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Your Favorite Warframe And Why?


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Sometime last year I answered Excalibur, but although he's still one of my faves, now my number 1 favourite is Nyx.


Immortal skin and Vesper helmet, for a great, psychedelic mind-f***er look. And powers that match. Mind Controlling has never been more fun, now that we have eximus units too. Chaos is an effective panic button, whatever mission you're doing. And Absorb is one of the cornerstones of a high level defence. Psychic bolts are... OK, they're the warframe ability you don't actually equip, but every frame has one of those.*


*Or two or three. ;)

Edited by nemarsde
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oberon and excal as a close second.
idonnu why, I own all warframes and formad most of em multiple times but whenever I just wanna have fun (99%of the time) I play oberon
theres is just something soooo satisfying to his abllities :D
reckonig is just a hellovalotta fun and I personaly LOVE renewal 
ever since I got him I went for a renewal build and I have no intentions to change my build 
(oh and hes a @(*()$ huge &#! goat in paladin armor and is able to cast devastating magical attacks....its....so....coooool :D)

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Zephyr, Vauban, Rhino, Volt, Nova, Hydroid all have 4 usable abilities each...




Zephyr (Dive bomb is hardly a end game contender, Tornado is just plain annoying)

Vauban (Bounce = pure trolling, Tesla okish, but Bastille and Vortex is where it's at)

Rhino (you will be lucky if you see anyone use Rhino Charge, Roar is "ok". Iron Skin and Stomp is all that is needed)

Volt (Electric shield is very meh atm, but will be better with incomming buff, speed fair enough)

Nova (Null star is not exactly a staple in most Nova builds)

Hydroid (Tidal surge is similar to Rhino Charge, Tentacle swarm as annoying as Tornado, and Undertow to wet himself)


My point with Loki is that all of his skills disregards enemy levels and therefore is useable indefinitely. Other frames also have skills that work similar but they all have a "lost" ability or two that really don't see much use.


Either way question was your favourite warframe and why. So that I named my favourite and the reason why.

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IDK anymore


I love love love loki


Strategic positioning with invisibility is amazing


I can safely pick of enemies from better standing spots than any warframe in the game or super melee wipe a room quicker than any frame


Valkyr is my baby recently


Tank tank tank


Who needs power when you can bullrush the enemy and leave the blasting to allies


Did i mention i have a thing for defense...




I love LOVE support roles so naturally trinity is for me


Especially with the faster blessing and energy buff for helping high energy consuming builds

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Ash. Which is odd, because I've sold it already. I like the concept of Ash (Loki-esque with a more martial bent), but the skills and model don't do it justice. Helmets are all awesome, though. I can only hope they release a prime version at some point.


On the other end of the spectrum, Banshee. Still a frame I'd like to like, but without anything I actually like in terms of model or powers.


Honourable mention for Saryn as a frame I'd probably use if the model & colour scheme was less annoying to customise.

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My favorites are Rhino, Frost, Ash, and Vauban.


I tend to play defensively and typically solo. These frames let me.


That said though...


I view all frames as tools and gravitate toward different frames depending on the mission and my mood.

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Valkyr, because she has the most personality out of the warframes. I mean every other frame (except Rhino) is completely silent and seems to represent the 'perfect' warrior, being graceful, elegant and flawless in their fighting style. Valkyr seems like the others at first but when she gets angry she loses all that grace and restraint and becomes the screaming ball of fury we all know as the berzerker.


She has a deeper back-story than most other frames and it shows in her abilities and appearance. She has more emotion and a more in-depth story, which along with her assault-based playstyle and unique abilities make her my favorite. 

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Have to pick my waifu Banshee with her Chorus helmet. I think banshee is quite underrated most of her abilities scale well to high level missions.


Sonar provides good support for the team, sonic boom is great for giving yourself a bit of breathing space to protect yourself or a defense target Silence also seems to be quite usefull and i'll have to see how it goes in missions like survival where someone who is squishy can be picked off pretty quickly.


The only thing bad is Soundquake which is quite useless because stand here and let ranged enemies shoot you.   

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