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Let Us Liquidate Our Founders Assets.


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Despite the title post, I honestly do not know how i feel about this. I'm REALLY on the fence about this.



On one hand, Exclusive. got it. understood. missed it? too bad. <----lotta peoples as well as DE's mindset, and to some mild extent (emphasis on mild) i can see that point.



On the other hand, I would love it if i could break down my excal prime into its base components or blueprints (helm, system, chassis) and be able to sell them for a reasonable price to someone who genuinely wants to take it for a spin.


collectors would be happy, i would be happy, they get excal prime, or skana/lato (whatever your fancy) and you get a nice little bit of platinum, and DE adheres to the letter of the contractual agreement of DE not providing access to the founders items, as it's the founders themselves at their discretion sharing this content with the player base, for again, decent price.


so like i said, not sure how i feel about this. thoughts?


just no arguing please? if you have a point to make, please make it either constructively, or if it must be negatve, have something other to say than no. <------ have some logical reasoning behind why you don't think it's a good idea.

Edited by ObviousLee
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i'm a PS4 player, never had a chance of getting excalibur, but i've been in betas of other games, and you know what, exclusive stuff should stay exclusive.


but i DO agree that allowing the owners of said items to do whatever they want with them, be it sell them, throw them away or whatever you can think of, should be allowed. you want to sell your proof of beta-ness? go right ahead, it's yours after all


in that sense, i absolutely agree with you.

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If this occurs, Excalibur Prime will become what Earbuds or Max Heads have become in TF2.


Edit: Eh, now that I think about it, it doesn't sound so bad. Let the founders do whatever the hell they want with what they paid for.


Edit 2: Just don't be surprised when the already unstable economy blows up.

Edited by Nitresco
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I suggested this about other exclusives (not founders stuff) and for some reason that escapes my understanding - most people are against it.


I dont see why though. Making exclusives tradeable keeps the same amount of that item in circulation. Its not like more are being given out.


And secondly it means everyone benefits, people want my gun that i dont want - why cant i give it to them?

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i'm a PS4 player, never had a chance of getting excalibur, but i've been in betas of other games, and you know what, exclusive stuff should stay exclusive.


but i DO agree that allowing the owners of said items to do whatever they want with them, be it sell them, throw them away or whatever you can think of, should be allowed. you want to sell your proof of beta-ness? go right ahead, it's yours after all


in that sense, i absolutely agree with you.

honestly thank you for the input. I personally don't feel the need to advertise that i am a founder. my badges, my forum title say it all. the shines are nice, but as you said there were those not around for it, and thats fine. but as someone who needs/wants little validation, and derives a form of comfort(sick and twisted, i know) from providing assistance to others, or at least making their day a tad better at the least, being able to sell or gift something that brought me great joy at one time yet now does not, to someone else is more important than simply "being a founder with stuff".

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this would be a nice addition for us non masters but i am pretty sure the amout of people complaining about it will be too great. so i think its not a good idea to implement. as far as i remember people stopped going to the void for prime stuff. so how about going to trading for exclusive stuff i think not. i think i`ve made my point here so have a good day.

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I chose not to be a founder, i didn't miss it. For me it was always more important to get exclusive from being there, from being a part of something and to earn in it within the games limitation.. not by throwing my wallet at the screen.


On Topic: I honestly don't care.. in my thinking there are as many reasons for it as there are against it.


When i see the prices for a Primed Chamber i have the feeling that nothing good will come out of OP's suggestion because regardless of how much people want or pay for something.. there is always a "real" price and that price is mostly far from what people think what it's worth.


On the other hand if one really missed and want's a Founder item one should have the chance to get their hands on them..and i only talk founders items here because you simply payed money for them and had a loooong time to do so without the need of being part of a limited short time event or closed beta tester.


My thoughts.

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How is this a bad thing?


Honestly DE need money to produce this game, why should they stop someone buying 5k platinum ?


I'm not against it, it would certainly benefit me if some money whale chump bought something from me that I paid a fraction of the selling price for.  I'd practically get a full refund on my Founders purchase, without losing anything other than a warframe I never play.


Some people might not feel the same way.

