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Other Trainable Animals Aside From Kubrow Ideas


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So the last dev stream showed that ships will come with a genetic console that applies to the kubrow, while this is a good idea i think it would be cool to have other animals from earth or other planets that could be tamed or genetically grown on the ship of in the dojo.

some examples

Egaruk: Large jellyfish like animals found on gas giants like jupiter, Egaruk's move via gas filled swim bladders that control bouyancy and a bell of tissue that surrounds their body that they contract to generate thrust. Their most notable feature is their attraction to electrical energy which they can also discharge as defensive weapons. Naturally they feed on the electrical storms in Jupiter's atmosphere but have begun to move to Corpus structures since they constantly generate electrical energy. Their constant feeding has resulted in power outages, exposed wiring, system failures and damaged robotics. The Corpus see them as a persistant nuisance and have dedicated squads to constant patrol to exterminate infestations of Egaruk. While they are seen as vermin Egaruk's are intelligent and curious creatures often investigating objects with different electromagnetic properties.

Manu: These 4 1/2 foot tall ape like creatures roam earth's jungles. While they look like primates, they are actually descendants of the sloth. Unlike their ancestors though, they are fast and agile easily climbing 50 foot trees in minutes. These creatures are primarily solitary by nature only coming together to mate, but they have responded well to training and will bond with someone willing to put in the time. The Manu have incredibly strong arms and 5 inch claws of super dense keratin, which can easily pierce alloy armor. Though they only use their claws for territorial fighting and defense against predators a trained Manu could easily take down a humanoid with relative ease.

Polyphemii: Found on Mars and Phobos, these large arthropods are found lumbering around rock s or along the sand dunes of the red planet. Polyphemii are not native to Mars or Phobos they were genetically altered Horseshoe Crabs initially bred as a food source for early settlers on Mars due to their hardy nature and ability to survive in low oxygen environments. The Polyphemii are much more different from their original ancestors reaching between 3 and 4 feet tall and up to 5 feet in length, their signature spiny telson has disappeared in favor of large robust forelimbs ending in club like hands which they swing with enough force to shatter bone, also their shell has also changed from flexible chitin to multiple layers of calcium carbonate strong enough to absorb the impact of most ordinances. Thought they are very durable they are also slow, they are capable of scaling vertical surfaces but it will take them much longer a Kubrow would

if anyone would like to add their submissions or comment feel free

Edited by Rada13
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Falconeering is one of the coolest sports out there. I think it makes sense to have some sort of hawk/condor/eagle that can land on your hand, then go and mess up some crewmen.


Also, perhaps some sort of feathered velociraptor.


Oh! A bear!


Either way, Kato's right. We need more wildlife, and the fan concepts folks should be the ones to figure it out.

Edited by S.T.M.P.D
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Sand Skates - They are truly ugly, but I wouldn't mind growing one and having it shoot down enemies with its thorns for me.


Corpus Hyenas - I mostly want a robotic companion, not a living one. They're more likely to be consistently loyal.


Grineer Roller - Why not? They seem like something that might work as a pet.

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K so here is another example of organism i have come up with, if people want to do examples like im doing feel free.

Location: Sedna
The Morel is an unusual creature wandering dimly lit rooms and corridors in the sublevels and sewers of corpus buildings. Although they are vaguely animal like, they are infact a species of mobile fungus. Morel's have a rotund circular body supported by a tripod of legs and, while they do not have a head they do have five bulbous protrusions that rise from their central mass. Four of these bulbs are located on four cardinal points of the creature body, and upon closer inspection are lined with both photo and chemoreceptors allowing them to navigate their umbral environment.Their Mycelium acts as a primitive neural net taking in stimuli and processing information with surprising cognitive capacity, this allows them to avoid damage and even communicate with other morels in the area via chemical signals. The central bulb contains pockets filled with several unique types of spores. While one primary pocket of spores are Gametes used for reprocuction, other pockets have spores modifed for defensive purposes. Effects from exposure vary fincluding poison, paralysis, hallucination, and calcification. Morel's are chemotrophic, they absorb basic elements through root like projections they can extend from the underside of their feet or osmosis through their skin and convert it into usable nutirents. Morel's have been seen feeding off the metals of ships, chemical spills, poisonous gas vents and decomposing corpses. The corpus usually ignore them since they are found in sublevels and sewer systems where they don't do any real damage, but it isn't unheard of for entire levels to be quarantined and sterlized due to infestations compimising ventilation and breatheable air. Morel's can't be"Trained" in the literal sense but by impriniting a volunteer's chemical signature into a Morel's cognitive mycelium, the Morel adopts that subject as one of their own and will follow them around, defending their "kin" by releasing clouds of noxious spores in the vicinity to help their allies. Morel's are hardy and can survive in most environments even the vacuum of space, but they are clumsy and are not very agile or fast, though they can scale most objects.

Edited by Rada13
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Just wanted to say I like the creativity so far. For some reason I especially like the Egaruk; I would enjoy killing my enemies with a jellyfish. My own idea:

Ga' Brah

Shortly after the Grineer mastered the art of cloning humans, they returned to their animal test subjects and advanced their research in a more battle-ready direction. With glowing yellow eyes, green scales and genetically engineered fangs, these raptors proved an imposing asset to the Grineer army. Ultimately however, they suffered the same genetic degradation as their once-human masters. When outfitting animal forces with armor and cybernetics became too costly, the Grineer shut down their revival programs and ga' brah handlers became lancers while all surviving ga' brah were abandoned on Grineer territory. Unable to reproduce, the last of the ga' brah presumably died off. Just as they were revived from ancient fossils by the Grineer, the ga' brah could be constructed once again in the Tenno's geneforges or purchased on the Corpus black markets, providing any mercenary with a vicious ally.

Basically, the ga' brah would a raptor-like dinosaur revived and modified by the grineer. As such, it would have a heavy Grineer influence with armor and cybernetic attachments. I'm not an artist, but I picture it differing from the stereotypical raptor by having longer forelimbs which allow it to wallrun on all fours and stand on its hind legs in combat. It would attack by biting and, if pets have abilities like sentinels, have a roar that causes enemies to flee.

Edited by Chaosnamed
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  • 9 months later...

Birds of Prey seems to be the most popular idea, let's build on that first. I present the Fenio, derived from the Chinese Phoenix

Perrin: High Classed Corpus of the Perrin Sequence had always admired the Fenio's ability to quickly dive and kill prey, geneticist had made a breed specifically for doing that.

Ability Mods: Stab: The Fenio dives into the chest of an airborne target or the head of a land-borne target, puncturing vital organs and doing heavy damage, knocking the target down.

Feed: The Fenio lands on a downed enemy and starts violently ripping out his flesh to consume, dealing heavy damage and healing itself.

Boeing: The Orokin had modified Fenio into super massive sizes for the Tenno to ride into battle in atmospheric places.

Ability mods: Bombing Run: The Fenio lines up for a bombing run, dropping it's feces and dealing toxic damage.

Carry: The Tenno calls the Fenio to land (default key: 5), allowing it to be ridden.

Edited by Trailgamer5
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