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How Bad Were Things Back Then?


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lets go down the list

1. ember was a dude

2. We had a tree that you were limited to collecting mods just to advance, and you need levels, and these advancements were permanent.

3. Catalyst, and reactors were rarely ever seen in the game

4. Less warframes

5. one tileset which eventually grew to two. We started with the spaceship, and then had the grineer asteroid.

6. Vor used to be a marine

7. Hek used to be a shotgun totting trooper

8. J3-Golem was a leaper that was pretty epic.

9. Phorid was a boss on Eris

10. Everyone longed for more gore

11. I wanted a glaive

12. Grineer spoke english

13. The Corpus levels used to have an announcer that would talk about safety every now, and then.

14. The game was more wholesome with less bugs.

15. Guns were OP

16. The player as a whole was OP

17. Enemies were easy picking back then.

18. missions were a breeze.

19. No Void

20. No derelict

21. Imagine every planet being either Corpus spaceship, or Grineer asteroid...

Okay question. My computer broke the first few months of open beta so I missed LOTS and broke again just recently. When was Ember a dude? Was she in game? Design? Edited by izzatuw
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Thanks for the screenshots UnearthedArcana!



What Stalker?


^ Overused joke started by DE when they added stalker and got questioned about him.


So THATS how the What Stalker bundle came to be. Oooohhhhh



the arsenal. .. be thankful


Don't worry.. I am xD


Question to those of you still posting... How was the solar map layout?... Was it more confusing and random?... I saw a video or two and it looked oddly different. If not then just ignore the question.

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Question to those of you still posting... How was the solar map layout?... Was it more confusing and random?... I saw a video or two and it looked oddly different. If not then just ignore the question.


When I first started the planets were randomly orbiting the sun and didn't have their names on top of them, you had to hover over them to see the names on the right side of the screen. 

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I've been in since day 1 CBT and this game has changed a hek of a lot.  This will be unordered so expect things to jump around:

First the missions types you could go on at any time were RNG and it was card based.
What happened was you had a "Battle Deck" and you would draw 5 random cards from it into you hand.
When you were playing solo you would play a card and that would be your mission.
The card could be Blue, Red, or Purple which was "Common", "Uncommon" and "Rare" which affected difficulty and rewards.
When you finish your 5 cards you would draw 5 more.
Meaning if you wanted to check out the boss you just had to be extra lucky.
For co-op missions you would combine cards which would combine aspects and rewards, which was a bit buggy and could end up with you having to assassinate the same person twice in a mission.
It was interesting but frustrating.
Then we got the first solar map and were actually able to unlock missions and choose the type we wanted whenever we wanted.  That was nice.

There was only one tile set, the corpus ship.  And at first there were only grineer and corpus in that map.  No napalms or bombards or anything thankfully.

Vor was a red flame-blade that could teleport and whack you and that was it.

In order to get your frames ultimate abilities you needed to be a founder or have a "premium" account.
Then they added potatoes to unlock the rest of the skill trees.

In order to level up abilities you had to unlock skill nodes to that ability multiple times.

You could stack mods to insane levels, to the point where volt could cast his ultimate once on a corpus ship and kill *everything* in the level instantly.  Those were the days for volt.
You could also get 10+ meters of puncture.
Or 600%+ of multishot.

The only "unique" boss was Jackal and hyena wasn't a thing back then.

Ambulas used to be a sniper with darvo's picture.

Nervos were the worst thing ever.  They would hit you and latch on, stunning you until they were shot off by an ally or you died.
They could hit the entire team or hit you on the bottom of your foot or some other unreachable area.

Armor Ignore damage was the only way to go with how armor worked.
No matter how good your weapon was, if it didn't have armor ignore or an armor pierce mod on it it was utter trash.

Elements didn't combine and had a 100% proc rate, making them incredibly OP as you would just CC everything all the time.

Toxic ancients used to leave behind a very deadly poison aura on death.  Meaning if they made it to the pod there was nothing you could do.

Defense used to only last 5 waves.
After they made it endless you had to manually run to extraction (Or alternatively you could just skip the defense entirely and run to extraction anyways).

Raid missions used to be a thing where you would run through a ship, grab an "artifact" and then run out.

Side missions were a lot more common with Lotus constantly telling you "Oh I just found X on this ship, do it."
Such as having multiple sabotages in the same mission, or a capture, or a spy mission after a spy mission.
I'm glad this is less common.

When they introduced railgun moas they could shoot you when they spawn, even if it was across the entire level just as you started the mission.

Ancients used to be super-sized runners.
Chargers used to be differently colored runners.
When you shot a charger it would have a chance that the upper body would become a crawler and come after you while the legs were left behind.

Grineer used to have Sawmen with an automatic saw instead of butchers.

The higher leveled grineer also had shields for a while.
The Hek shotgun used to be king and could be used as a sniping weapon.

BP parts for frames were not a guaranteed drop, meaning that you could run a boss 20 times and not get a single piece of the frame you were after.
Those are the main things I remember from back in the day...
Edited by Tsukinoki
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-Bladestorm was hilariously buggy, you'd kill yourself from posion damage hitting toxic ancients and your corpse would fly around the room still killing things


-Armor was far better with the old mod system. Rhino with five armor mods could eat bullets all day and only take 1 damage per hit.