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of course people will attempt to charge insane costs. if thats the value they place in the item they are selling, then so be it. it's up to the person who is willing to pay that much for the item that is honestly at fault.


two decisions must occur initially : seller decides selling price, Buyer determins if selling price is acceptable or not, and business either will, or won't happen depending on those decisions, thus bartering occurs.


and regardless of what other people may charge in extreme examples, extreme examples themselves (while must be taken into account) should not be the only thing considered.



thats the "i'm not going to even talk to that pretty girl because she's going to shoot me down" mentality.



nobody is a time wizard. all we can do is theorize on what the outcome MAY be.


besides, trading was initially predicted to become the downfall of this game, and although i may not be seeing it as from limited perspective, I'm just not seeing trade ruin anything.


so Me being able to sell my founders items to another player, while any other GM founders decide to abstain, everyone is still technically happy, as no one has really been slighted.

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And secondly it means everyone benefits, people want my gun that i dont want - why cant i give it to them?


But we aren't talking about giving. We're talking about selling and that is a whole other ball of wax. 


I think it is ridiculous. You basically want to recoup the loss you took when you bought founder status in the first place. I see no reason why DE should help you spend less money on plat and encourage someone else to spend more.

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But we aren't talking about giving. We're talking about selling and that is a whole other ball of wax. 


I think it is ridiculous. You basically want to recoup the loss you took when you bought founder status in the first place. I see no reason why DE should help you spend less money on plat and encourage someone else to spend more.

for me, it's not about "recouping a loss" as i see no loss inherent in my founders purchase.


it's about something i haven't used in ages, that i know a lot of others would enjoy.


and in turn, i have spare plat to do with as i please, like give to someone who needs that 5 more for that weapon, or hustle some dojo research, or whatever i see fit for. simply put, it's "our" stuff, and DE cannot legally supply it to new players. If WE are able to do so, then i say let us. not everyone want's to sell their stuff, and to me thats fine. it's yours. sell it for credits, sell it for plat, but it's yours to a degree. and i personally see nothing wrong with selling digital content for digital currency when i've had no drive to use it in more than eight months.

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I don't care to much about the exca. But I do care about the lato and skana primes. Release a weapon that isn't named that, but rather "dex lato" or "dex skana"/something like that, where it has the same stats. Then I will be happy.


Cosmetics can be exclusive, but content that statistically affects gameplay shouldn't.

Edited by Cwierz
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I don't care to much about the exca. But I do care about the lato and skana primes. Release a weapon that isn't named that, but rather "dex lato" or "dex skana"/something like that, where it has the same stats. Then I will be happy.


Cosmetics can be exclusive, but content that statistically affects gameplay shouldn't.

i can see your point, however in my opinion (possibly wrong) me selling my skana prime to another player, wouldn't affect you in the least. the only people affected, are myself as the seller, and the buyer. and the only counter to that is seeing someone in a game who isn't a founder and having to ask if they're a founder instead of assuming.

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WTS Excal Prime 5000p


It would happen, and the price would probably be much larger than that.

I would pay a crazy high price for Lato Prime.



i can see your point, however in my opinion (possibly wrong) me selling my skana prime to another player, wouldn't affect you in the least. the only people affected, are myself as the seller, and the buyer. and the only counter to that is seeing someone in a game who isn't a founder and having to ask if they're a founder instead of assuming.

I like your idea. Breaking the items down into blueprints. That way people can't buy weapons that have been forma'd like 5 times and gain a serious advantage. The trading system to be fair is honestly close to pay to win, but in terms of primes right now you still have to build them with your own resources (depending on the amount of Orokin Cells) so it's not too bad. Buying maxed mods on the other hand is more on the side of pay to win.

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i agree with you OP. and to those worried about the plat prices. DE intentionally put high cred sale prices on ultra cores, putting even higher ones on exclusives will help maintain lower plat values (not saying itll make them generally affordable, but it might keep them away from being 5k plats+).

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Although I do agree with you, this part of your post was completely braindead.

i would agree, save for the most part founders item conversations have all but been exhausted, and seeing a fresh avenue of approach is rare these days. so instead of seeing my thread and just going no without reading, at least put down a reason why you feel that it wouldnt work, not just nope wont work.

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