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New Prime Access Teaser Video: The Loki Prime Hype Megathread


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Not really impressed but I am sure in-game he looks much cooler with all the effects and such.

He will. Frames look awfully dull and gray when they aren't in game, due to having no effects. He will also have glowing eyes, as seen from the trailer.

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-Now this might have popped up already, but just to see what everyone else's thoughts are, I'm gonna post this-


I'm sure by now we've seen the next prime trailer and by the looks of the frame's aesthetics it could be said that it, without a doubt, looks like loki prime...


So why does the frame depicted have an energy glow similar to nyx's powers when activated, and why is the message at the end of the video "chaos prime".



I'm just curious. Call my stupidity out if you will but I'm rather sceptic about this one... after all, we only have two primed female frames and 3 primed male frames.

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Mined from the actual datafiles.

All 3 started frames are white...... "Cold and Gold Emperors......" (Stalker's Entry)

Makes me wonder why the other primes are Black and Gold instead of the Orokin colors of White and Gold.

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All 3 started frames are white...... "Cold and Gold Emperors......" (Stalker's Entry)

Makes me wonder why the other primes are Black and Gold instead of the Orokin colors of White and Gold.

Doesn't really make a difference to me seeing as how we can paint our gear.

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