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Imo, Loki Is The Best Warframe In The Game


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Plus why do people keep saying perma invisibility, there is always a second of downtime between casts and if you're honestly trying to stealth for bonus scans or whatever, that one second screw you over a lot. It's sustainable but not perma. Nyxs absorb can be perma though.

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Personally, I'm not too worried about the possibility of a nerf heading Loki's way.  To expand on that Loki, while heavily efficient, does suffer drawbacks by specializing enough for the most part as it stands.


His invisibility is one contender that's focused upon, however it's duration based and thusly maxxing that out will cripple two of his skills (RD and ST) whilst severely limiting his Decoy's flexibility.  This is something that is not seen on the other frames that were "nerfed", before they were indeed "nerfed".


Examples;  Trinity suffered next to no drawbacks from running corrupt builds, now she can.  Nova also suffered little by such specialization, now her kit is more variable based on those mods.  The same is seen in Iron Skin, Snow Globe, and Bastille, all of which are strength reliant and don't have an absolute/endless catch-all ability as they used too.


The only outlier in Loki's kit as it stands is Radial Disarm, as that skill isn't hampered by a loss in Duration in any way, shape, or form.  However taking a loss in duration greatly hampers his Invisibility, so there is a drawback by proxy there.


Long story short;  If anything ends up getting changed on Loki, it will likely be in the form of a modification to RD to cause it to be effected both positively and adversely by duration in some way.

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Loki is one of the best balanced Warframes in the game, in my opinion. I can't say that about a lot of other Warframes, but he is far from the best. But, your opinion is your opinion, and mine is mine; it's all subjective.

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I don't understand why some people like Loki so much. Sure you can make every mission infested only, but meh... that's just too boring!

Because in the process you have to never get hit or you die right away. Very rewarding to play as imo, because of you mess up you die very quickly, if you use your 4 powers effectively you are very successful.
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Loki... if not the best, because the best is Nyx (my opinion of course :D), the second best warframe and most fun to play with for me. I fell in love of him (not h omo) when I was a newbie and started to see Lokis going around with a permanent Invisibility... then I was like "wow always invi, it must be fun"... so I built him and hell yeah it surely was fun. After 7 months I didn't manage to get bored of him at all!


My favourite power is Radial Disarm, (with a max range if possible) and Decoying them away from you. It is probably the best CC power in the game. It's also HILARIOUS to see Grineer with their prova in hand watching at you above a crate not doing anything... lol

Edited by CookingFood
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Personally, I'm not too worried about the possibility of a nerf heading Loki's way.  To expand on that Loki, while heavily efficient, does suffer drawbacks by specializing enough for the most part as it stands.


His invisibility is one contender that's focused upon, however it's duration based and thusly maxxing that out will cripple two of his skills (RD and ST) whilst severely limiting his Decoy's flexibility.  This is something that is not seen on the other frames that were "nerfed", before they were indeed "nerfed".


Examples;  Trinity suffered next to no drawbacks from running corrupt builds, now she can.  Nova also suffered little by such specialization, now her kit is more variable based on those mods.  The same is seen in Iron Skin, Snow Globe, and Bastille, all of which are strength reliant and don't have an absolute/endless catch-all ability as they used too.


The only outlier in Loki's kit as it stands is Radial Disarm, as that skill isn't hampered by a loss in Duration in any way, shape, or form.  However taking a loss in duration greatly hampers his Invisibility, so there is a drawback by proxy there.


Long story short;  If anything ends up getting changed on Loki, it will likely be in the form of a modification to RD to cause it to be effected both positively and adversely by duration in some way.

can get invis to like 25 seconds at min cost, while still having nearly 35m rd etc, remember there is overextended that has no negative to loki, i use it and it works well, i am invis and regen energy faster than it is consumed, i got decoy to throw out to cc while recasting or to cast rd and i got a still very long st i can use. but i do agree about rd needing another stat thrown in besides range, maybe even power str to determine how many mobs are affected by rd just like bastille and bastille is affected by str, duration and range.

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I don't understand why some people like Loki so much. Sure you can make every mission infested only, but meh... that's just too boring!

Because in the process you have to never get hit or you die right away. Very rewarding to play as imo, because of you mess up you die very quickly, if you use your 4 powers effectively you are very successful.
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Im prepared.


I find him to be rather useless no matter how I use him. And it took for ever to get him to level 30, I really disliked every moment while using him. Going to really dislike using loki prime if he is next prime released. I just find that there a ton of other frames that are just overall better than him.


 I feel you are using him wrong then. I did an hour and a half T3 survival with loki and was still quickly taking down the level 160+ enemies with melee. the key with Loki is melee and speed. Close the gap and shred the enemy. What he lacks in damage output in abilities he makes up for in speed and melee buff. I can get just as many kills with a Loki doing pure melee as a nova.


I understand where you are coming from though. I hate Oberon. I feel he is the worst frame in the game. But I acknowledge that I am prolly using him wrong and he is actually better than I think.

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You called?


Joking aside, I think that Volt and Zephyr are up there with Loki too. The damage does start to become less effective as you go into higher levels (But if you really think infinitely scaling enemies matter when it comes to balance you should probably stop drinking), but all of their abilities are useful and retain utility, what with the electricity procs, knockdowns and everything.

lol I can see Volt as a useful frame but then again he's a one trick pony for the corpus. Zephyr is probably on the lower end of the usefulness spectrum along with oberon and excalibur.

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lol I can see Volt as a useful frame but then again he's a one trick pony for the corpus. Zephyr is probably on the lower end of the usefulness spectrum along with oberon and excalibur.

Volt and Zephyr are both top tier for speedrunning.

Excal's radial blind is one of the best CCs, you have 100% melee crit chance on blinded enemies too so if your melee weapon is decent you can wreck, especially with Loki's stealth melee bonus. It's like Radial Disarm + invisibility for your whole team instead of just one person.

Oberon is pretty good in conclave, zephyr is one of the better PvP frames as well. Then again, most things which are bad in PvE are good in PvP.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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Volt and Zephyr are both top tier for speedrunning.

Excal's radial blind is one of the best CCs, you have 100% melee crit chance on blinded enemies too so if your melee weapon is decent you can wreck, especially with Loki's stealth melee bonus. It's like Radial Disarm + invisibility for your whole team instead of just one person.

Oberon is pretty good in conclave, zephyr is one of the better PvP frames as well. Then again, most things which are bad in PvE are good in PvP.

You don't really need to pick a frame for speed with berserker+fury+quickening on dual zorens :|


Radial disarm is better since enemies run at you/the objective, having them stand in place like derps just slows down the mission.

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You don't really need to pick a frame for speed with berserker+fury+quickening on dual zorens :|


Radial disarm is better since enemies run at you/the objective, having them stand in place like derps just slows down the mission.

Well faster frames copter faster, so with strength volt you copter insanely fast, but rhino charge and tailwind with duration go about as fast so it's whatever you can control better. Also the Kamas, amphis, and scoliac are just as fast as the zorens. If you're trying to go fast you may as well go as fast as possible, right?

And that's situational if you want the enemies to run at the objective. I've had missions where the disarmed enemies beat the hell out of the pod and we failed, haha, but I know what you mean.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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You called?


Joking aside, I think that Volt and Zephyr are up there with Loki too. The damage does start to become less effective as you go into higher levels (But if you really think infinitely scaling enemies matter when it comes to balance you should probably stop drinking), but all of their abilities are useful and retain utility, what with the electricity procs, knockdowns and everything.

Finally, someone who realizes that Volt is good.

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