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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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I'm surprised you people are still discussing this. This is real old and rather annoying to see on the forums now. 

We are making head way for you and every one else to have more weapons and since your a founder you'll get some sort of special treatment if they are released. Aggh will disagree with this because the founders shouldn't get special treatment but I'm ok on compensating with special treatment as long as everyone can gets the weapons we have been discussing. Dual skana and Aklato prime or skin are the two options on the table.


Edit: I didn't ignore your post turnip, I accept the view point and move on. This thread won't slow down until a dev comes in until then I can only try and reach for a compensation that makes both parties happy and solves the thread with out a need for it being deleted. OP was already happy with the skin idea and even more people where happy with blatantfool's idea, all that is missing is a dev to finish.

Edited by Postal_pat
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Yes I know how founders do burn the threads straight away due "no it's mine" it was mentioned in one of my earlier posts. Though what would you rather? Another year of a different console complaining or to contiue with civil discussions. I admit such drastic measures are not needed when the OP is trying to start civil discussion but we already know the founders are just going to be the usual fire starters. Look at this thread founders at the start were flaming, OP made it through that so civil discussion began. Why did OP have to go through that just to begin civil discussion? who knows the ones who flamed posted and left like, "it was nothing but I'm going to burn it any way".


Yet we still have random founders coming in and just flaming in one post and leaving. Mean while we are still trying to have a civil discussion.


We'll see if more moderators makes a difference so that threads can be cleared up faster and civil discussion can begin about that thread.

Many discussions are like that




PvP in general






Making a rule to specifically police this would be a bit on edge


Adding the rest of the common flame topics would just cause trouble...


no one can take anything at face value in this game. dont bother, some ppl have a hard time deciphering this ancient text

All i see is excali lato and skana prime


No mention of dual weaponry at all

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I'm surprised you people are still discussing this. This is real old and rather annoying to see on the forums now. 

There have been all of 3 threads including this one on dual aklato/dual skana prime :|



Exclusive is already exclusive. Nothing to fix here. Move along.

Dual Skana prime and Aklato prime were never released, let alone said to be exclusive.

Edited by Aggh
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well this is the future that got shaped lol



810 replies and 10000+ views and we havent even had the xbox community join, and no one has really accomplished anything because the constructive posts are buried in that abyss of pointlesss comments somewhere 

Edited by MerelyARumor
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well this is the future that got shaped lol



810 replies and 10000+ views and we havent even had the xbox community join, and no one has really accomplished anything because the constructive posts are buried in that abyss of pointlesss comments somewhere 


And what are the pointless comments? Those that disagree with your point of view?

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So...the threads about founder trading got merged here. why? Those had nothing to do with dual skana and aklato. Not to mention that the posts where put in place in order of time stamp so it looks like everyone is angry. The merge has only made the thread look like it's derailed.


Sections of the merge start from pg40:

1st section starts from n0lyfe to APB

2nd from Max to Miko (before turnip)


3rd Cranial is by him self

4th from APB to upgrade

5th from Ungorisz to VKhaun


These are the pointless comments that were merged with the thread.

Edited by Postal_pat
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I'm just curious about what DE has to say about this. 

Not sure, but highly possible that they are against it. As people were hyped about Aklato Prime once they saw them in Xbox trailer, but DEDrew ( i think it was him ) just said they were using models as they thought Aklato models look cool. Nothing certain about this issue.


We do need clarification on this from  DE.

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I'm just curious about what DE has to say about this. 


Not sure, but highly possible that they are against it. As people were hyped about Aklato Prime once they saw them in Xbox trailer, but DEDrew ( i think it was him ) just said they were using models as they thought Aklato models look cool. Nothing certain about this issue.


We do need clarification on this from  DE.


Here it is






Exclusives Gear
A significant number of threads have been popping up over the past week about exclusives in Warframe. For the sake of clarity:
We have no active plans to re-release any of the exclusive founders gear.
However, constructive discussions about the future of other exclusive items are welcome and appreciated. If there are some event mods or weapons that you’d like to see return, feel free to discuss how and why you’d like to see them return. If you do not want to see these exclusives return, that’s also understandable, but please be respectful of those players who want to discuss exclusives in a productive way.   
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Wow. Founders stuff really divides the community. Its just golden stuff, get over it! Go get the new prime access when it comes out if you really want to inflate your ego that badly with exclusive items!

I don't care if there are 41 pages of comments, go read the comments then come back. This subject has already been chewed through by both parties now the parties are waiting for DE to comment.


Now with the new trailer they need to comment more then ever cause the parties are growing on other threads. The post that DE built moldes are mere coincidences doesn't help either side because it has both sides worried and excited.


Exclusives Gear
A significant number of threads have been popping up over the past week about exclusives in Warframe. For the sake of clarity:
We have no active plans to re-release any of the exclusive founders gear.
We have already discussed this, one side believes that dual skana and aklato prime belong to the founders. The other side believes that the founders did not buy the dual skana and aklato thus have no claim to them
However, constructive discussions about the future of other exclusive items are welcome and appreciated. If there are some event mods or weapons that you’d like to see return, feel free to discuss how and why you’d like to see them return. If you do not want to see these exclusives return, that’s also understandable, but please be respectful of those players who want to discuss exclusives in a productive way. 
Done that and have come up with ways to please both parties now we need a reply.
Edited by Postal_pat
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This thread falls into future gear


Noones talking about founders  exclusives

Thats the whole point so far.  They are saying you can't release something that is similar to the founder's exclusives. Except the other side is saying that they're similar, but different enough to not count.


Unless this has suddenly not become about aklato prime.

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Thats the whole point so far.  They are saying you can't release something that is similar to the founder's exclusives. Except the other side is saying that they're similar, but different enough to not count.


Unless this has suddenly not become about aklato prime.



Saying that list is really old now...

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