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What Has Happened To This Once Glorious Community?


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I remember times of yore when feedback and discussions were made by levelheaded people who genuinely wished to see improvements in the game. Debates were settled in a civil manner.


These days, the forum is a toxic mire filled with people wanting to bite each other's heads off. There are a myriad of ways to settle disagreements in a productive manner without resorting to negativity and personal attacks.


It is hard to read threads when they are filled with hate and name calling and this is coming from me, a player. How much harder would it for a developer? 


If we wish for our points to be heard, it would serve us better to present these points in a coherent and civil manner. 

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It got big.


But yeah. People do tend to let their emotions take the reigns. Like anger and rage. Which usually leads to dev-bashing.


Some people just don't know how to keep their jimmies/feelings/knickers/things straight and in order.

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Unfortunately, this is the internet. The rabble from all corners of the world flooded the forums when it was opened to the public, as if floodgates were opened, all of the reprehensible behavior that stems from the internet invaded.

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You can present an objective fact and be pelted by accusations of being biased and opinionated. I've done it!

This is nothing exclusive to the Warframe Forums. This is the nature of the human race.

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Because its easier to post unproductive comments like "No.". Or you just post what will get you the most +1 (gifs, meymeys etc that have nothing to do with the topic.)

Pretty much, I blame memes and the fact people think getting likes is some sort of contest. 

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I really don't know what happened, but I miss those days of just being able to sit down, start a thread and discuss. Or hell, even make jokes and not be called names because someone took it seriously.


The only places now to meet friendly people are in the Extra's section, Players helping Players and Feedback anything else it just degrades to name calling way too fast.


Then if someone DOES call you a name and you try to defend yourself LIKE A REASONABLE PERSON WHO DOESN'T RESORT TO NAME CALLING, the person acts like you are the one who started it.

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Welcome to the internet. Because before this Warframe was smaller. It got bigger. So that means you'd see more and more different types of feedback. And usually those level headed feedbacks were from longer lasting players that are probably gone now

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I really don't know what happened, but I miss those days of just being able to sit down, start a thread and discuss. Or hell, even make jokes and not be called names because someone took it seriously.


The only places now to meet friendly people are in the Extra's section, Players helping Players and Feedback anything else it just degrades to name calling way too fast.


Then if someone DOES call you a name and you try to defend yourself LIKE A REASONABLE PERSON WHO DOESN'T RESORT TO NAME CALLING, the person acts like you are the one who started it.

Well I didn't expect you to post something serious.
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o.o cuz there are a bunch of ummmmmm how do I say this without being a total ummmmmmm jerk?

Crap cant figure it out ok back to profanity


Jokes aside thats just how the world is. It progresses back in the day saying something bad like a curse got your butt beat by your parents. Now its part of common language and convos. Insulting became part of it to attack someones credibility and make them retaliate while giving up some of your own. Mudslinging has been a part of debates for ages. :S


Or in other words the honeymoon period is over >.> welcome to marriage

Edited by dragonkingdx
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that's how things on the internet work.


the longer it is around, the more popular it becomes.  The more... “less than quality types” it will attract.  And soon the (for lack of a better word) “Undesirables” outnumber the more (generalization time) “Preferred”.

makes finding good feedback harder and harder with all the BS that has to be sifted through when this happens.

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I remember times of yore when feedback and discussions were made by levelheaded people who genuinely wished to see improvements in the game. Debates were settled in a civil manner.


These days, the forum is a toxic mire filled with people wanting to bite each other's heads off. There are a myriad of ways to settle disagreements in a productive manner without resorting to negativity and personal attacks.

Are you sure this was on the internet and not a dream? It sounds like a dream...a beautiful beautiful dream I wish I could have.

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With game player base growth, we got some bad apples in here too. Lately i only see crying and whining on forums.



Wanted to make a thread about what forums are becoming and that there arent 2 threads a month that are worth of peoples attention. But didnt see any point in doing that because it will just attract flamers.

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I thought we improved after a couple of days since the Trinity and Nova balancing.


There's less "DE YOU'RE DYING" and more "More cosmetic items, cooler cosmetic items, re-work frame & weapon aesthetics please, pretty please DE!" as of late.


Everyone just seems to want to look more fabulous since armor came out. And then the game mechanic suggestions I'm seeing are getting progressively better (like Notionphil's Enemy A.I. thread today).


All that toxic behavior was, for me, a phase generated from the Dark Sector conflicts not being up to par for most everyone. Fortunately, the last Devstream that showcased the new rail conflicts just razed that complaint into the ground.

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i'm going to date myself with this statement... but i remember the internet before this type of venom was common in general.

before the days of HTML when irc, kermit and telnet were the standard ways to do things.

when newsgroups were torrents and trolls were met with fire and sword from any community they dared to raise their shaggy faces to.


i feel you OP. 

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With game player base growth, we got some bad apples in here too. Lately i only see crying and whining on forums.



Wanted to make a thread about what forums are becoming and that there arent 2 threads a month that are worth of peoples attention. But didnt see any point in doing that because it will just attract flamers.

You mean the constant whining of an underpowered frame and an overpowered one?
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