-Frost came out the near same time as the Defence mission which was a rectangular room. Two Frosts with avalanche could wipe out the entire map before the doors even opened.


-The Gorgon used to be amazingly killy.


-No potatoes, only PRO.


-Lato used to be good and the only starter weapon worth holding onto.


-F%&^king stunlock!

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  • Mod system didn't exist so instead you had some kind of skill tree where catalysts and reactors unlocked the other half of it to grow into (usually, your 3rd and 4th skills were locked away without one)
  • There was only one tileset, then two
  • Bosses were just elite version of regular enemies
  • The only "Primes" that we knew of was Excalibur, the Skana and the Lato
  • Founder Program which allowed to donate early in Warframe's life to support the dev, with aforementionned Primes as tier rewards.
  • No console version was planned at that time, being a purely PC F2P title
  • Grineers had english voices which delivered such gems as "Combat Formation Bravo" or "Stay behind the walls"
  • Lotus' voice was unflitered and much less 'digital' than it is now
  • Old arsenal didn't show damage for equipped melee weapons
  • No mail system
  • Infested had their own star chat nodes, much like the Grineer and Corpus have; they were static
  • Raid Missions
  • Damage 1.0 :
    • All that mattered was armor ignore and stacking as much elemental mods you could on your weapon.
    • Maximum level of enemies on the Star Chart was around Lv.90 and it wasn't unheard of people facing Lv.200+ enemies in Endless Defense on a regular basis
    • Armor scaling was through the roof, with enemies only taking on a mediocre amount of damage at very high levels
    • Melee weapons were worthless in anything past Earth (they still were after Damage 2.0 but later on, until Melee 2.0 came)
    • Elemental damage proc was more common but less varied; weapons like the Ignis ALWAYS set someone on fire, for instance
    • Toxic Ancients ALWAYS procced toxin damage
    • Acrid was a damage king in secondaries (Armor Ignore + Toxin = Most damage hit health directly)

    [*]Login dioramas

    [*]Void used to not drop ressources; was only run for rare parts, mods or challenge

    [*]Volt and Banshee were dropped by bosses

    [*]Harvester? G3? Never heard of 'em

    [*]Old design style for Dojo tilesets which were overhauled

    [*]Old style HUD which while displayed information, wasn't very intuitive at a glance in the heat of a firefight


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My start date for the game was 3/28/2014 or in other words... When the Dex Furis came out in celebration of one year that game has been out. I want to know the things I have missed before that date. What was it like? Where there crash bugs after simply opening a door? Did a frame not look the way it currently does? What progress have we made?


I want to take more appreciation on this game by knowing the things I don't. It would be great if you guys can provide screenshots or videos if possible on the older Warframe.

In many ways it was better.
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lets go down the list


1. ember was a dude

2. We had a tree that you were limited to collecting mods just to advance, and you need levels, and these advancements were permanent.

3. Catalyst, and reactors were rarely ever seen in the game

4. Less warframes

5. one tileset which eventually grew to two. We started with the spaceship, and then had the grineer asteroid.

6. Vor used to be a marine

7. Hek used to be a shotgun totting trooper

8. J3-Golem was a leaper that was pretty epic.

9. Phorid was a boss on Eris

10. Everyone longed for more gore

11. I wanted a glaive

12. Grineer spoke english

13. The Corpus levels used to have an announcer that would talk about safety every now, and then.

14. The game was more wholesome with less bugs.

15. Guns were OP

16. The player as a whole was OP

17. Enemies were easy picking back then.

18. missions were a breeze.

19. No Void

20. No derelict

21. Imagine every planet being either Corpus spaceship, or Grineer asteroid...

Yep I started back then when we had a tree...

But when in lawds name was ember a dude?! O_o

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Everything was better than now.

Back in my day you actually had to use ammo packs, but then back in my day this game wasnt so much Dynasty Warriors with the tsunami of enemies. And because of that snipers were actually usable since you cut down the enemy numbers. The most interesting void trap were the exploding containers. Back in the day they looked like normal containers so you had to be careful when opening them, and when soloing because you had to use ammo packs you had to think which weapon you were going to use to waste the ammo on opening them. Now they are super blatant with the smoke and they get ignore outside of survival missions. 


There were actually a bunch of wall-running rooms which has now been taken out or the wall-running made useless since you accomplish the same by just jumping. The Seers had those zapper balls that would trap you and you needed your teammates to shoo them off you, that was cool cause it required teamplay but those were taken away once the game became more Dynasty Warriors cause there were too many enemies and being trapped was pretty much a death sentence. And for some reason they never balanced the deployed of those zapper balls and one seer could juggle, like, half of the party alone since he kept throwing them.


The Grineer speaking English was mega fun cause it connected you with the enemies and you could see more of a living world. Now they went all fancy and created their own language and it's pretty much just background noise. The only time you pay some attention is when they do almost say English words. Like when they say, "Respect and honor!"


Some of the old gun weapon sounds were mega awesome. The original Dera, the original Viper was so aaaawesome, it was a mega loud PPRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAA! The broncos didnt have this weird backward sound that suddenly ends like they have now.


And there is so much more.

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