the benefit of post-rating is.

P.S.: Why was the BB code for url masking disabled?

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I have to say that I hope this gets removed in it's entirely, sorry x)

I have never seen a place where this system has actually worked without getting abused and don't see it getting different here.

And it will also change how important discussions will work out, discussions that can be vital to this games future. Imagine there is a discussion thread and one side has many upvotes and the other side has many downvotes. Sure, it might be fair to say that it would be a reason for this, but it will prevent some people for sharing their opinions just due to the fact that they don't want a bad rep from being downvoted.

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I have to say that I hope this gets removed in it's entirely, sorry x)

I have never seen a place where this system has actually worked without getting abused and don't see it getting different here.

And it will also change how important discussions will work out, discussions that can be vital to this games future. Imagine there is a discussion thread and one side has many upvotes and the other side has many downvotes. Sure, it might be fair to say that it would be a reason for this, but it will prevent some people for sharing their opinions just due to the fact that they don't want a bad rep from being downvoted.

Would that happen to be G1/APB forums by any chance? :P {although as others mentioned its already abused to death on sites like reddit and youtube, enough of a reason to avoid it}

It felt like a trolls nest there in the APB forums and the +/- voting system didn't help that at all. This is simply something that comes with the F2P games, the rotten side of the community, the dedicated trolls. Not saying B2P or P2P games don't have trolls but it's much easier in F2P {simply because you can be completely anonymous as you're not required to pay anything and can create a forum account as you like} and they're almost encouraged to it by having absolutely no way to prevent the abuse, it's pretty much "enabling" them - so to speak, similar to Loki's switch teleport lol. On the APB forums it was like: you could see who up/downvoted you, some troll -1's you and other trolls see that and join in, nobody dares to +1 you at that point when you've got more than 10-15 downvotes or simply think that it won't help your cause and will opt to ignore your post instead. Not to mention you can pretty much create about a couple dozen fake accounts just to support your case which was a bit obvious when you could see who voted. But it came down to a point where the forum was just about either "public lynching" or "fanboying the mods/devs/company". Although the APB devs aren't as respected and loved like you guys, so they eventually had to remove the voting option on devs and mods due to massive amounts of downvotes lol.

It doesn't necessarily have to be the "trolls" either, with an upvote/downvote system, anyone gets the chance to silently fling poop at others without even contributing to the argument/discussion in any possible way even if they haven't read it or understood it. It's nothing but detrimental. As I said in the other thread, I don't have any faith in any F2P community to use things as they're meant to be used, and I'm sure this will get nasty soon enough.

To summarise it: +1/-1 sucks, add "like" or just +1 instead.

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Rebecca, please consider the possibility of just making "Upvoting" a possibility. I've seen time and time again how voting systems which go both ways are subject to abuse [see Youtube, reddit, etc...]. People don't abuse a capability to upvote something, but the ability to downvote something encourages trolls and abusesers, as well as giving people "an easy way" out of giving negative feedback. I feel that people should try their best to explain why they don't like something rather than simply hitting a red down arrow.

Removing downvoting, I feel, would encourage constructive ciriticism, discourage useless feedback.

I have to agree with this.

Someone, whether as a joke or out of spite, went to my clan thread and downvoted a number of posts on the first page, only targeting those who applied.

One of my clan's policies is that we shall not insult those who do not share our tastes, though, I don't see any reason for us to tolerate expressive hate for that, especially if it's going to be anonymous.

I can overlook the downvotes. I'd make multiple accounts just to balance out all the votes of my members if it ever came to that.

(unnecessary, as I have faith in the well-being of this clan)

I admit the taste of our clan's ideals aren't suited to all, though I see no harm done on our end.

p.s. I am well aware that the downvotes could've been a joke from the members of the clan, too, though, it does not mean the situation I suggested above has no possibilty of occuring.

Edited by FlameLaevateinn
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I hope not, we will assess the value of this new tool over the next little while.

Don't think it's worth it. People are just down voting stuff for fun or because they lack basic reading comprehension skills

examples of stuff being downvoted (I upvoted it to 0 when I could)




One example of why I'm pretty sure reading comprehension is an issue here:


+1 to upvoting only.

Edited by Aggh
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