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What's The Next Frame Gonna Be?


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Then you should take a look at DE's saryn video. This is extremely similar, the only difference is the look, and yes the fan concept is better but that's its only redeeming quality. If you take a close look at the spells you'll see a clone of: Valkyr's rip line, oberon (the "toxic aura" thing), and the ulti should be a saryn'd themed hydroid thing. Yawn. Already have that in game. If the only point is having the same spells with different animations and skins then no thanks. Adding this concept without chaning everything but the look would be a very weak and if I may, lazy addition to the game. This artwork would be better used for an offensive nerkos with completely new mechanics.

ummmm how are Saryn and Typhus the same? one it literaly based off of a toxin, the other is literaly based off of a parasite.


Saryns #1  Venom, put spores on enemies dose damage over time. Typhus #1Devour shoots put a tendril that tears and enemy apart and heals typhus. you could argue that Valkyr and her ripline save that it damages the enemy and just pulls them in.


Saryns #2 Molt, sheds skin to act as a decoy. Typhus #2, boiling blood, Typhus blood explodes from him doing DoT to enemys hit by him. This could be atributed to Saryns #4 save that its actualy a medical term and is his own gore not acid.


Saryns #3 contagion, adds toxic damage to weapon. Typhus #3 cannibalize armor, spike shoot out and hit many enemies, procs to give him different health, armor, shield buff depending on the enemy being attacked. ummmmmm nothing to compare to.


Saryns #4, face melting acid, yeah thats pretty much it, dose DoT corrosive damage. Typhus #4 is being redone because of Hydroid.


sooooo yeah no, he is not a clone of Saryn, Saryn is based off of chemicals, and uses Toxic and corrosive damaging abilities. Typhus is based off of diseases, and uses viral alone. and the over all concept is very original warframe wise. To belittle it by saying its un original and a clone of Saryn is very immature. instead of belittling it, try to offer ways to fix it while keeping with its original concept, because from what I see all you dont like about it is its abilities.

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Shiva prime confirmed XD


Hehe deities as frames


Jesus prime confirmed X) ( abilities , auto revives in a flashy manner) XD

The revive takes 3 days and creates a religion in the process though.

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Long ago on a random planet.


phorid , the infested master of darkness unleashed  AN UNSPEAKABLE EVIL


BUT a foolsih prodman warrior wielding an ordinary prod stepped forward to oppose him.


The prodman defeated the beast and was on his way. And so the legend was born

+1 for Samurai Jack reference.

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I like the looks of the Gustrag three and Lieutenant Lech Kril and would not mind getting my hands on their suits. I don't know what powers I would want but meh.


Power 1: Dakka

Power 2: More Dakka

Power 3: More Dakka than Power 2's Dakka

Power 4: All the Dakka

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Wow. Okay.


That's a really awful concept for a warframe.


It would be a really cool boss to fight, but it's not a good warframe design at all.


So many pictures, though. I can see why people are gushing over it. PICTURES LOTS OF PICTURES PICTURES PICTURES.

Edited by Llyssa
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Wow. Okay.


That's a really awful concept for a warframe.


It would be a really cool boss to fight, but it's not a good warframe design at all.


So many pictures, though. I can see why people are gushing over it. PICTURES LOTS OF PICTURES PICTURES PICTURES.



I know everyone has his opinion but awful?


That's a strong word


(or i'm really bad at detecting sarcasm)

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I'm against an earth frame... 


I know we already have ice, water, wind spawning from nowhere, but creating rocks and sand from nothing would look strange in my opinion.

Can't be any stranger than tentacles spawning from who knows where.  We have to finish out the elements since we already wind, fire and water.  Oberon could even count as spirit.  

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probably will be an earth frame, judging by the list they've been knocking out themes from back in the nova vote in design council...

but if they want to preserve earth for a male frame, than the next frame would be a female something else.

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........ Zephyr was inspired by a fan-art, and she is, so far, the most detailed looking Warframe

Quiet you! He doesn't like it which is all the evidence he needs to make assumptions regarding the amount of work put into something. /sarcasm.

Edited by NevanChambers
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I know everyone has his opinion but awful?


That's a strong word


(or i'm really bad at detecting sarcasm)

Why would I use sarcasm? Did you actually read the skill list for it?


1. Vampire attack. A single-target direct damage that heals you, with all the added sluggishness of projectiles involved. Direct damage single-target attacks are the LEAST popular of all skills(Soul Punch, Smite, Teleport) that most people rage against. As it's direct damage, it also will have to deal with armor issues as you go, doing less and less damage as enemy levels increase, and if it isn't a flat healing rate(which is odd), it would be related to damage(far more likely), hence when you need it most(super high level enemies), it will do the least(not going to dent their armor).


2. Health-based version of Valkyr's Paralysis. Valk's Para skill is much maligned because it damages you while doing relatively little to most opponents. I suppose it could have an added proc of corrosive to keep it from being completely useless, but, in general, you're spending health for an AoE damage attack. As this is taken from non-regenerative health, even with the self-heal, this is a dangerous move that almost guarantees the results will never be worth the risk, particularly as it's a direct damage. The oft noted question on Paralysis would be here as well: Why would you want to damage yourself when other AoE skills don't, and do equivalent or better damage?


3. Multi-target Vamp attack. Okay, i can see this being decent, but suffering similar issues to the first.

...and that's just for starters.


For a better understanding, go to the page, block all images, and look through it again. It's not very good at all, and most of the powers are described as ultimates, "RIPPING" apart enemies. In game terms, this would actually translate to a great deal of slash damage, which, of course, is blocked by armor.


Without all of the sketches, and ignoring the attempts at visceral imagery, when you get down to brass tacks, it's a vampire frame that relies on several mechanics that the community in general does not like at all, and would be almost pure slash damage.


While OMG ART WORK OF THE AGES sounds like a "MUST ADD NOW" thing, "mediocre slash damage vampire frame" does not. However, that's exactly what it is.


So, no. I'm not really excited by the idea of vampframe.

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I`d would much rather have DE sort out all the balance issues with the warframes we CURRENTLY have of which there are like 19, excluding primes. Seriously, the more new stuff they add, the more rushed it seems at times and it gets neglected for months (looking at you Oberon, Nekros, etc.) And don`t get me wrong, i LOVE fan art concepts such as Typhus/Shiva/Dragon, but until most of our older and newer warframes are well-balanced, do we really need even MORE warframes?

Of course we do. What would this game offer if not more and more things to grind. At least, veterans like myself would be bored pretty quickly.

EDIT: But I do want that earth themed Warframe though. I hope she will be a battlemage sort of character with a balanced mix of both. Tanking with a rock armor, snaring or denying damage with rock walls and sending heavy blasts of rocks towards enemies.

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